Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 624: Genealogy of God Soldiers

I don’t know how many years there has been no management here. No matter how powerful the formation is, it needs energy to maintain and constantly repair it.

Tang San made his move, he walked to a flaw in the formation, a purple patch in his right hand spread, turning into countless forbidden spells, affecting the heaven and earth, and a colorful radiance rose up, that was the activation of the heaven and earth myriad transformation technique, The power that nurtured countless forbidden spells shrouded this flaw, and then Tang San's Heaven and Earth Myriad Transformation Technique began to analyze the forbidden spells here, and quickly destroyed its structure, revealing a gap.

The power was constantly being consumed, and Tang San was shocked: "My dear, with such a large power consumption, it seems that it is not so easy to crack such a powerful forbidden law."

As the gap widened rapidly, when it reached the height of one person, Tang San also consumed most of his round purple energy. Seeing the opportunity, he jumped into it, and his figure disappeared in a flash, and as he passed, his back His passage was also re-covered by the power of the forbidden law, completely repairing the flaws he created.

Entering this mysterious palace one step before everyone else, Tang San quickly started his own treasure hunt.

The palace is huge, a bit like a huge palace like an ancient palace. It is empty and there is not even a door around it. It is just a giant upright column. It looks a bit like a sacrificial palace.

This huge palace can be seen at a glance. It is all empty and boundless. There is only a huge furnace in the center, and there is a huge stone tablet in front of the furnace. There is nothing else.

This is not the same as the treasure house Tang San imagined, he frowned, and quickly approached the huge stone monument, and then he saw a scene that shocked him.

The stele is so smooth that it looks like a TV screen, with pictures of weapons floating on it. They seem to be real, shining with the brilliance of power, floating up and down in a starry sky.

Tang San saw it at a glance. This is a magic weapon, these are all pictures of a magic weapon, don't ask him why, this is a feeling that comes from instinct.

A move in my heart. In Tang San's heart, there was a trace of martial arts extreme intent, and he approached the stone tablet, and suddenly the world shook, he came to a mysterious space and time, the endless starry sky in the universe. A strange magic weapon floated around him. He was an illusory human figure at this time. He couldn't help reaching out and touched a magic weapon, and then the magic weapon turned into a torrent and rushed into his consciousness. , and then he got a message.

"Blood Prison Divine Sword, human-level Divine Weapon, casting material, Ten Thousand Years Hell Blood Iron, forged through Divine Weapon Furnace, casting method..."

Comprehend the information contained in this divine soldier. Tang San instantly knew what the magic weapons around here were. It was the information of various magic weapons forged by the alchemists, including the refining methods and materials of the magic weapons, and all the information about making a magic weapon. I also know what the furnace behind the stele is.

"This furnace is actually a special furnace for forging magic weapons. It is a first-class treasure. As long as you put enough materials in it, and then activate it with the power of qi and blood, the furnace will activate the refining formation in it, and automatically The most suitable forging method to forge a magic weapon. One hundred percent of the materials are used."

Tang San was a little excited. If someone was in charge of this thing, it almost meant that he had the possibility to create an infinite magic weapon, and Tang San knew exactly the power of the magic weapon. If he has enough materials, then he can create a perfect magic weapon suit. At that time, the combat power he can exert is unknown. If he integrates it into his body, he may be able to directly Achieve a perfect martial arts golden body, and then hit the realm of immortals. In particular, he was even more excited when he wanted to fight the type of magic weapon that "Generals" needed.

But even though he was moved, Tang San knew that everything here was illusory. What he needed to do now was to find enough treasures to pass this test, and now that he had obtained it, that was the information of these countless magical soldiers. He was able to bring this information back, which was definitely the greatest treasure.

Tang San's thoughts moved, and he kept collecting various treasures, touching all the soldiers involved in the mysterious space and time, and then got a whole set of information about the soldiers.

When he took back his martial arts intentions, there was already a set of "Divine Weapon Genealogy" in his mind.

Divine soldiers are divided into three, six and nine grades, of which the lowest grade is called the human grade magical soldier, the second grade is the earth grade magical soldier, the third grade is the heaven grade magical soldier, and the highest grade is the legendary great holy soldier, that is the divine soldier. Soldiers are the supreme treasures, with unpredictable power.

According to Tang San's knowledge, human-level divine soldiers are comparable to the power of the magic weapons of qi cultivators. As for earth-level divine weapons and heaven-level divine weapons, they are comparable to the most precious treasures among magic weapons. As for the great holy warriors, It was an almost invincible weapon, and once it was used, it would be a creation that would be shattered.

Tang San was also shocked when he learned the name of the Great Holy Soldier, because he had a Great Holy Soldier on his body—Taiyin Fist Gloves.

He heard about Taiyin Gloves from the mouth of the person who cast the Demon God's Seal on him. The reason why the Demon God said this name was because the opponent was attacked by his Taiyin Gloves, and Tang San also knew it for the first time. The Taiyin Gloves in his hand are actually something called the Great Holy Weapon. |

And he once wanted to integrate the Taiyin gloves into himself, but it was unsuccessful. At that time, he knew that his pair of gloves was extraordinary, but this time, he completely figured out the origin of the Taiyin gloves.

Tang San pondered for a At this moment, the hall was roaring, and the forbidden magic and great formation that enveloped the palace were shattered. Tang San immediately woke up and jumped, rushing from the damaged formation on the other side of the palace. I went out and didn't stay for a while.

The reason why he walked so happily was because he found that the original information on the magic weapon on the stone wall had all disappeared, after he got the information.

Having obtained the most precious thing, Tang San naturally didn't intend to stay, and it was discovered that a big trouble was inevitable, and he had to continue to explore other parts of the ruins.

He has already seen that this illusory relic is extraordinary, I am afraid it is not a simple phantom, but a real relic, and the projection here is the same method as the Infinite Relic.

Yes, Tang San had already discovered the truth here, and then he thought about it a lot, and saw the interests behind this illusory world: "If I guessed correctly, this is some real relic discovered after communicating with the long river of heaven, It was projected by the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Humanity into this world." (To be continued.) xh211

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