Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 713: The old and new gods join forces

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"Is the leader of that planet Optimus Prime?"

"You really know!" Star-Lord turned excitedly and stretched out his hand towards the rocket, "Come on, I won."

Rocket Raccoon reluctantly took out an unrecognizable stone and placed it in Star-Lord's hand: "Fan, you made me lose a lot of money."

"In that case, why don't you contact Optimus Prime to help? I think the average combat power of that planet is not bad, and everyone can be a warrior."

"And they are like raptors, they are mechanical lifeforms, and many gods' magic may be ineffective against them."

"Forget it, don't disturb their lives. If our side is not strong enough, I will contact them again."

Fan Mang had known for a long time that the Transformers universe was being merged in, because he met Sam Witwich. It's just that the young people at the time are now married and have children.

Of course, he's also driving that yellow Chevrolet painted with stripes that looks exactly like the Hornet.

It's just that Fan Mang didn't contact Optimus Prime and the others, because the tyrannical Transformers at the time were now as powerful as mechas, and they were no match for Stark's Iron Man armor.

He didn't want his friends to be in a dangerous situation, and Cybertron probably wasn't fully recovered yet.

As for asking Optimus Prime to help wake up the Raptor, there is no need. Raptor hibernation is for self-healing, and forced awakening is not good for raptors.

He could feel that the bird of prey was about to wake up, and he could also use attribute points to speed up the recovery of the bird of prey.

"Okay, you decide. Since the situation is so precarious, let's go first."

Star-Lord knew that this was not a good time to reminisce, and that the earth was still facing many threats from the Protoss. Although Star-Lord does not call himself an Earthling, he has half the blood of Earthlings after all, and here are his childhood memories.

He has to go to the contact quickly to ensure that other technology planets can't do anything to the earth, and he can't control the others.

Clark followed out, sending the Guardians of the Galaxy away. The Guardians of the Galaxy came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

"Fan, you said that Paradise Island didn't know that the Guardians of the Galaxy were our friends, but they didn't stop it?" Stark was a little puzzled.

Watching the enemy's strength grow, isn't this a disguised weakening of one's own strength?

"Will Zeus actually be held back by something, let's do it first?" Banner suggested.

It's not a problem to always wait like this, the longer the time, the more fully prepared the other party is.

"Wait first, after the little Protoss is expelled, no matter what the attitude of the Olympus Protoss is, we will do it!"

Did those two find out any useful information?


Wonder Woman Diana is sitting in the corner of the temple. Although she is the daughter of Zeus, her status in the Olympus Protoss is not high, and she does not even have her own title.

Among the Protoss, the status of each **** can be seen from the title. There is no need to say more about the **** king, the main god, and the **** of light, the **** of war, the **** of harvest, etc., on the one hand, it also shows the status, and on the other hand, it also shows the power of this god.

And Diana is obviously stronger than many titled gods, but still has no title.

She didn't fight for it, because she didn't fancy this divine position at first, and she never even thought of becoming a **** or joining the Olympus Protoss.

In the temple, Zeus is telling everyone good news that Hades has contacted the New Protoss and is ready to join forces to kill these superheroes on Earth.

All the Olympians were excited, but Diana's face was not very good-looking. She couldn't understand why the new Protoss wanted to replace their Olympus Protoss, why would they cooperate with the New Protoss?

She told Zeus about Darkseid's behavior, but Zeus didn't care. Could it be that Zeus didn't know that if Fan Mang and the others were wiped out, there would be a battle between the Olympus and the New Protoss? Where did Zeus get the confidence to win?

That night, Diana walked outside the defensive cover of Paradise Island and threw a small shell into the sea.

A fish swam in the sea, swallowed the shell in one bite, and quickly swam to the depths of the ocean. In front of a palace, vomited to Arthur.

Arthur took the shell, quickly left the palace, and swam to the sea of ​​Stark's house.


"Arthur, you are finally here, what news did you bring back?"

Arthur handed the broken shell to Fan Mang, which contained a note with some garbled characters on it. Let Jarvis scan the note and get the answer quickly.

[Zeus sent Hades to join forces with Darkseid, the Father died]

Heavenly Father is dead, which makes Fan Mang and the others look a little dignified. Heavenly Father's strength is definitely at the top of the universe. Although Fan Mang has never seen it with his own eyes, but if he can get the respect of Zeus, then at least it is above LV73, maybe even stronger.

The resurrected Darkseid can actually kill the heavenly father. How terrible should Darkseid be?

"Fan, does this mean Hades teamed up with Darkseid to kill Heavenly Father, or did Hades join forces with New Protoss after Darkseid killed Heavenly Father?" Rhodes looked at Fan Mang, this is a big difference, and it is related to their assessment of Darkseid's strength.

"I don't know. The news is not so detailed. Maybe I can't write too much. Maybe Diana doesn't know."

