Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 635: Void Ship

The warriors who have absorbed the magic weapon material can exert the original abilities of the magic weapon material to the extreme. After the martial arts golden body is truly condensed, the martial artist no longer needs the magic weapon to improve their combat power, because they themselves have become With a humanoid divine soldier, he has the power to truly compete with Qi refiners and monks, and because his body is hard, like a diamond, the warriors are fearless in frontal combat. It is very difficult to kill the achievers of the martial arts golden body. Yes, the magic weapon is only the icing on the cake after the immortal way, unless it is a heaven-level magic weapon will have a qualitative change. ∷,

Although Tang San only had a two-layered martial arts golden body at this time, his strength is enough to withstand the siege of any master of the same level, and he will not suffer much damage. The increase in combat power is not only twice, but several times. improvement.

Just after Tang San's cultivation was completed, the voice of Tianyin Zhenjun also sounded at the same time, and the soft voice echoed in everyone's ears: "Everyone, the three-month retreat is over, and the exploration information you need to learn has also been taught. Now Our first civilization exploration is about to begin, and the destination has been determined. According to the calculations of the heavenly emperors, our first goal is the illusory projection world that you have experienced."

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar, only to hear Zhenjun Baixiao shaking: "Could it be that the place that tested us is a relic that has not yet been developed."

Tianyin Zhenjun nodded and said: "You are right, the illusory relic you experienced last time was to use the heaven and earth heavy tool Tiandao Treasure Mirror to search deep into the long river of heaven and road, and the one you found was the closest to the Three Realms universe. After three months of careful calculation, we have completely figured out the route to where. Now is our time."

One hundred and ninety masters gathered together, and they were all elites in the Three Realms universe. After three months of sublime cultivation, their cultivation base was the last time they were the real people of the law. Qi Refining True Monarch level. Only under the Immortal Dao, this group of people can turn upside down when they go to any world. They still have fresh memories of the illusory world they experienced last time, especially Baixiao Zhenjun and the others, who were originally Faxiang-level and Zhenjun. The strong level, the feeling of the ruins is far more than ordinary people,

Under the leadership of Zhenjun Tianyin, everyone walked out of the wonderful realm of the heavenly realm and returned to the altar of the heavenly realm. Then they saw a huge streamlined creation that was a hundred meters long and dozens of meters wide.

Tang San's eyes narrowed, because this thing looked like an airship, its body was streamlined without any bumps, its entire body was pitch-black, like a huge black jade, if it was in the dark, it wouldn't stand out. You can vaguely feel the powerful power contained in this giant.

I just listened to the introduction of Tianyin Zhenjun: "This is a large void ship, and it is also a legacy of the ancient alchemists we explored this time. It is a very magical creation and has the power to travel through the long river of heaven."

Mu Wudi said at this moment: "True Monarch Tianyin. It's getting late, it's time for everyone to set off."

True Monarch Tianyin nodded and said, "Everyone, get on the ship."

With the voice falling. A hole appeared on the side of the black giant ship, and a black ladder protruded from it. It was connected to the altar, and everyone filed up under the gaze of Tianyin Zhenjun.

Enter the giant ship. Tang San glanced around, his heart moved: "My dear, this giant ship is almost the same as a spaceship. The space inside this ship is relatively large, enough to accommodate four or five hundred people."

Looking behind the big ship, there is a passage, with doors on both sides of the passage, which should be the rooms they live in. The walls and the ground are full of metal, and there are countless patterns depicted, which should be some mysterious eclipses and forbidden texts. Great array of law.

"This thing is so precise and huge, and the civilization it needs must be very advanced. This alchemist civilization is really powerful. I don't know how many powerful creations have not appeared."

These are all things that Tang can see as far as his eyes can see, and there are still many that are not seen. At this time, Tianyin Zhenjun, Mu Wudi, and Qingyu King also boarded the giant ship, only to hear Tianyin Zhenjun's voice: "Jianling, close the hatch and scan."

A cold voice sounded: "Yes."

With a soft sound, the door of everyone kicking the ship slowly disappeared, and then a strange ripple spread out from the giant ship and swept through the body of everyone, everyone gave birth to a feeling of being seen through, one by one All looked dignified.

Just listen to Tianyin Zhenjun said: "Don't worry everyone, this is to prevent the entry of demons who are proficient in incarnation, this void ship is a legacy of ancient alchemists, don't underestimate it, its combat power is comparable to that of an immortal. The figure has a rigid body and is covered with a large formation of profound yellow and thick soil. As long as the energy is sufficient, there is no power to break it. It is the first-class defensive formation in the world. Its attack system is also very powerful. It is between heaven and earth. The lightning method ranked in the top ten in lethality - Jiutian Ziji Shenlei, blasted out with the power of the immortal realm, and a single immortal could not resist it at all. It was the exclusive vehicle of the ancient alchemists, and the mobile base, but because the craftsmanship was too sophisticated, Tianting has studied for countless years and only obtained a part of the peripheral technology, which cannot be fully analyzed, otherwise the mass production of this Void ship will be enough for us to defeat all enemies."

