Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 669: Proud purple sweet potato essence

"You rejected SHIELD's participation?" Stark held a glass of strawberry juice and looked at Nick Fury's back with a smile on his lips.

What is the goal of S.H.I.E.L.D., they know very well. If you want to help, you don't need to say so much, just send someone over. Now that Nick Fury is here, he just wants to talk about conditions, such as the distribution of the final spoils.

Such a person, Stark does not want to partner.

What's more, Stark also looks down on those people. Maybe the tactical literacy is good, but there is no cooperation with the Guardian Alliance. If they are in danger, will they be saved?

"Nick Fury can contact a stronger superhero, a superhero with alien blood, maybe his physical fitness is better than mine, but have you seen him bring it over?"

"If it was the one who came over, I would agree. After all, our goal is to solve Thanos, and we need strong helpers. Now he will send some second-rate fighters over, and he wants to negotiate conditions and tell me the truth. Why did I agree? he?"

It is obvious that Nick Fury can contact Captain Marvel, but Nick Fury is reluctant to use this opportunity. Fan Mang naturally doesn't like him.

Nick Fury just relied on the Guardian Alliance to act relatively mildly, so he dared to negotiate conditions, but it did not mean that Fan Mang had no temper.

"What if they still come to fight? For example, the helicarrier they repaired, as well as some aircraft and alien technology weapons, are we going to drive them away?" Stark thought for a while and asked.

"Whatever, but if they get in the way, don't blame me for being rude. The last spoils don't have their share!"

"I think so too. Our arrangement has been completed, but unfortunately we don't have Wakanda's shield technology, otherwise we will be more confident."

"The Raptor has already cracked Wakanda's defense cover technology. Their technology is not particularly advanced, but they rely on the vibrating metal to absorb energy and improve the defense."

"Unless we can get dozens of tons of vibrating gold, that technology is useless, and it's not as good as our current technology."

Fan Mang sneered at Wakanda's technology, and the other party was relying on good resources. Thousands of tons of vibrating gold are squandered at will, adding some vibrating gold to the production of anything, it is completely wasted, but it is just wasted by others.

But that kind of protective cover is not effective against some small and powerful ones. Fan Mang and the others will be able to break through the defensive shield and rush into Wakanda.

Moreover, Wakanda is not too strong in medical biology and other technologies. If Fan Mang really has a bad mind, the Raptor will definitely be able to produce some biological viruses that target the Wakanda people, not to mention destroying Wakanda easily. It must also make most people lose their ability to resist.

Wakanda's tech tree is crooked.

"Fan, how about I use Edman alloy to make a robot, will it be stronger in fighting ability, and certainly not weak in lethality. When the time comes, if I put a layer of armor on him, will it be comparable to a raptor? "

"Difficult. It's a good idea to use Edman alloy to make bones, but the level of intelligence will never be comparable to that of raptors, otherwise it will be a disaster. If it is remote control, then there will inevitably be delays. For powerful individuals, zero.01 A delay of seconds can decide the outcome.”

"I have already thought of how to improve your armor. On your outer armor, ask the dwarves to draw some rune formations, and seal some power in it. Maybe your armor can become an artifact."

"Artifact?" Stark didn't care about it. "It's nothing more than a stronger weapon. Those people in Asgard claim to be gods, but how many of them can beat me?"

"Then what do you think of Thor's Quake? No one of us has the power to wield it."

"Isn't that hammer broken. I heard that it requires special power to use, you mean, seal the power in the armor that only I can use?"

Stark thought for a while, and it seemed that this was not bad. But will Jarvis' auxiliary function be affected by then?

"I have this idea, I still need to try." Fan Mang suddenly felt the hair on his body stand up, he looked up to the sky, "Inform everyone to hide, follow the plan, Thanos is here."


Thanos' spaceship appeared on the periphery of the earth. On the spaceship, Loki looked at the blue planet in front of him and clenched his fists. He came here this time, and he must take revenge, avenge his broken arm!

Now he is not the same as before. Not only has he fully mastered the Ice Box, but he has also installed the latest mechanical arm, which is strong enough to withstand the blow of Thor's Hammer.

He didn't believe it, so he couldn't get revenge!

Maybe he didn't need to shoot, Thanos would help him avenge his revenge. Those stupid earthlings dared to provoke Lord Thanos.

"The scenery on this planet is still beautiful, but the population is too large. They will deplete resources, which is not right."

