Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 417: Dragon Soul Summon

Today, Ao Yihuang was quietly reading various dao maps and scriptures of the human race in his palace, in order to find the mystery of ascension from human knowledge, but a sudden palpitation woke it up. In a flash, he has come to the palace. …,

Looking at the black fog that covered the sky, it clearly discovered that there was a person hidden in the endless darkness. The moment he saw this person, an unprecedented alarm rose in his instinctive heart.

At this time, Ao Yihuang was transformed into a human form, but he was wearing a dragon head. The dragon's eyes flickered, and the bright pearl under his jaw was splashing everywhere. It was its dragon ball, which contained the memories and mysteries of its life.

It felt the crisis, a warning from the world, it raised its vigilance to the limit, without any hesitation, with a dragon roar, all the top soul beasts in the city of ten thousand beasts showed their true bodies.

Suzaku, Baihu, Qinglong, Xuanwu, Jairui, Zhu Yan, etc., all kinds of legendary mythical beasts and fierce beasts have appeared in the city of ten thousand beasts. They walked out of their respective palaces, and they were all cultivated by various ordinary soul beasts. It seems that most ordinary soul beasts have the instinct of atavism. When they cultivate to a certain level, their souls will evolve towards their ancestors.

Ao Yihuang shuddered and turned into a blue-gold true dragon. It was born a true dragon, and countless creatures would understand as long as they saw it. This is a true dragon, derived from instinctual cognition.

The real dragon coiled around the void, and countless divine beasts surrounded it, each standing in their proper position. A brilliant radiance spread around with Ao Yihuang as the center, as if the heaven and the earth were turning upside down, and chaos enveloped the city of ten thousand beasts.

Chaos quickly broke through the boundaries of Ten Thousand Beasts City and came into contact with the black mist wrapped outside. There was a sharp sizzling sound.

A huge explosion collided in the void, and the person hiding in the darkness said, "Is it a real dragon? It's unbelievable. In this low universe, a real dragon's soul has been found. It can just be used for sacrificing swords."

The words in the dark fell, which shocked Ao Yihuang. The other party's words were full of a natural breath, and at the same time, a powerful murderous intent locked on him.


Like a thunderbolt, a pitch-black light fell from the black mist and slashed straight towards Ao Yihuang's dragon head.

Facing the light, Ao Yihuang let out a long roar: "He Fangmouse, get out of here for me."

I saw that in the chaos, a huge dragon tail swung, with invincible power slamming on the black light.

The sound of fine iron sounded. There is also a piece of broken scales and red blood, and a muffled groan.

"A good sword."

Ao Yihuang, who had not touched his hands for more than a thousand years, felt the pain once again. Ten thousand years, a full ten thousand years, even with the life of a real dragon, ten thousand years is a long memory, since birth. From the beginning, to the countless enemies in the Quartet, it eventually became the master of soul beasts. The king of all beasts, today is the most dangerous moment in his life.

A dragon roar resounded through the sky.

The City of Ten Thousand Beasts flew up and turned into a huge golden throne in the chaos. Ao Yihuang coiled a snake on top of it, surrounded by countless divine beasts standing around the throne, with a chaotic light. Hit the sky.

It is the supreme soul weapon throne of all beasts, under the control of Ao Yihuang. In conjunction with the power of all beasts, it unleashed its invincible blow. Countless years ago, with this blow, Ao Yihuang did not know how many enemies he had defeated.

Looking at Ao Yihuang's blow, the man didn't dare to take it seriously, and said softly: "At this point, why do you struggle, it's all in vain, isn't it justified to let me kill."

It slowly walked down from the void. It was a perfect man, almost no different from humans. The only difference was that its forehead was a pure black quadrangular pyramid crystal, and the forehead around the crystal was covered with countless strange patterns. Gives a strange beauty.

It is wearing a set of exquisite purple windbreaker, and holds a lavender long sword in its hand. It is indescribably handsome and charming, but its eyes are empty, as if it contains an endless world of nothingness. There is nothing. .

As if babbling, but also like chanting.

"In the dream, the sword flower cuts off the dragon's head, and the autumn wind and leaves seize the sky."

Its eyes exuded endless haze, as if in a dream, a purple sword light flashed, elegant like a tulle, and moved towards the seat of the king of beasts, as if intercepting the secret, and nothing can resist this sword.

The purple sword light fell on the brilliance of all beasts and ten thousand seats.

With the first muffled sound, all the soul beasts on the Myriad Beasts and Ten Thousand Seats felt the endless force coming from all directions, and a wave of force rushed into their bodies, and the soul beasts exploded in horror, turning into souls. Powder, Ao Yihuang on the True Dragon Throne was also shocked, and countless cracks on the dragon body burst open, splashing countless bright red blood.

The second muffled sound, the purple sword light fell on the body of the Throne of Ten Thousand Beasts.


A crisp click sounded, the supreme soul weapon and the throne of the beasts had cracks one after another, like ceramics, they would break at any time.

