Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 105: Tianxing Apprentice

Tang San bought enough herbs in the Hundred Medicine Hall and went straight back to the inn for the final training in the fusion of tendons.

There are a lot of secret doors set up in "Vajra Secret Records", and if you practice it completely, you will surely die. Tang San discovered the flaws through the relics. After modification, the remaining parts can only cover 70% of his muscles and muscles. , Now he has completed 60% of it through cultivation and the blessing of mysterious energy, and the last 10% is left, and the cultivation of "Vajra Secret Record" is over.

"One percent, it will only take half a month. After that, I only have three choices. Either I can directly practice the technique of calcining the internal organs, or I can continue to stay in the external world and find other secret records to make up for my shortcomings, or continue hunting ghosts."

"I'm targeting people like the King of the Northwest. It's absolutely impossible not to cultivate every realm to the peak. Unless it's a last resort, you can't easily cultivate internal skills."

Making up his mind, Tang San immersed himself in cultivation, honing his martial arts little by little, wanting to lay the most solid foundation.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and Tang San has completed the cultivation of "Vajra Secret Records". Now that he has fully melted his tendons, combined with refining his skin and turning his bones, his martial arts cultivation can be regarded as unparalleled in foreign skills.

The fusion of tendons has made his strength nearly double, which is almost equal to the limit of the human body.

Tang San even tried, one punch could crack a man-high boulder, this kind of power has surpassed Tang San's understanding.

After finishing his martial arts practice, Tang San, in addition to the necessary training, just wandered the streets every day. The restaurants and teahouses were his frequented places, collecting all kinds of news.

From the information he collected, Tang San had a rather vague understanding of the structure of An Fengcheng.

An Fengcheng belonged to the northwest warlord Yuwen's family. He held 100,000 heavy troops and governed one heavy city, 15 small cities, and countless small towns and villages, which constituted the cornerstone of this warlord's power.

On the bright side, the Yuwen family absolutely obeyed the orders of the central government, even if they had the support of the Tianxing Sect, one of the three northwest sects, behind them.

The Northwest King's reputation is a god-like figure among the upper echelons of the republic and martial arts sects. Under the circumstance of his efforts to support the republic, whoever sings the opposite will be really impatient.

And Tang San's eyes fell on the Tianxing Sect, which is one of the three northwest sects, with nearly a thousand disciples, all over the Yuwen family.

The Yuwen family was able to become a warlord and have today's status and power, thanks to the Tianxing Sect.

According to the news that Tang San got, it is said that there are countless extraordinary skills in the Tianxing Sect, and there are also peerless martial arts that can cultivate external skills to great perfection, and the master of the Tianxing Sect is a legendary master.

What makes people in An Fengcheng proud the most is that there are two peerless geniuses in this generation of the Tianxing Sect, the Antarctic Star and the North Star. The disciples who can be named after the stars have special meanings in the Tianxing Sect.

Legend has it that both the South Pole Star and the North Pole Star have reached the pinnacle of internal strength, and have the qualifications to impact peerless masters, and they will be the pillars of the future Tianxing Sect.

These news made Tang San secretly shocked. These two young geniuses are only about twenty-three years old. They have a bright future, and the future is limitless.

Tang San also knew a thing or two about the strength of the Tianxing Sect, and it was not a simple force to be able to cultivate such talented disciples. There are countless masters of the nine sects in the three northwestern sects, and Tang San couldn't help but secretly said: "The nine sects are all of them. Scum, the most peak disciple is not as good as an elite disciple from a sect like the Tianxing Sect."

"It seems that Tianxingmen is the most suitable for me at present. If I can enter it, as long as I can borrow some secret records of the fusion of tendons, I can definitely fill in the shortcomings with the help of the relic, and finally hunt a ghost clan, it is enough to make my The external power is pushed up to the real state of Great Perfection.”

Tang San made a decision in his heart, and began to inquire about how to worship the Tianxing Sect. He quickly learned that seven days later, it was the Tianxing Sect's annual apprenticeship competition. For ordinary people, if they wanted to worship the Tianxing Sect, only chance of that day.

Seven days later, according to the information he had obtained, Tang San arrived early in the morning outside the Tianxingzong Mountain Gate. This was a big mountain ten kilometers away from Anfeng City, called Broken River Mountain.

Broken River is high in mountains and water, with lush trees and the chirping of birds and beasts in the mountains from time to time. The peak of the mountain is located next to the Rising Sun River, like a huge reef, blocking the rushing river and making it turn into a big bay. The mountain stretches for several kilometers. , up to km.

A road paved with bluestone slabs at the foot of the mountain stretched all the way to the top of the mountain. There were not many pedestrians on the road. With his own strength, Tang San quickly climbed halfway up the mountain.

As soon as he stepped into the mountainside, Tang San's expression changed slightly, and he saw a shocking scene. Thousands of people had already gathered here, crowded, there were rich sons of rich families in rich clothes, sons of squires, and sons of vulgar peasants. He looked at the mountain gate of Tianxingzong with fiery eyes.

Seeing so many people suddenly appear halfway up the mountain, Tang San was also startled, and followed their gazes.

A huge mountain gate appeared in his eyes. It was a huge bright red wooden gate. Two huge pillars stood on the left and right, and the top was an ancient plaque Three ancient characters were written - Tianxingzong.

A historically heavy breath rushed towards the face, solidified and depressed, making people unconsciously hold their breath.

Tang San sighed inwardly, "This is the real sect, like King Kongmen, can't compare."

In fact, Tang San didn't know that the nine northwest sects were only established in the last hundred years, while the three major sects have been established for more than five hundred years and have experienced countless ups and downs. Countless sects have risen and fallen, and none of the three major sects have remained the same, not without reason.

Tang San's arrival didn't attract many people's attention. Everyone held their breaths, quietly waiting for the Tianxing Sect's apprenticeship competition. These people were clearly divided into three groups.

On the far right are the children of peasants and commoners, on the left are the children of squires and powerful people, and in the middle are a group of Confucian and powerful people from all corners of the world, each with knives and swords, and their eyes are either fierce or peaceful.

Tang San consciously walked into the crowd in the middle. This group was the smallest, just over a hundred people, but all of them had a strong aura, and those who had seen blood, even those who seemed peaceful, Tang San could feel the heavy weight on them. Bloody smell.

"Sure enough, the loose cultivator is a life of licking blood, but there are also advantages, freedom, and no one can control it. If I didn't need to practice the secret method, I wouldn't come to the Tianxing Sect."

Looking around carefully, Tang San found that the three groups of people were hostile to each other. The children of the powerful squires looked at the martial arts people and the children of the peasants with disdain, and the children of the peasants also looked at the children of the squires and the rivers and lakes with disgust. person.