Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 96: all hooked

In a village on the outskirts, Fang Tianya was sitting on a rattan chair, even though a comedy was playing on TV, her face was still sad.

When the Blue Blood Star people were about to be exterminated, she and her brother escaped from Blue Blood Star and were chased and killed halfway. They let the spaceship explode, deceived each other, and took the escape capsule to the earth. However, there were some problems with the escape pod at the time, which caused it to fall into two places.

And for so many years, she has not found any news about her younger brother. She finally got a piece of news, but someone is selling blue bones. Is her younger brother dead?

A piece of news was suddenly broadcast on the TV: Wilson, a famous American collector, bought a blue bone, intending to have it polished into bone beads and made into jewelry...

Fang Tianya stood up abruptly, how can this be done, my brother's bones can't be abused!

After reading all the news, she realized that Wilson only got a part of his hand bone, so it is entirely possible that his younger brother is still alive!

With the bones back, my brother will be able to regain his intact arm. With her blood, he will definitely be able to help his brother recover.

She wants to get back the bones and find her brother.

It was getting dark, and there was a person squatting under a tree outside the most luxurious mid-level villa in Hong Kong. The man was wearing dark clothes with a mask on his face. If it is not for the features of the upper body, it is not even possible to distinguish between men and women.

Fang Tianya took a deep breath and jumped over the wall. Fortunately, that James rented this mansion. If it is in a hotel, it is really not easy to sneak in.

The security of the temporarily rented mansion was relatively lax, so she easily touched the back door of the villa's flower room.

At this time, there were only four people in the villa, playing mahjong around a table!

"The mountain pain." J threw out a three-barrel. This game is quite interesting. After returning to the headquarters, he has to find someone to play with.

L draws a card: "Four cables. J, F, do we really need to keep our voices low? If someone sneaks in, the equipment we have made may not be able to monitor it."

"Don't worry, those are all high-tech equipment, and the intruder will definitely be found." Fan Mang's face was calm, "And if an intruder enters the door, I will be the first to be shot."

His alien radar is on, and he can spot an alien invasion from afar. And there are some arrangements around the villa, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to escape when they come.

Then, what is there to worry about? In order not to be robbed by other men in black, he even asked only the branch logistics agent who pretended to be Wilson to help.

"Wu Wan." J looked at it for a long time before playing it. This 4D card is too difficult to recognize. It's still simple, just count a few points.

"Huh, it's all about 50,000 cards. I'm the dealer, you can just give me 120 chips." Fan Mang pushed his cards and stretched out his hand towards Jack.

"Are you fooling again?!" J widened his eyes and counted carefully, all of them were all in one, why was he the one who fired the gun, and F was a fool for the 4D cards?

In fact, this is very simple, because Jack is more difficult to recognize the 4D cards, so he basically draws more than 30,000 4D cards, and he will destroy them.

Then it's good to draw 4D cards when you draw, how easy it is, and it's a flop.

When Fan Mang was shuffling the cards, he made two gestures with his hands on the table.

After Fang Tianya entered the villa from the back door of the flower house, he was careful all the way, and avoided two surveillance cameras. Wilson didn't hire any bodyguards. The villa was empty, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Ok? There is movement in the hall, like... mahjong?

Isn't Wilson an American who can also play mahjong?

At this time, there were three more people outside the villa, and the leader was Yun Xuan.

"Miss, we've seen it. There are only four people in it, and we haven't found any other ambush. And the lady is very predictable. Someone sneaked in just now. It's a blue-blooded person. We feel it."

These two aliens are the killers recruited by the Clothes and Poison Room. They also participated in the slaughter of Blue Blood Star, and they also received blue blood, which prolongs their lifespan and enhances their resilience.

They came here this time under the orders of the Clothes and Poison Room. On the one hand, they helped the Clothes and Drugs room capture the blue-blooded people and find the blue-blooded bible. On the other hand, they also watched Yun Xuan to prevent the eldest lady from betraying the master.

"Okay, let's go in. Remember, the two of you are going to deal with the others, and I'll catch the blue-blooded man. The adoptive father must be very happy when this thing is completed and will reward us heavily!"

"Where are your weapons?" Yun Xuan frowned slightly as she saw the two killers walk in directly.

"To deal with a few weak earthlings, our hands are weapons!"

Fan Mang was checking the cards when he made another gesture. J's eyes changed a little, and one hand was placed under the table.

All three were like this, only Fan Mang picked up the dice and threw it out gently.

A figure quickly ran past the table and grabbed the blue hand bones on the shelf by the wall. Just as he was about to grab it, a hand suddenly stretched out from the wall and grabbed the shelf holding the hand bones.

There was a sound of tables and chairs moving, and they all took out their guns and pointed at the wall.

"MIB, don't move, raise your hand! L, translate it for them, I suspect they don't understand English. UU reading" J's gun was aimed at Fang Tianya.

"I'm just here to get my brother's things back. This doesn't violate the rules of your men in black." Fang Tianya shouted loudly. How could it be MIB, that Wilson is MIB person, this time it's a game!

"It seems that you have a good understanding of our Men in Black Organization. Do you know that all aliens who are active on Earth must register with the organization? You have lived on Earth for a long time, why didn't you go?" Fan Mang asked with a smile.

The blue-blooded man, the royal family of blue-blooded people who is said to be able to save a life with a drop of blood, is standing in front of him. In the face of such talents, Fan Mang wanted to say aloud: You and I have a predestined relationship with MIB, let's work together for the cause of protecting the earth for the rest of our lives!


A figure smashed through the wall and came in, and there seemed to be a lot of energy hidden in that thin body.

"It's you!" After Fang Tianya saw the other party, he immediately recognized that this was Kyle, the killer who destroyed her hometown, the subordinate of the Clothes and Poison Room.

Saying so, it is very likely that the Clothroom has also come to Earth, knowing that she is here.

"You know me? So you are the granddaughter of the Blue Blood King who ran away back then? I remember that your spaceship blew up, so you escaped by fake death."

"But you can't run away today, not only me, but also Rip." Kyle took two steps forward, and the other wall beside it was also broken, and a person walked in.

"Hey, I told you to raise your hands and surrender, no one can understand?" J was angry, couldn't he see the gun in his hand?

"Weak earthlings, your weapons are useless to us. But since you block it, then we don't mind destroying you, and even destroying this planet!"

Do you still have a recommendation ticket?