Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 232: Strongman Raid

They don't know that so far, they haven't killed a ghost clan. Even if they are hit, the ghost clan wearing special material suits will only suffer a huge impact. With their physical quality, they can fully bear it.

The battle was stalemate, and the human ghost hunters did not dare to rush out to carry out a sweep, but the ghosts were constantly cruising in the darkness 100 meters away, attacking the ghost hunters, and the grenades and bullets kept coming. Completely beaten.

At this time, Tang San had already returned from the ghost clan's lair, and saw the stalemate situation from a distance, frowning slightly: "It's amazing, to actually suppress the ghost hunter troops, look at the tactics of these ghost clan. , has won the essence of guerrilla warfare, and the most terrifying thing is that there are so many standard weapons from them."

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, Tang San hid his figure, crawled towards the outermost group of ghost clans, under the mirror, he could clearly sense the positions of all the ghost clans, he wanted to kill one of the ghost clans , to scare other ghosts away.

Tang San knew that ghost clan's eyesight was different from that of human beings. Even in the dark night, he could see all the movements around him, so he was very cautious, advancing almost against the ground, hiding behind stones from time to time.

The ghost clan was immersed in the battle, and the chance of discovering Tang San was very small. As long as he lurked within ten meters, he would launch a surprise attack. With his current martial arts, once he broke into the ten meters, the ghost clan would definitely not be able to stop him. live him.

No one saw Tang San. Even though these ghosts had amazing eyesight, their eyes were all on the ghost hunter's position in front of them. They were walking around, attacking from time to time, hitting one or two targets, and they were highly concentrated. , Bloodletting the ghost hunter troops slowly, the super vision help, even if the ghost hunters lie on the ground, the ghosts can see clearly. In a short period of time, more than 30 ghost hunters have died. .

These ghost hunters did not die from bullets, but from the highly poisonous bullets. If they did not reach the inner power world, they could not resist the attack of the highly poisonous. At most, their vitality was stronger, which allowed them to live longer, but it was more painful.

Zhang 3,000 people have gathered together, Polaris has also removed the toxins in the body, his face is a little pale, and his voice is harsh: "Everyone has read it, this group of ghosts is so well equipped, it is definitely not ordinary ghosts, I am afraid It has something to do with the legendary ghost, what do you say?"

Zhang Sanqian, who was as famous as Tang San in this martial arts conference, naturally became the leader at this juncture, only to hear him say in a low voice: "It's not the way to go on like this, these ghost clan actually have this kind of equipment, give it to you. The ghost hunters have caused huge casualties. We can't let them continue to bleed us. We must fight back. I will lead the team. The seven of us will take action together. First, we will take down the first wave of enemies and give the ghosts a shock. I want to come to these ghosts. The clan will retreat, as long as they support it until morning, when the line of sight is clear, they will definitely not be able to escape."

Hearing Zhang Sanqian's words, everyone froze in their hearts. At this time, Yu Tanyuan suddenly said, "I hope to stay."

When everyone heard this, Liu Dao's coercive gaze fell on Yu Tanyuan, murderous intent, only to hear Polaris saying coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about, escaping from the battle, that is a death penalty, and it is also a crime to rectify you on the spot. No one will say half a word."

The devil-knife-ghost-madman also said, "Yutanyuan, if you back down from the battle, I'm afraid your mind will no longer need to exist in the future. People and ghosts compete, you dare to ignore the righteousness."

Yu Tanyuan said calmly, "You misunderstood me, I meant to stay in command of the troops, now there are only seven of us, Tang San doesn't know where he went, there must be one person who stays and controls the overall situation, and my martial arts are more than I won’t go to you, it may be a burden to go, I will command the troops here, use powerful firepower to suppress the ghost clan in other places, buy more time for you, facilitate your attacks, and at the same time have an overview of the overall situation and respond to you at any time. ."

Hearing Yu Tanyuan's explanation, Zhang Sanqian frowned slightly, and then said, "You are right, you really need a person to command the troops here to deal with any emergencies that may arise."

At this moment, Polaris suddenly said: "Hmph, this Tang San, I don't know where he went, he's not here now, maybe he escaped from the battle, after returning, he must be taken down and interrogated properly."

What Polaris said was murderous, naturally there was a sense of public revenge in it, but the few people around didn't say anything, Tang San disappeared and disappeared, that's a fact, as for where he went and what he did, it didn't matter at all, the important thing was the war He disappeared in Cairo, and he and others were also attacked by surprise. Maybe there was something tricky about it. For example, he became a spy and took refuge in the ghost clan.

Several people tacitly understood, and looked outside. The most urgent task now is to break the attack of the ghost clan and let them retreat.

Yu Tanyuan stayed in the position and looked at the group of ghosts on the far right, which was selected by Zhang Sanqian, and everything was ready. The distance of 100 meters was only six or seven seconds for them.

Forty mortars suddenly sounded at the same time, and the 100-meter frontier was completely shrouded in flames and roars. In an instant the ghosts were disrupted by the sudden attack, and the cycle was all flying. The shrapnel, even if they were extremely powerful, were bombed all over the place wearing special battle suits, and two ghouls were hit by a sudden bomb, and they were torn apart on the spot.

The firepower of the ghost clan suddenly went dumb, and taking advantage of this opportunity, in the ghost hunter position, six figures rushed out, rushing towards the leftmost boundary, and the distance of 100 meters came in an instant. For the most powerful people in the internal power world, it only takes a few seconds.

By the time the ghost clan experts came back to their senses, the six had already arrived in front of this ghost clan. The two ghost soldiers in this wave of ghost clan were the first to react. When they saw six figures rushing towards them, they raised their machine guns and shot them wildly. The flames shot into the sky and covered them all.

At this time, the God Sword Gate Lecturer Queqi and Gui Lunzi stood directly at the front, and a splendid sword light rose up, blocking the path of everyone's advance.

dang dang dang dang

The knife light couldn't splash the water, and all bullets were blocked within the shrouded range. The huge force shook the two hands numb, but they won for Polaris, Southstar, Zhang Sanqian, and Mo Baishou. Opportunity for close combat.

"North Pole Heavenly King Fist", "Antarctic Star God Palm", and "Dragon Head Magical Art" unfolded the three human race divine arts, and the coercion of the whole world came down, making all the ghosts in this place stiffen and breathe tight.


I am very grateful to the readers for their clicks, collections, recommendation and support, and also thanks to the enthusiastic reward of "Can I make a blind man?"