"Your lord is right, the people of this planet should be punished. Especially the Guardian Alliance, who dared to kill Ebony Maw and the others, this is a provocation to your lord." Loki bowed and said.

"Father, I would like to be the vanguard, let them surrender, come and kneel in front of you." Nebula volunteered.

Loki glanced at Nebula, his mind was not very good. You didn't see the text left by the other party in the country of dwarves. Is that the appearance of being afraid of Thanos?

And even Ebony Maw and others were killed, do you think your strength is stronger than those four?

"You can't." Thanos didn't even look at Nebula. Nebula's strength was still far behind his subordinates.

Since he came in person, he will solve it himself. It also lets other forces in the cosmos who are concerned about this matter know that even if he loses his subordinates, he is still the top powerhouse, and not everyone can resist.

"My lord, I guess they must have set up an ambush on Earth. They deliberately led us here. I suggest attacking the entire planet with artillery fire." !

"I know. But I never do genocide, don't you know that? No race in the universe should be exterminated, they have the right to survive."

"I'm here just to take the Infinity Stones and fulfill my dream. I'll only kill those who resist, the others, no interest. As for the ambush, so what?"

He has met too many races that once resisted him. Some of them have stronger technology than the earth, and there are many races whose overall strength is very strong, but haven't they fallen under his army?

Knowing the ambush means that the other party is afraid, and it is still a bit of a brain. If nothing is prepared, such an enemy is too boring.

Four of his most important Obsidian generals died, and one remained in his base camp sanctuary, also monitoring the movements of other powerful races and individuals.

He personally came to get the Infinity Stones, what else could be unexpected?

If there is an ambush, just punch through it.

Three huge ships appeared above Earth, including six Kirita's Leviathan troopers.

Loki looked at the army in front of him and thought of the last time he attacked the earth. He secretly vowed that this time he must be ashamed!

He completely controls the box of ice, and his strength is incomparable. He can fully mobilize the box of ice, and he can freeze the entire earth.

Thanos got off the spaceship: "Are you familiar with this place?"

"My lord, this should be the Earth's Africa. It's called the Sahara. There are basically no Earthlings living here. Obviously, the Earthlings chose this place on purpose, and there must be an ambush under the sand!"

"Isn't there anyone? That's fine. It saves you having to deal with some small fish. Nebula, the spaceship will be handed over to you to lead, and all the spaceships on Earth will be shot down."

"Loki, you are responsible for leading these Leviathan troop transport beasts, including those warriors, to surround this place, and you can't let one person escape, can you do it?"

Loki and Nebula bowed at the same time: "The mission must be completed."

Thanos stepped on the desert with his feet on the desert, this is the evidence that the resources of the earth's people are going to be exhausted, right? There are no plants in this desert.

Rapid population growth is the original sin of the universe.

"I'm here, haven't you shown up yet?" Thanos looked at the big desert in front of him with his hands behind his back.

There is no sound, as if there are no creatures here. Thanos smiled disdainfully, is this waiting for him to walk in?

He didn't feel the breath of the Infinity Stone, could the other party hide it? Then he went in, grabbed everyone, and naturally he could get the Infinity Stone.

Loki stood on top of a Leviathan troop transport beast and waved to the bottom: "Everyone, quickly surround this desert. No creatures are allowed to escape from the encirclement. If there is resistance, kill them directly! "

He also took out the Box of Frost and held it in his hand. If anyone came to attack him, the assassins would never come back!

Nebula directs three spaceships to levitate above the desert. Not only does she have to deal with the Earth spaceships that may come, she also has to prevent people from escaping from the sky.

She knew that her sister Gamora must be here, so the Guardians of the Galaxy must be there. That Star-Lord, who delusionally wanted to be her brother-in-law, must also be hiding somewhere.

She will defeat Gamora and prove that she is stronger. As for whether to kill or do something after defeating, she has not thought about it for the time being.

With his father's love for Gamora, he shouldn't have killed Gamora.

Beneath the desert, all the Guardians are lurking, including the Guardians of the Galaxy. They all looked at Fan Mang, Thanos really came here, actually took the initiative to walk into the encirclement.

They said before that this encirclement was too obvious, and Thanos would find out, but Fan Mang said it didn't matter, because that was Thanos, a proud Thanos.

The more obvious the encirclement, the more obvious ambush, the more Thanos can walk in.

Now that you have stepped into the encirclement, the battle can begin!