Infinite Escape Room: No Parkour

Chapter 41: Go home, go home 04 The people of the vi

People have various desires and hopes due to seven emotions and six desires during their lives, and these desires bring a series of negatives such as hatred, pride, conceit, prejudice, vanity, etc. These negatives will also bring about a variety of links. Effect, produce all kinds of evil karma.

Some people think that drinking tea for making karma can reduce the evil karma on their bodies, and the future will be smoother.

This seems to make some sense in the causal cycle.

But where are so many good things in this world? If you commit a sin, you can die with a little tea?

"I found this on the table." Ying Zhuo took out something from his arms and handed it to Shi Yu's hand.

It was a white medicine box. Shiyu took a closer look. It said "People use anti-fever medicine."

"There is a pool of blood here." Leng Xinyu suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the innermost corner of the room and said.

Shi Yu looked in the direction of Leng Xinyu's fingers. The blood was almost dry, and there were some flies on it. There was an iron chain attached to the wall on the side where the blood stains existed.

There were obvious signs of struggling on the iron chain. Shi Yu squatted aside and put the shape of the handcuffs on the outside of the iron chain on his wrists, and said: "Someone has been handcuffed here."

"People?" Ying Zhuo asked.

"Yes." Shi Yu stood up, his eyes were slightly pale, "Those weird tombstones, the bamboo spirits who lead home, here..."

I am afraid that human trafficking has happened.

Not only was there an iron chain in this villager’s room, Shiyu went to a few more homes, and every house had a thick iron chain on the wall, and there were some traces of fingernail scratching on the wall near the iron chain. These traces look as if they were carved in this world, and each one exudes a chilling mood.

In the room near the entrance of the village, Shi met a portrait of a Buddha that was exactly the same as the Buddha statue that the village had confessed to. The four heads and four hands were all making a gesture of saving sentient beings.

On the portrait, the name of the Buddha is written.

"Sifang Buddha." Shi Yu said the name gently.

Standing behind her, when Huai was looking at the Buddha statue, Shi Yu suddenly heard Huai open his mouth: "This is the legendary **** and Buddha that can come from all directions. Because there are four sides, they are facing each other when they are placed. In the four directions of southeast, northwest, you can gather money for the host’s family."

Shi Yu nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

It seems that this incident is related to money.

The people in this village not only enshrine the Sifang Buddha throughout the village, but also place statues of the Sifang Buddha in their homes.

It seems to be very pious, but in fact it embodies a huge desire.

"Huh, huh..."

Shi Yu pricked his ears: "What sound is this?"

Everyone fell silent. Listening to the abnormal noise coming from their ears, Leng Xinyu and Gao Fei puckered their noses: "It looks like the sound of a pig?"

The family raised a group of piglets, right in the back wooden door of the house.

A group of people stood in front of the pigsty. They smelled the stench from livestock across the fence. Leng Xinyu was holding his nose with disgust: "It's too smelly, can I leave first?"

Shi Yu stood at the door, looking in through the gap in the door.

There are only a few small piglets still alive in the pigpen. The smell of animal life is mixed with the smell of garlic cloves hanging on the neck. Mixing together is simply a disaster for the sense of smell.

There was also a pile of thick bags next to the pigsty. The bags were filled with gold powder that was almost used, and it looked like it was plated on the Buddha statue.

She stared at the crack in the door, watching the mess and feces all over the floor.

Suddenly, in the pile of mud, I saw a flesh color that shouldn't belong to this place.

"What's that?" Shi Yu held his nose and moved his eyes closer.

Among the group of people who were observing, Gao Fei suddenly yelled and sat down on the ground: "Oh my God, those are human feet!"

That's right, it's human feet.

And there are only the instep and ankle, and nothing more.

It shouldn't have been gnawed off by a pig. The cuts on the feet are neat and should be cut off directly by something.

Judging from the size of the instep, it is about 38 yards. This is a woman's foot.

Shi Yu resisted the nausea and left the pigpen with Ying Zhuo.

Every household has the iron chain and the cause of the blood stains. When I walked to the street of the mountain village, I looked at the Sifang Buddha standing in front of him not far away, and felt a little bit worried.

"It's all women," she said.

"What?" Ying Zhuo couldn't hear clearly.

"The women **** in the chains were all women. To prevent them from escaping, they also cut off their soles." Shi Yu turned around, and the expression on his face showed a maturity and an unsuitable for this age. Compassion. "They are people who have been trafficked."

Those piled up in the wooden tombs should be the girls who were tricked into coming here without knowing their names.

That monstrous resentment, strong resentment.

It turned into a cold chill, and a sharp creeping sound from afar.

Standing at the door, Leng Xinyu was restraining this disgusting smell. Suddenly, she felt that something above her head was blocking the light. That gloomy feeling suddenly appeared, and even the heartbeat of her whole body became a little different. Get regular.

She looked up along the position of the shelter, and all of the blood on her body seemed to have been drained for a while, causing Leng Xinyu to stay on the spot for three seconds before thinking of screaming.

