Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 85: 2 Boris

Fan Mang rode his motorcycle around and found no red dots. It seemed that Boris had escaped again, but fortunately, Skynet had arrived.

"K, we have to go back and bring Griffin with us first."

K's feet finally stood on the ground: "You came back from the future, didn't you bring some powerful weapons?"

"No. We don't need to worry, Skynet is in your hands, and Boris will definitely come to you. This time they must be killed, not captured alive."

"They? Boris still have help?" K helped up the motorcycle, "Skynet is not with me, it was taken back by Griffin."


On the roof of a building, one-armed Boris stood there. With a grin on his face, he finally came to this time and space, and he felt his younger self.

K had broken his arm and was imprisoned for many years. He wanted to take revenge and solve the problem fundamentally.

The young Boris was hiding in an alley, his left palm was split open, and something that looked like a whisker gently stroked his parasitic beast.

"We will definitely get rid of these pesky Earthlings, so that there will be no more obstacles in the way of Boroduo star."

"You useless Boroduo star!" A cold voice came from the shadows.

"Who?!" Boris was furious. Someone dared to curse him. He is the greatest assassin and pathfinder of Boroduo.

But after seeing the figure walking out of the shadows, he was stunned. Why did this person look exactly like him, except that the clothes on his body were tattered and his left arm was missing.

"If it weren't for you being me, I would want to kill you right now!" One-armed Boris snorted coldly. I don't even know if someone is approaching it. What about the alertness of the assassin?

"Are you me? What happened to my arm?" Boris was furious.

"You lost your arm, you were interrupted by that human being, and you can't recover." One-armed Boris walked in slowly.

"No human being can beat me!" Boris yelled.

"For the next few decades, you will spend the next few decades in a prison, a dark prison where every day's food is the same garbage." One-armed Boris continued.

"No prison can hold me!"

"They are on the moon, a prison specially built for us, and we are the first people to be imprisoned on the moon." One-armed Boris explained.

"Impossible. Humans haven't been on the moon yet. They don't have spaceships, and it's even less possible to build a prison on the moon. The weak and weak can't survive on the moon!"

"Shut up!" One-armed Boris said angrily, "their technology is much better than what you know at the moment. If you don't want us to be locked in again because of arrogance and stop the journey of Boroduo, then listen my words!"

"No, you were defeated, not me, I will not fail!"

The two Boris roared at each other, and the one-armed Boris saw "his" fighting intent with satisfaction.

"What's your plan?"

Boris looked at the one-armed self: "Of course, it is to prevent the establishment of Skynet. Whoever tries to establish Skynet will kill whoever."

"Good idea, but unfortunately this will fail." One-armed Boris shook his head, "With my help, we will take Skynet over and kill that guy named K!"

"The earth will be destroyed by our star Boroduo." One-armed Boris looked at his broken arm, "We can also keep our arms."


Back near the stadium, I saw Griffin waiting for them.

"You are here, did Boris run away?"

"Since you've seen it all, do you still need to ask?" Fan Mang looked at Griffin, "K said you took Skynet back when Boris appeared just now?"

"Yeah, it will be safer here." Griffin took off his hat, and Fan Mang saw that there was no skull on his head, and there was a blue-light sphere inside.

The blue light slowly disappeared, followed Griffin's arm, moved to his hand, and turned into something like a pocket watch again.

"Put it into outer space, and it will grow bigger. You only need to install and build it, and it can help you protect the earth."

Fan Mang asked: "What do you mean, it's enough to use a carrier rocket to send it into outer space, just like launching a satellite, right?"

"But we can't temporarily deploy a launch vehicle." K spread his hands, is there no way?

"There are other ways, such as that." Griffin pointed to the distance.

K glanced at it and suddenly realized: "You mean the moon landing plan? But that place is in Florida."

Fan Mang looked at his watch: "We have about six hours left. I don't think now is the time to hesitate, and Boris will definitely be waiting for us there."

"Maybe two Boris, right?" K took a deep breath.

Griffin smiled and said nothing. There are some things he can see but cannot say, otherwise it will change too much in the future.

"K, are you afraid? If I don't come, then you will be killed by Boris in front of the Apollo. Are you afraid that I will not protect you well, or will you die? Or you can choose not to go, I will go Get them." Fan Mang looked at K.

"No, then this time and space will change, he must go, Skynet must be established by him, and everything will be corrected." Griffin emphasized.

K looked at the lights in the distance, could he die, like other deceased He didn't know what death felt like, and he didn't want to experience it. But since he joined MIB, he will do his best to protect the earth.

"Griffin, do some people have to die?" Fan Mang asked.

"You have the possibility to save him." Griffin pointed to K, "But death will always happen and it cannot be changed."

K came over: "Let's go, I believe that with your ability, you can save me, if you don't hide more from me."

Fan Mang looked at K: "Have you ever thought about it? You were promoted because you built Skynet. What if the credit is mine? I might become an ace agent, one of the core decision-makers of the organization."

K patted Fan Mang on the shoulder: "If you choose to come back, you won't want to do it. I trust my own judgment."

"During the meal, you said that we didn't work together for a long time, and several times you've dealt with alien monsters. This time, let's compare?"

"Okay, I hope it won't hurt your self-confidence." Fan Mang raised his eyebrows.


The two Boris took a plane and flew to Florida.

One-armed Boris is eating a thorn fish, which is his favorite food, but unfortunately he hasn't tasted it for many years. Before he came back from time travel, his girlfriend once ordered one for him at Wuyuan Restaurant, but unfortunately he hadn't eaten it yet, and the people he hated came.

"Are you sure they will come here?" Boris asked.

One-armed Boris wiped the corner of his mouth: "They will definitely come, because this is their only chance. If Skynet is not activated, our planet will detect it, and it will be useless for them to launch Skynet again!"

"Remember, kill him, destroy Skynet, and we will become heroes of the entire Boroduo star!"

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