"But no matter the reason, the thing we are most worried about has happened. What is the attitude of the little Protoss now, are they going to leave, or are they going to join the Olympus Protoss?"

"They all left, but they didn't leave the solar system. This is specific. With the ability of the Protoss, they can come back at any time. They just changed places and continued to wait and see."

Hi Pi also felt that those little Protoss were cunning, but they were helpless. At this time, if they took the initiative to pursue those little Protoss, it would really be in the hands of the Olympus Protoss.

"Hmph, everyone doesn't know how much they weigh. They really think that Zeus is a benevolent Lord God, and he can fulfill his original promise?" Arthur snorted coldly.

Like the Amazons, the Atlanteans were originally vassal races of the Olympus. One was in charge of the land and the other was in charge of the ocean. They fought for the Olympians all year round and helped the Olympians become The most powerful gods on earth.

When the Olympians went out to fight, they were responsible for guarding the Earth base camp.

Originally Zeus promised to help the two races become gods and help the two races to become small gods. But as a result, I took the Olympus Gods and went to other universes, and didn't care about the two tribes at all.

Now that I have come back, I want the two clans to surrender like they did in the past. It is still the same promise as in the past. Who would believe it?

Without the Olympus Protoss, the two of them lived very well, without outsiders to disturb them, and lived in their own paradise. They no longer hope to become gods. If they are not happy, what is the point of longevity?

What's more, the cakes drawn by the Olympus Protoss for them are not only sour, but also toothless.

"Arthur, where do you think Zeus' confidence comes from? After cooperating with Darkseid, can he be destroyed by the new Protoss led by Darkseid?"

Fan Mang rested his chin with one hand and tapped on the table with the other. He couldn't understand.

"I know a legend, but I don't know if it's true or not. It's rumored that Zeus' armor is the first artifact of the Olympus gods. After wearing it, Zeus can gather the power of the entire Olympus gods, and can play the role of any god. superpower."

"Wear this armor, Zeus is the king of the gods. If there is no armor, Zeus is actually similar to Hades, not much stronger than Poseidon."

Gather the power of the entire Protoss?

If so, then this armor is too powerful. No wonder Zeus is so confident, this is definitely a first-class artifact in the entire universe, because the Olympus Protoss was originally a first-class and powerful Protoss.

"Since you all know it, then this shouldn't be an absolute secret, wouldn't Darkseid know it?" Fan Mang asked rhetorically.

Why did Darkseid cooperate with Zeus, and let Zeus and Fan Mang lose both, which is more in the interests of Darkseid. On the one hand, it can avenge the revenge for being killed in the past, and on the other hand, it can take the opportunity to destroy the old gods and make the new gods become the strongest gods in this fusion universe, or even the only gods!

Help Zeus now, can the new **** race beat Zeus' Olympus **** race in the future? Darkseid is not afraid of Zeus' armor?

"We don't know, maybe Darkseid has something to rely on, or they are actually calculating each other."

"Fan, now that we know the news, should we make more preparations? With our current strength, it is very difficult to defeat the alliance of the two **** races. Not to mention that the Asa **** race was held back, even if we participate in the war, we are at a disadvantage. , our numbers are too small."

The two Protoss not only have more top combat power, but also have more overall numbers. Although the ordinary Protoss had no influence on Fan Mang and the others, they could hold back Natasha, Clint and others.

How Fan Mang and the others defeated Darkseid depended on the number of people. Now it's their turn to be outnumbered and beaten?

Clark stood up directly: "I have contacted New Krypton, my father Joe El is now one of the leaders of New Krypton, and he told me that Krypton had a bad relationship with New Protoss for a long time, and New Protoss wanted to Ruled Krypton, only to be repelled by us."

"If it is to block the New Protoss, they can help. I dare not say that it will be successful, but at least it will prevent the New Protoss from committing a large-scale attack."

The Kryptonians are not only powerful in combat, but also have a high level of technology. They also have star destroyers. If too many new protoss leave without anyone supporting the shield, then Apocalypse may be destroyed.

Jordan Hall stood up: "Fan, let me contact Star OA. I want to block Darkseid, and the Guardians are still willing."

"As long as Darkseid doesn't shoot, the people of OA Star should not be afraid. Now it's not just Sinesto's Yellow Lantern Corps, but also other colored Lantern Corps, I'll try it."

J suddenly appeared: "Fan, I know that we can't help us in battle, the men in black are far less powerful than you, and their equipment is also backward, but we have many allies, and I can guarantee that some will help us, Block other technological planets that want to attack the earth, including the top forces in the galaxy."

"A planet queen named Laura contacted us and said that she owed you a favor back then. Now she knows that we need help and is willing to help us resist some planetary forces. Who is Laura, why can't I remember?"

Fan Mang looked at J and smiled: "Forget it if you can't remember, thank her for helping me."

"Since we also have the support of so many friends, there is no reason for us to fail. Everyone adjusts their status and prepares for a full-scale war!"