Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 227: training to attack

The four of them looked serious and unsmiling, and their words and deeds were filled with military style. When they heard their self-destruction, some of the ghost hunters immediately let out a scream.

"It's actually a member of the Ghost Hunting Army. It is a fighting machine directly under the headquarters of the Ghost Hunting Guild. Legend has it that the lowest members are the peak powerhouses in the outer power world, and the captain must be a master in the inner power world. *, the combat command ability is strong, that is the first strong army of the ghost hunting guild."

Another person said in horror: "Not only that, I heard that this ghost hunting army even killed a Yaksha ghost general, how terrifying you say."

As the elite members of the Northwest Ghost Hunter Guild, these ghost hunters naturally know a lot of gossip, Yaksha ghost general, how terrifying it is, they know it well, and this time the Northwest Chaos is the thirteen surnames of the ghost clan. A major case committed by the king Li Dynasty, that is a real Yaksha ghost general, a monster that can compete head-on with Tie Hengkong, who holds a magic weapon in his hand.

But this kind of monster was besieged and killed by the First Ghost Hunting Army. It is self-evident how strong their combat effectiveness is.

Now they are taught by the four captains of this army, and they are naturally happy. This encirclement and suppression battle must be extremely cruel. With the guidance of a real ghost hunter, they will have more chances to survive the war.

I just heard Tie Hengkong say to the four of Niyu: "Now they are taught by you. Divide them into four troops and start training."

Nie Yu nodded and gave a military salute to Tie Hengkong: "Yes, sir."

With Tie Hengkong's order, the four of them began to organize a planning team. Tang San and Mo Baishou were divided into the same army, with a hundred men under their command.

And Tang San's team's trainer happened to be Nie Yu. Looking at the unsmiling Nie Yu, Tang San was very interested in what kind of tactics he would teach.

Nie Yu looked at Tang San and Mo Baishou and said solemnly: "You two, I know that your martial arts are very high, I am not an opponent to fight alone, but the siege of the ghost clan is a war, and fighting alone is not the solution, We need to gather everyone's strength to completely destroy these monsters, I hope you can cooperate with me."

Tang San replied: "Instructor Nie Yu can rest assured, I'm not arrogant, as someone who has come here, I'll learn from your experience."

Nie Yu's expression didn't change and said, "Since that's the case, let's start distributing weapons now."

After speaking, he turned around and led his team towards the area where the arsenal was located. With the permission of the base personnel, he opened an arsenal.

This place is full of weapon racks, and each weapon is placed on it.

Nie Yu quickly instructed Tang San's men to carry all kinds of weapons, and it took about half an hour to complete the carrying work.

Nie Yu stood in the pile of weapons, looked at Tang San and the others and said, "You all know that ghosts are different from humans, they are born with a different body called ghost bones, they can evolve all kinds of weapons, they can also defend, and some even They have special abilities, and ordinary firearms have limited effects on them, and it is almost impossible to kill them if they don’t hit the vital parts.”

"According to the different grades of ghosts, we have prepared different plans. The most common ones are special bullets. For the lowest-level extremely hungry ghouls, we usually use hydrogen sulfide bullets, which have a certain dose of hydrogen sulfide hidden in the head of the bullet. As long as they are hit, hydrogen sulfide will flow into their bodies quickly along the blood of the ghosts, affecting their regeneration ability and affecting their nervous systems. At this time, the melee personnel can quickly cut off the heads of the ghosts, allowing the They are completely dead."

"Second, this tactic won't work in the face of the Rakshasa ghost soldiers of the second tier of the ghost clan. Almost half of their bodies are covered with ghost bones, even if it is a special bullet, unless it is a master's exquisite bullet, and the ghost who wants to penetrate them. That is impossible, so at this time we only have one choice, that is, close combat between the same level powerhouses, and heavy firepower sniper suppression, creating new opportunities for our powerhouses, and supplementing various traps for booby-killing , And this is the time to need tacit cooperation, even if the strength is slightly weaker than the Rakshasa Ghost Soldier, but if the cooperation is tacit enough, the final victory can still be achieved."

"Thirdly, the encirclement and suppression of the brigade requires more skillful coordination skills. The first step is to use long-range heavy firepower to precisely suppress the strong ghosts. At the same time, a large number of soldiers shoot special bullets to kill low-level ghouls. Fight and annihilate the ghosts."

Nie Yu talked endlessly, explaining the systematic ghost hunting plan for the ghost hunters of this team, and at the same time instilling plans to deal with various emergencies, and finally distributing weapons and starting the real tactical drill.

Tactical drills are not carried out in the base, because the base is still too small for a real war, and even a small war cannot meet the purpose of tactical drills at all.

In the Gobi outside the base, there is a stone forest with complex landforms, which is suitable for training. Due to various obstacles, various problems will be encountered during training. At this time, Nie Yu will be on the side. Corrective actions will be given to explain the specific ways to deal with these situations.

All the ghost hunters are elites who absorb this knowledge like a sponge. No knowledge in this world comes for The ghost hunters have today's reputation in the ghost hunt guild. It was poured out of countless blood, and the knowledge they imparted has definitely been tested by blood and fire. For these ghost hunters who deal with ghosts every day, it is a treasure they cannot ask for.

For a month, under Nie Yu's careful guidance, Tang San, Mo Baishou, and the hundred ghost hunters under their command had a feeling of being reborn, and a militarized aura appeared on them.

Not to mention other things, the standing posture of a group is different. After Niyu's special training, the ghost hunters have more or less changed their randomness.

And today will be their day of expedition. Tie Hengkong has sorted out the countless pieces of information collected by the Ghost Hunting Guild this month, and probed into a possible large-scale ghost clan's lair, of which there are probably nearly thirty ghost clans.

Hearing this news, a glint flashed in Tang San's eyes. Thirty ghost clans, how much mysterious energy was that? If he pocketed them all, he would be able to squander it at will, quickly improve his cultivation in the internal power world, and even step into the world of great power. The state of perfection is not necessarily certain.

This kind of ** is hard to resist for Tang San. He can't see the end of the martial arts road now. He doesn't know how many resources he will need in the future. Mysterious energy is the only thing that can help him quickly reach the top. For these corpses The devil is determined to win.


Happy New Year's Day, thank you very much for your collection, recommendation and support, and also thanks to the "Yuan Chuping" book friends for their reward and support, the new year has a new look, I hope this book will become better and more prosperous, and I wish you all the best Happy New Year everyone and all the best.