Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 683: The way of luck

The Earth Spirit Taoist inherited a kind of earth immortal method called "Five Elements Born in the World", the foundation is to condense the five elements in the blessed land.

This blessed land is also divided into ninth rank, the first rank is the lowest, and the ninth rank is the highest, Tang San naturally intends to condense the ninth rank of the best blessed land, and this Five Elements Divine Peak is also fully capable of allowing him to complete the ninth rank blessed land.

He has observed for nine days and nine nights, and put his mind into every inch of land in a radius of dozens of miles. He has almost figured out all the structures here, and he already has a preliminary transformation plan in his heart.

Gathering the Blessed Land is not a simple project, it requires a lot of resources to assist. Fortunately, this Shenzong is one of the largest sects in this world. Bai Qiongtian has also hoarded a lot of resources. Under Tang San's order, obediently will send all the resources. into his hands.

Strings of jade and spiritual materials were melted by Tang San, turning into pieces of colorful pentagonal three-dimensional spar, and then under Tang San's order, they were buried in designated places by the people of the Shenzong.

In the blink of an eye, in a month, countless such crystals were buried under the ground and on the peaks of the entire Five Elements Divine Peak.

The total number of these crystal stones was one hundred and ninety-nine thousand six hundred and one yuan. It took Tang San almost a whole month to refine them, all by himself, without anyone intervening.

This thing has a name, called Feng Shui Gathering Stone, which is made from ninety-nine kinds of spiritual things, and condenses the nodes of the blessed land.

And after doing all the preparatory work, today is the time for him to officially start laying the feng shui grand formation. He stood up from the people in the hall, and a black and white orb appeared in his hand.

This innate divine object was named by him as the Tai Chi Divine Pearl, because it was very similar to the Tai Chi circulating on the earth, and this Tai Chi Divine Orb was the core of the feng shui formation he had prepared. .

Tang San looked at the Tai Chi Divine Bead in his hand, his face pondered for a moment, then his hands filled with pieces of purple light from the beginning, drawing the yin and yang vitality of the five elements in the void, and quickly gathered around. Then the Heaven and Earth Myriad Hua Technique was activated, and the Tai Chi Divine Pearl was wrapped in a large array of forbidden methods, and the entire Tai Chi Divine Pearl seemed to be covered with a colorful shell.

Looking at the five-colored Tai Chi Divine Pearl, Tang San's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, the Tai Chi Divine Orb fell to the ground.


Like a giant falling to the ground. The entire earth trembled, and then the Five Elements Gathering Fengshui Stones buried in the Five Elements Divine Peak area trembled, and were inexplicably stimulated, and pieces of colorful Guan Hui flowed out from them, connecting with each other. A colorful network is formed underground.

Such a bizarre change attracted everyone's attention. Countless people in the Shenzong looked strangely at the colorful radiance network underground, almost penetrating the radiance of the earth, and the entire Five Elements Divine Peak was covered for dozens of miles. Inside.

All the networks are superimposed layer upon layer, and converge towards the place where the yin and yang Taiji divine bead falls in the center. As the first network is connected to the Taiji divine bead, the center of the Five Elements Peak begins to bulge slowly. The peaks are taking shape.

This mountain is the core of the entire Five Elements Blessed Land. This is not an ordinary rocky mountain peak, but pure vitality condensed.

At this time, the Five Elements Divine Peak was covered with a colorful network of brilliance, and the huge Five Elements Gangsha Primordial Qi was sucked into it. It is transported towards the central Taiji divine bead, and these vitality are absorbed by a layer of five-element brilliance outside the Taiji divine bead, and then transformed into the yin and yang energy inside by the forbidden method of the five elements, rushing into the Taiji divine bead. Inside.

After the Tai Chi Divine Pearl absorbed these yin and yang qi. However, it quickly decomposed and melted them, and turned them into strands of pure vitality that spread out. A little bit of pure vitality crystals, passing by with time. Primordial energy crystals grew more and more, directly breaking through the ground, shattering the headmaster palace on it.

A crystal-like jade mountain of vitality spar rose from the ground, attracting the attention of countless people from the Shenzong, and the boundary of the Five Elements Divine Peak also appeared and changed. A vision appeared in the entire void universe.

Yu Minghua and the others have been gathering troops for this period of time, heading towards the center of the mainland, looking at the colorful clouds in the sky, their faces changed slightly, they can naturally see that the countless colorful clouds are the five elements. The suffocating qi, attracted by a force, is attracting to the Shenzong station.