Ao Yihuang's eyes showed unprecedented shock, smashing the supreme soul weapon, completely surpassing its power, this is impossible, it already exists in this world, no one can surpass it, only one kind of person can Do it, that is the immortal who has ascended to feather.

Its dragon soul is trembling, facing immortal-level power, it does not have much resistance to resist, its life will end at any time, watching the purple sword light that smashes the throne of beasts and smashes towards its own body, dying roar: "If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price."

"The dragon soul is burning, the ancient real dragon."

With a dragon roar that penetrated the source, time and space seemed to stand still, and the relaxed expression on the face of the perfect man in the sky also solidified, and for the first time a serious look appeared in his eyes, looking at the real dragon Ao Yihuang who was waiting to die below. .

It was burning, the crimson flame shrouded it, a trace of gold droplets fell and dissipated in the air, and the purple sword light was also burned in the crimson flame, which could not hurt Ao Yihuang in the slightest, but Ao Yihuang was destined to To die without a doubt.

As the flames burned it up, it also left a faint phantom, and a huge black hole appeared behind the phantom. A pair of eyes that seemed to come from the ancient times, before the endless distance, watched here and saw what happened here. everything of.

An incomparably huge dragon finger stretched out from it and slaughtered straight at the perfect person in the sky. A thought from ancient times echoed: "Seed of nothingness, return to your nothingness."

Facing the sudden invincible existence, the perfect man changed color for the first time. He didn't expect Ao Yihuang to have such a means, completely beyond his imagination, but time did not allow him to think too much, now it is a crisis of life and death come.

It shuddered violently, the ancient language sounded, and a dark jade tablet rushed out from its body, bringing a mysterious force to block it in front of it, and the dragon finger was on the way forward.

The endless power directly tore the void and exploded the world barrier. Even the power of the bottom of the box used by the perfect person only made the dragon finger pause for a while, and then it shattered the void and was directly involved in it. .

Although the mysterious man was pointed into the void by a dragon finger, the owner of the dragon finger was not happy. The pair of dragon eyes in the black hole flashed a slight difference, and then slowly retracted the dragon finger. The pressure from the whole world had already disappeared. Falling, quickly closing the dark void.

"Well, you're lucky."

It seems that the owner of Dragon Finger did not kill the perfect Yin Demon man, and was spared by it.

The dragon finger disappeared in the final place, the entire soul beast dynasty had long since disappeared in the violent conflict, the throne of the beasts had collapsed, and nothing existed.

In the void of unknown distance, a purple sword light pierced through the void, and a human figure whose whole body was cracked, like ceramics, would be cracked at any time, came again from the void, and its breath weakened a lot, like the wind. The flames will be annihilated at any time.

Looking at the direction of the City of the King of Beasts, there was a trace of solemnity and shock in its eyes: "What is that, it seems to be an ancient dragon, it can break the barrier of the universe and attack me from such a distant world, incredible exist."

Just when its face was cloudy and uncertain, in the depths of the earth at the bottom of the City of Ten Thousand Beasts, a mysterious golden **** egg emitted countless brilliance, a cracked crack covered it, and a golden dragon broke out of the egg with a sound. Longyin shook the world.

But the man's expression changed when he heard this thunderous dragon roar: "The voice of the dragon roar, Ao Yihuang is not dead, how is it possible, it has already burned the dragon soul, and it is impossible to revive."

Speaking of this, it suddenly looked stiff and said: "Damn, does it exist with the secondary body, but the secondary body only uses certain levels, and it is impossible for the secondary body to exist at the level it is at."

I don't know why, I don't know what happened, the perfect man couldn't help but gloomy: "It's really abominable, this time it was really planted, this old dragon was not killed, and now I am seriously injured, and I have to cultivate for more than ten years before I can recover. , it seems that the big plan can only be postponed for a while, and let the three emperors implement the second set of plans."

Thinking of the perfect man's figure flashed, and slowly disappeared into the sky. I don't know how to leave.

And a golden light one after another rose from under the earth, and a golden cyan dragon circled in the sky, shaking ten directions, looking at the world around him, looking at the ruined City of Ten Thousand Beast Kings, its purpose There was anger and sadness.

Ao Yihuang's voice spread in the void: "Yin Demon Clan, I want to kill you, I must completely destroy you bastards, and let me die once, in order to build this second real body, I don't know the cost How many genius treasures, mysterious things, originally my last hope for ascension, but they were destroyed by you, I want you to pay the price."


The dragon was furious, the heavens and the earth changed, and countless soul beasts shivered in the forest. Facing their ruler and king, they feared and surrendered from their hearts. (To be continued..)

ps: I am very grateful to the readers for their click, recommendation, collection, and subscription support. I also thank the three book friends "dd0956''dada2''' for their monthly ticket support. Tianji has continued to work hard. I have been very tired recently, and the update is a bit typo. I hope Please bear with me, I will revise them one by one when I have time. u