Hearing Zhenjun Tianyin's explanation, everyone's expressions changed slightly. I didn't expect that the force of this giant ship in the sky was so powerful that it could actually match the characters of the immortal Dao, which meant that they had to bow their heads under this kind of power. It's all unplayable.

Tang San didn't care, whether all his treasures were too high-level, or if they were collected in the Unbounded Relic, there were only three pure powers of cultivation in his body, and as soon as he collected the Dharma Fraternity into the Unbounded Relic, he immediately only had the power of cultivation. There are two remaining powers, even if the ship spirit detects something, it will not be too attractive, because there are many people who practice martial arts and qi refining, which is not surprising, and the martial arts cultivation base is not really displayed, once you have the intention to hide it. , is actually the most difficult to see through power.

The scan of the ship spirit dissipated, and a cold voice sounded: "There is no hostile atmosphere, all the crew can become the crew of the large ship after passing the test."

Saying that one after another of brilliance came out of thin air, turned into badges and appeared in front of everyone, and the voice of the ship spirit sounded: "Project the badge of the big ship, only those who hold the badge can walk freely in the ship, if you don't wear the badge, The defense mechanism of the large ship will be activated immediately, and personal restrictions will be carried out. If there is resistance, the in-ship annihilation system will be activated.

A surreal scene filled the void ship, and Tang San's eyes showed a trace of contemplation: "Does the alchemist civilization also have such large-scale equipment? It seems that any civilization will have similarities at the end. This ship spirit seems to be similar. It’s also something like artificial intelligence that does roughly the same thing.”

At this time, Tang San took his badge and injected his true essence according to the information given by the ship spirit, and then some information related to the void ship quickly entered his mind.

Brows frowned, Tang San secretly said: "This large void ship has its own system, isolating the inside and outside, forming a perfect artificial living space, but to maintain this environment is at the expense of consuming energy and materials, it seems that this There is also a limit to the survival time of the Void ship in the long river of heaven. If you add the possible battles, the reserves of materials must be sufficient, otherwise an accident will be enough to make everyone dead, and this large ship will also change. into a void coffin."

According to the information in the badge, Tang San came to his own room, placed the badge in the depression on the right side of the door, and the door slowly opened like running water.

Walking into it, there was a bed, tables and chairs connected to the four walls. They should all be furniture directly derived from the big ship. A gleam of light flashed in Tang San's eyes, and then he walked towards the desk.

According to the records in the badge, there are several square buttons on the table, divided into red, yellow and blue. He stretched out and pressed the red button, the wall on the left became transparent, and he saw the outside scene.

At a glance, it is the sky palace of Qionglou Yuyu, a beautiful fairyland, filled with countless colorful clouds, a mythical world, this is the heaven, the world achieved by countless fairy palaces and sacred mountains.

At this moment, the picture began to change, Tang San could feel the vibration from under his feet, and the Void Ship took off.

At this time, five great figures appeared outside the altar of the heavens. It was the five emperors of the heavens. I saw an infinite brilliance above their heads. The void was full of colors, and countless radiant bubbles flowed in and out of it. A boundless and great atmosphere gave everyone in the big ship awe.

Then the big ship Huawei rushed into it with a streamer, like a spaceship plunged into the Tang San felt the shock of his feet, and the surroundings fell into silence, through the transparent wall Tang San could see , the outside is a multicolored air bubble, boundless.

The heavenly realm had disappeared from Tang San's eyes, he knew that they had entered the long river of heaven and started a real journey of exploration.

On the altar of heaven, the Jade Emperor looked at the phantom of the long river in the sky, and said in a flat voice: "This time let them explore the void base. Once it can be successfully transported back to the realm, we can reverse it through the heavenly treasure mirror. Analyze, figure out the principle of the way of earth immortals, cultivate true earth immortals, establish new void bases, develop other worlds, seize resources, let the world continuously obtain resources for promotion, and complete our grand plan."

The Great Emperor of Thousands of Waters and Thousands of Mountains said indifferently; "True Monarch Tianyin, Champion Hou and King Qingyu are all here, they will not disappoint us, now our task is to weaken the army of the gods in the three thousand small worlds, so as to fight for a long time. Use the form to slowly kill them, and leave everything to True Monarch Tianyin." (To be continued..)

ps: First of all, I would like to thank the readers for their click, recommendation, subscription, collection support, and also thank the "xajzy" book friends for their monthly ticket support. Tianji continues to work hard. If you think Infernal Journey is very beautiful! Then please put the URL of this site! Recommend it to your friends to watch it together!