Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 552: windy city

Obviously Tang San was late, and the others looked at him with displeased expressions, probably outraged that he was such a big name and made them wait for a long time.

Tang San cupped his hands towards Wang Miejing and said, "Senior Brother Wang and all of you have been waiting for a long time. I received the preparation book a little late, so you have been waiting for a long time."

Wang Miejin said lightly: "It's nothing, let's go."

With a wave of his sleeves, a dark cloud blew out and gathered at their feet. It was the same kind of treasure as the magic weapon Ba Jieqing used at the beginning, but it was just a spiritual tool.

Under the load of the black cloud, the eight people quickly lifted into the sky and came to the border of the formation on the top of the dark night palace. Then Wang Mieji took out his waist card to stimulate one of the auras. In an instant, the big formation seemed to get some kind of hint and quickly opened. One hop channel.

Quickly lifted into the sky, the eight people disappeared into the sky, and flew towards the distant windy city. At this time, the sun was rising, which was the best time of the day.

This world is round, but there are sun, moon, and stars. Tang San doesn't know how these huge stars exist in this world. The connection between the world and nothingness is like a void atmosphere.

However, Tang San wasn't sure what it was exactly, but since his cultivation was enough in the future, he would go and take a good look at what this world was like, and why such a structure could exist in nothingness.

At this time, Tang San felt a hint of crisis in his heart. This crisis came from Wang Jinmie in front of him. Although he didn't know why, Tang San already understood that this person was probably going to be detrimental to him. He had just opened up the Yellow Court. For inexplicable reasons, I lost the opportunity to integrate into this world system.

If you want to climb to the top of a world, the wisdom of the predecessors cannot be missed. He is already prepared. If Wang Jinmie really does something to himself, then he can only use all his strength to destroy Wang Jinmie and everyone who sees it. All those who arrived were silenced, and then returned to the door with serious injuries. It was said that he was attacked, and Wang Miejin stayed alone to protect them, the outer disciples, from the ghost king's attack. Tang San managed to escape back to the Immortal Sect, but this excuse was very suffocating. Tang San wasn't too sure.

With vigilance about Wang Miejin in his heart, Tang San kept his face and walked with the clouds. After about a day, they saw a huge city. At this time, the fire was soaring into the sky, and countless black smoke filled the air, and it seemed that it was already in chaos.

With Tang San's eyes, he could naturally see that there were countless yin qi rising to the sky, only the central piece of phosgene was boiling, confronting the yin qi, and there seemed to be people who resisted.

Everyone knew that Dafeng City had arrived, and it was time for them to fight. They only heard Wang Miejin's voice cold and stern: "After going down, form a seven-star killing formation. I'll take the lead and rush into the center of the city, don't get entangled."

Falling three miles away from Dafeng City, Wang Miejin said lightly, "Now, let's enter the city."

A group of eight people, Wang Miejin walked at the front, Tang Sanqi formed a seven-star killing formation, followed closely behind him, all of them looked serious, the Yin soldiers were raging in this windy city. It would be a difficult move for them to get in, but in the hearts of the other disciples, with Wang Miejin, the master who opened the veins and built the scriptures, they would have no problem rushing into the inner city of Dafeng City safely.

Soon they came to the gate of Dafeng City. As soon as they entered the city gate, they felt the cold air blowing towards them, making them feel as if they had entered winter from summer, and the breath they exhaled was a little chilly.

Tang San's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, his eyes swept around, there was no one around, it was safe here. For the time being, there will be no ghosts.

Wang Miejing also looked around for a while, and then said, "Be alert and follow me."


Wang Miejing moved his feet, his figure quickly swept forward, and Tang Sanqi followed closely. Now among the seven people who are with Wang Miejin, except for Tang San, all of them seem to be familiar with Wang Miejin. For these people, Tang San was also vigilant, knowing that if these people attacked him with Wang Miejin, they would be a threat.

Tang San calculated everything, wouldn't put his life on anyone, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, he paid attention to his surroundings, to see if there was anything to use.

The eight people ran less than a few hundred meters, and a group of Yin soldiers wrapped in gray air suddenly rushed out. The naked bloodthirsty killing intent, the moment he saw the eight people, was killing them.

"Live, kill."

"Eat them."

There were thirty Yin soldiers in this team. They were neat and well-organized. They were not ordinary scattered Yin soldiers. They waved the weapons in their hands and launched a charge towards Tang San and the others.

But unfortunately, although the thirty Yin Soldiers were powerful, facing Tang San and the others, they were like chickens.

Puff puff

There was a sound of slicing meat, and these Yin soldiers were cut into pieces under the sword formation. Tang San and the others were all masters of the internal power world. The internal strength and vitality were injected into the spiritual tool, and the power of the spiritual tool could be brought into full play. The biggest, coupled with the blessing of the sword array, stimulates a trace of heaven and earth vitality, and the power is even more powerful, but it is not a mere 30 Yin soldiers can be low-level.

These ghost soldiers were not only torn apart, but even their ghost bodies were smashed under the light of the sword, turning into pieces of phantom corpses. At this time, Tang Sanqi and the others took out the ghost pots~www.mtlnovel .com~ Inject vitality to activate its power, inhale these illusory ghost corpses and store them. When they are free, they will put these ghost refining pots under the sun, refine the ghosts in them, and obtain Profound Yin Primordial Stones .

This time, Wang Miejing didn't make a move at all, just swept his eyes around, paying attention to the surrounding scene, he said lightly: "We need to be fast, there are Yin soldiers here, there must be many ahead, don't take it lightly. ."

After finishing speaking, they continued to move forward, encountering many Yin soldiers along the way. The closer to the center of the city, the more Yin soldiers, but it seems that the Yin soldiers did not gather at this time, but were scattered in search of survival. The human beings, let Tang San and the others easily defeat them.

But soon their good luck came to an end. When they arrived one kilometer away from the inner city of Dafeng City, they saw the dense number of Yin soldiers under the inner city, at least ten thousand Yin soldiers, although most of them had no body, but There is no denying that they are powerful.

And what shocked Tang San and the others the most was the leader of the ten thousand ghost soldiers, a three-meter huge ghost in heavy armor, holding a Fangtianhua halberd in his hand, covered with dark red blood. It seems that he is drinking blood, and his breath is very strong, and Wang Miejing's complexion changes slightly. (To be continued.)