"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

She saw a monster, which shouldn't be regarded as a monster to be precise, because that monster still has human heads on its body, but there are too many heads, all densely piled up on its lower limbs.

It has the shape of a spider, its face and eight legs are exactly the same as those of a spider, but it is full of human faces on the buttocks.

Those people's faces seemed to be alive, and they all turned their faces to the position of Leng Xinyu, their mouths wide open and coughing and coughing.

What kind of monster is this?

Human face spider?

Shi Yu stood in the door and watched the monster climbing on the wall through the paper window. The countless faces on its buttocks were open at the same time, and a group of white spider silk spewed out from which mouths at the same time.

It was almost in the blink of an eye, which spider silks surrounded Leng Xin Yu, like a silkworm chrysalis, strangled her.

Leng Xinyu was strangled by the spider silk, strangled a painful scream, and traces of red blood flowed out along the white spider thread.

"Oh my God, save her, save her." Gao Fei's cry for help seemed a little weak in Leng Xinyu's screams.

Shi Yu looked at Ying Zhuo subconsciously, but saw a hesitant and struggling look on Ying Zhuo's face, as if he was thinking about whether he should make a move.

Huai's expression was even more interesting, as if waiting for something, looking at Ying Zhuo with unsatisfactory eyes.

Ying Zhuo’s expression was very gloomy. He listened to Leng Xinyu’s screams and looked at the spider silk that was gradually reddened by blood. He only said: “Why did it find you? You should be very clear in your heart. Bar?"

Leng Xinyu screamed: "I know I was wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you..."

But the spider silk didn’t mean to loosen it. Instead, it was visible to the naked eye. After reaching the highest point, Leng Xinyu’s scream gradually became weaker. Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became low. Low choking and howling for survival.

No one can help her. The Human Face Spider seems to be taking revenge, letting Leng Xinyu enjoy the pleasure of waiting for death after being entangled.

Leng Xinyu couldn't make any sound in the end. The place where she was located was full of blood stains, and the rich blood exuded the smell of rust, which stimulated Gao Fei's sense of smell and made him retching on the spot.

This doctor who worked in the hospital had seen a lot of **** scenes, but couldn't bear a fresh life dying in front of him.

Leng Xinyu was tied into silkworm chrysalis and died in front of everyone.

Almost all the skin and flesh on her body were minced into meat.

The life trajectory has completely disappeared.

Shi Yu frowned, his eyes covered with an unbelievable layer of confusion, so Leng Xinyu died?

"What did you mean by that sentence?" Shi Yu looked at Ying Zhuo, and from the corner of his eye he saw Gao Fei retching desperately next to him.

Ying Zhuo looked at the human face spider who stood up and stretched its waist to leave. It seemed that it had done a thing that made it feel good, and temporarily let go of the four people who were still alive. Facing the doubts he encountered, Ying Zhuo sighed, and said: "Human-faced spiders are evil creatures condensed from hatred, and they have a heavy heart for revenge."

Therefore, before running away, he will only find his own enemies.

Ying Zhuo finished speaking, Goofy's legs trembled like a sugar sieve, a piece of wet between his legs, his face pale as paper.

Gao Fei's reaction was almost as long as he told Shi Yu directly that both himself and Leng Xinyu were related to some things in this mountain village.

"The things in your pocket can be taken out." Shi Yu suddenly said, and slightly brought back Goofy's scared soul.

Gao Fei was silly for a long time, only to realize that Shiyu was talking to himself. He covered his pocket subconsciously and cried loudly: "I don't know anything!"

This look of guilty conscience made Shi Yu clear.

She wanted to persuade Goofy to hand over the things, but she didn't expect someone to move faster than her.

Huai walked in front of Gao Fei and lifted him directly from the ground with one hand.

Ying Zhuo's reaction became more intense: "What are you going to do?"

Huai raised his eyes, the bottom of his eyes was as cold as a mist of water. After scanning Ying Zhuo, his gaze fell on Shi Yu's body again, and then the corner of his mouth smiled, and he gently took the things out of Gao Fei's jacket pocket.

The arrogant eyes that scorned everything just now were diluted by the smile.

When Huai confronted, he shook the thing he took out. It was a letter with many dense handprints on it. It looked like a group of people had made an agreement together.

"Just take things out, why are you reacting so strongly?"

Huai smiled and asked, Ying Zhuo's face became more solemn, Shi Yu could obviously feel Ying Zhuo's emotions gradually becoming irritable, like a beast whose domain was violated.

Shiyu reached out and grabbed the back of Ying Zhuo's hand, and when her fingertips gently twitched, Ying Zhuo's anxiety was instantly relieved, but at the same time she became more anxious.

It seems that Huai is a fixed-time bomb or bomb, which may hurt her at any time.

Shi Yu took the piece of paper from Huai's hand and looked at a paragraph written in scribbled handwriting on it. From the strokes, it can be seen that the human level of writing these words should not be very high. And there is no one's signature underneath, it's basically a pressed handprint.

— [Dingxiang Village, the people of the village promised as follows. 】

— [At this time, the **** knows and the villagers know, but if we let other people know, we will not die. 】