Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 582: crystal wall system

Looking at the corpse, Tang San raised his brows: "Sure enough, this Jingbi civilization looks very similar to Westerners, this kind of medieval knight-like armor is too familiar, it seems that what kind of vampires and gods are in Western civilization. , Angels, knights, trolls, demons. I am afraid all these things exist, but they are products of Crystal Wall civilization."

"Now there are already several huge civilizations that I know of, the evil civilization to which Yin Demons and ghouls belong, the alchemist civilization to which Qi practitioners and martial artists belong, and the golden mysterious civilization that descends from the Xia Kingdom, which can be tied with the civilization to which Yin Demons belong. , will definitely not be worse than the alchemist civilization, although this crystal wall civilization has only seen a corner, but from the descriptions in the countless myths of the earth, we can know that this is also a civilization that does not lose to the alchemist."

Taking a deep breath, Tang San looked at the western human knight carefully, and at the same time, the relic had already projected him.

At this time, the owner of the corpse, a warrior with a simple and honest face, slammed on the ground, and then started his hands and feet, but a two-meter hole appeared on the ground in a moment. The warrior lifted the knight's body, threw it down, and then He stomped on the soil next to him and buried the body.

But as the dead body was buried, Tang San's eyes lit up, because he saw a mysterious yellow aura coming from all around, converging into a thread, falling into the warrior's body.

The martial artist's aura was floating for a while, and it seemed to have grown. Tang San had long seen that the martial artist's cultivation was not at the peak of the inner clan, and he was already a step away from the realm of martial arts. At this time, he had obtained this trace of merit, and his skill had improved in an instant. It seemed that reached a tipping point.

I saw him exhale. With a loud drink, the whole body worked vigorously. Putting on a stance, he actually began to condense Qi and Blood Dantian.

Thunder out of thin air. But it was this martial artist who let out a long whistle, dancing like a snake all over his body, and then the surging blood rushed out of his body and rushed straight to the top door, his face flushed red and crystal clear like jade.

Kong Haoran was slightly startled and said, "It's actually the "Blood Jade Magical Art". This guy is so murderous, and he has actually cultivated this magic art."

Tang San is also clear, he has also seen "Blood Jade Magic" in the Republic World. But he didn't expect to see its existence in this world again. No wonder he always felt a familiar atmosphere, but it was this magical skill of killing.

At this moment, the martial artist in front of him succeeded in attacking the martial artist, and his whole body was filled with qi and blood. From the head to the body, it turned into a blood color, like a blood-colored statue, and it took a while for the vision to slowly dissipate.

At this time, the warrior's face was as white as jade, and the whole body of the accomplished martial artist began to undergo great changes. Return to nature, wash away the dust, and rejuvenate, even though this warrior is not very old.

I just heard Kong Haoran cup his hands and say: "This brother is very talented. He actually completed this "Blood Jade Magic" and will become a martial arts saint in the future."

The martial artist smiled honestly and said, "There and there, I have won the prize, and it is Li Dali. Meeting is fate, how about making friends."

Tang San didn't speak yet. Kong Haoran has already said: "This is exactly what I want to say, under Kong Haoran. Be polite."

Looking at the familiar Kong Haoran, Tang San didn't say much, and said lightly, "Tang San is going down."

Kong Haoran and Li Dali chatted happily, and the group of three walked towards Liuli Pass, but within a few minutes, the three of them returned to Liuli Pass again, only to hear Li Dali say: "I want to continue hunting in the small world of Liuli, you guys Do you want to be together?"

Kong Haoran nodded and said, "Of course we can't ask for it. With you, a local snake leading us, we will be a lot easier and avoid a lot of danger."

Tang San didn't object, in this small world that was about to enter, but still in a state of war, it was better to have a local snake than them rushing around indiscriminately.

Entering the Liuli Pass, Tang San felt an invisible force swept across his body, it seemed to be a warning force, but he didn't respond to Tang San, and he seemed unable to feel the seal of the devil in Tang San's body.

Just listen to Li Dali said: "You can feel it too, that is the magic weapon of the celestial mirror, which is placed on the Liuliguan, and anyone who enters or leaves here will be irradiated again. Once abnormality occurs, the guard will be alerted immediately. The strong men of the city, come to arrest them."

Tang San and Kong Haoran were both startled, only to hear Kong Haoran say, "Could it be that someone from a foreign land has broken into this place?"

Li Dali said: "There is indeed, I heard that the foreign real **** has a method called God descending, which will descend into the body of mortals and become an existence called **** descending. I heard that these **** descending have sneaked into the body. The aborigines in our Three Realms Great Universe tried to enter the mainland in vain, but unfortunately, the heaven seems to have been on guard and sent the avatars of the sky-viewing mirror to various boundary windows, but these gods have nowhere to hide."

Tang San secretly said: "The descendants of the gods seem to have the same meaning as the stigmata in Western Christian mythology, that is to say, these myths are not false, but real, those gods can descend into mortals, but this is not true. It should be noted that the so-called true gods are definitely immortal-level characters, I don’t know if there are more terrifying existences in the crystal wall system.”

The business of Liuliguan is very prosperous. There are streets and people everywhere. There are many shops. The employees of each shop are shouting hard to attract any possible customers.

The buildings in the city are all wooden seems to have used some kind of magic, but it looks abnormally smooth, as if the surface of the wood has been polished and smooth, the wooden buildings all over the line of sight make Tang San really feel like he is in the middle of nowhere. A magical ancient world, an ancient world far from poverty and suffering, a prosperous dynasty, and the feudal era in the impression are completely two images.

Everyone was dressed in neat silk and satin clothes, and there was absolutely no smell of wine and meat from Zhumen as seen by the Central University. The warrior is free and easy, the scholar has a long sword hanging from his waist, and the style of a gentleman.

Seeing the novel, although Tang San had seen a lot along the way, entering this huge majestic gate made him truly feel the aura of civilization.

Under the leadership of Li Dali, the three passed through countless crowds of people, and finally came to the center of the whole city. This is an empty square. In the center of the square stands a huge black iron gate. I don't know what material it is made of. Seeing one of the dark vortexes, it seems to lead to an unknown space.

Just listen to Li Dali said: "Here, this is the window, but we need to wait in line to enter, but many people come in and out every day." (To be continued...)
