Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 592: Freeland

And just after Tang San was a few hundred meters away, the warriors guarding the Myriad Medicine Garden looked sad and said, "This person is really shrewd, he didn't go in rashly, or we could get a lot of money today. Now. + Vertex says, .."

In the city of freedom, there are three no-holds-barred areas. In addition to those who yearn for freedom, there are also people who are traitors and criminals. When these people gather here, they naturally bring killings and conspiracies, all kinds of ghost tricks, and ordinary monks. If you go to these people's territory, the result will be really bad. Although these people will also do normal business, they will not refuse the opportunity to eat a few fat sheep.

After walking around, Tang San found that there were almost no inns here. Almost every building was owned by a group of people, but almost every building was selling all kinds of things, including medicine pills, medicinal materials, talismans, magic tools, spiritual tools, and even There are also magic weapons, magic weapons and Horcruxes, but magic weapons are the most rare, and they are all sky-high prices, almost no one can afford them.

After Tang San turned around, he decided to temporarily set up a camp by himself to settle down. The city of freedom was full of mystery. Before he figured out what was going on here, Tang San would not act recklessly. Smelled a dangerous odor.

Before coming to a mountain range near the city of freedom, Tang San found a cave and lived in it, while his horse was let go by him, running freely between the mountains and forests, this guy has since condensed the inner alchemy, wisdom He improved a lot, he knew that following Tang San would be beneficial, but he wouldn't leave.

When night fell, Tang San meditated and practiced qi, and now he could completely rely on exhaling the vitality of heaven and earth to make up for his daily consumption. Vitality is a kind of pure energy that can directly supply body cells to operate. Ensure sufficient energy in the body, but he still needs to eat substances every once in a while. To ensure perfect material circulation in the body.

Tang San's eyes opened, he was staring at the city of freedom at night, where the qi was chaotic, unlike a unified city, where countless qi were entangled with each other, some overflowing with murderous intentions, hostile to each other, some harmonious, watching and helping each other .

night time. Tang San saw the distribution of most of the forces in the city of self-talk. In general, the city of freedom is divided into three parts. The first part is full of murderous intentions. Those who seem to belong to the evil side are located in a certain range in the east and south. Some are peaceful and friendly, living in groups, living in an area in the north, and the other is independent. Those who hardly communicated with anyone seemed to be real loose cultivators. They were located in the western region, and the three were distinct. There is not much communication between them.

And the Myriad Medicine Garden I went to during the day was the realm full of evil people, and I sighed in my heart: "Sure enough, there is something wrong with the Myriad Medicine Garden. If I really enter it, I am afraid I will end up being surrounded and killed. Check it out again tomorrow. Code of conduct here."

The night passed quickly, and the next morning came. A golden sun rose, Tang San felt the soft light shining on his body, slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, cultivation was like sailing against the current, unless he reached a certain level, he would retreat.

At this time, Tang San could feel that his True Essence had become even more condensed.

Tang San got up, his demon horse had already appeared in front of him, rubbing against Tang San affectionately, like a child begging for candy, but Tang San just patted it lightly and sent it away, The figure jumped up and headed towards the City of Freedom, Tang San had already let it go, and its future was his own decision.

Only half an hour later, Tang San came to the north of the City of Liberty. This is the place where last night's observation was relatively peaceful. The buildings here are relatively neat, like a town. Although there are formations, Tang San can see it. Among them, the murderous intentions were more of a defensive type, but Tang San still didn't enter rashly, but observed carefully in a hidden place outside the town.

It seemed that when it was busy, some cold and arrogant cultivators came from the outside, swaggered in, and then chose some buildings to walk in. When they came out, they almost all had items that were churning with aura in their hands.

Tang San's heart moved, and he directly caught up with one of the qi refiners who had just walked out of the town: "Friend, you're polite."

The qi refiner looked at Tang San who suddenly appeared, a flash of warning flashed in his eyes, and then said, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Tang San said with a smile: "It's rude to go down to Tang San, I want to ask your Excellency some questions, I hope I can get some pointers."

When this man heard Tang San's words, his expression remained unchanged: "It seems that you have just come here. You want to ask me about the situation here."

Tang San didn't hide it: "You're right, that's what I meant."

"You're honest, but aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you?"

Tang San smiled faintly and said, "I won't just ask you one, if you lie to me, then I will come to the door and kill you."

The plain words contained unprecedented murderous intent, instantly making this man's face shudder, Tang San's words were definitely what he intended to do, this was self-confidence and a threat.

Feeling the faint crisis on Tang San's body, this man was not talking nonsense: "You are really a person, do you have anything to ask?"

With a smile on his face, Tang San said, "Then..."

Looking at the Taoist priest in Tsing Yi who left, Tang San's expression was calm: "Well, this place is just as I is occupied by three types of people, one is a criminal from all over the world, and the other is a true wandering cultivator. The last type is a settlement composed of some loose cultivators.”

Tang San turned around and walked into the town where the Taoist priest in Tsing Yi entered, and walked towards a store at will. Now his cultivation has reached the pinnacle of opening veins and building scriptures. With the cultivation of martial arts, the magic weapon is definitely a saint of martial arts. The first person below the person is more than enough to protect himself.

The store he walked into was called the Department Store Gallery. The storefront was very simple. There were some strange things on the shelves, including magic tools, spiritual tools, weapons, and various books, materials, various Things are placed here and it looks like a grocery store.

But Tang San casually swept through the shop, but found that there were many things here that gave him a dangerous aura, it seemed that it wasn't just the appearance he saw.

At the end of the shop was a counter, and there was a person sitting inside, an old man of late age, he didn't seem to have any power, but Tang San felt a strange feeling, this person's aura was really too old, The breath of death that should have stepped into the coffin long ago.

With a sigh in his heart, Tang San said to this person: "Old man, you are the boss here, I want to buy something."