But at this time, it is useless for them to be anxious. Things have developed to this point. They can only follow the original plan. Although they don't know what Bai Qiongtian is doing, they believe that although Bai Qiongtian is powerful, he wants to refine the innate god. Things are not so easy, and it is absolutely impossible without decades, even with the help of the positive and negative five elements, the gods and thunders.

The gigantic Primordial Qi Crystal Mountains rose every inch, and soon reached a height of a hundred zhang. At this time, the growth slowly stopped. At this time, Tang San's figure had disappeared, and slowly appeared at the core of the mountain. Here is a In the void, a multicolored light ball floats here, and the multicolored light pipes pass through the crystal mountain of vitality and connect to the light ball, and then another pure white pipe extends from the five-element light ball and connects to the mountain range. , so that the entire Primordial Qi Crystal Mountain Range continues to expand.

And Tang San looked at the colorful ball of light, nodded slightly and said: "The establishment of the core of the blessed land, the mountain of condensing vitality has been completed, the construction of the energy network cycle has also been completed, and the condensing of the blessed land has initially achieved the goal."

Just after Tang San's Five Elements Blessed Land was successfully condensed, an invisible force poured into his body, rushing towards his eyes.

boom boom

His head shook, and a mysterious world appeared in Tang San's eyes. He saw a golden streamer, filling the endless world, and Tang San's instinct moved: "This is luck."

Qi Luck, which is explained a little in the inheritance of the Earth Spirit, is something that any living thing possesses. If Qi Luck is close to the body, it will naturally become auspicious in death, which represents a kind of good luck.

And why he can see the luck is because the way of the earth immortal condenses the world of the world, which involves the fate of the earth in the grand fortune of heaven and earth.

The way of luck is very mysterious. It is divided into heaven, earth and people. The so-called heaven is the blessing of heaven. It is born with air luck, and everything will have good results.

The luck of the earth is the luck that occupies a lot of resources. This kind of luck will go up to the Son of Heaven and the common people will have it at dawn. It’s just a lot. For example, money, land, resources, etc., will bring some luck.

As for human luck, it refers to the luck that is believed and worshipped by countless people and has countless subordinates. This kind of luck is the most erratic. Once people's hearts are scattered, their luck will be exhausted. A successful entrepreneur depends on this kind of luck.

As for the path of the earth immortal, it operates great power, seizes countless resources of nature, and condenses the world of the cave, and it will automatically condense a large amount of earth luck. Eyes, so you can see the flow of qi between heaven and earth.

This qi and luck divine eye has a huge role. It is good at looking at the qi and watching the sky. Naturally, it can seek auspiciousness and avoid evil, let oneself be at ease, and even see possible crises in advance and make various preparations. The benefits are endless.

However, the way of luck is only an aid. The real earth immortal is the way to condense the world of the cave, the free world, wander freely in countless universes and time and space, and travel forever outside the conflicts of the universe, but it can really cultivate the way of earth immortal to There have been few peaks since ancient times.

There was a golden light in his eyes, Tang San saw a lot of golden light slowly converging towards his blessed land, merging into the Tai Chi Divine Pearl, turning into a golden pillar that shot up to the sky, and then turning into a little bit of gold. The brilliance falls into the blessed land.

And he himself had a golden light wheel above his head, and his heart was clear, and luck actually blocked the lines of cause and effect around him, and at this time, countless lines of cause and effect were constantly converging towards him, Tang San's eyes changed slightly, and then he was thoughtful .

"Condensing the blessed land can be said to be the creation of the heavens and the earth. Naturally, there are countless causes and effects with the universe of heaven and earth. These lines of cause and effect come from this void universe, and luck shields the cause and effect, but it keeps the practitioners of the earth immortal way awake. ."

Seeing countless earth luck rush into the void, fall back into the blessed land, and be reabsorbed by the Taiji Divine Pearl, Tang San's heart was enlightened again, I understood: "Why use the innate divine artifact as the suppressing object of the entire blessed land. , it turned out to be used to suppress the luck of the innate gods, and the function of the luck of the air is to isolate the cause and so that the people who cultivate the earth immortal will not be blinded by the endless cause and effect, and be entangled by cause and effect. perish."

"In the later stage of the Earth Immortal, the Cave Heaven World is accomplished, and when you enter the realm of vitality, you can generate countless vitality, make up for the consumption of the universe, and complete the cause and effect of both.

With a quick calculation in his mind, Tang San quickly grasped the mystery of the Tao of the Earth Immortal. The Earth Immortal Cave World is a cultivation method developed by the alchemists to easily break free from the shackles of the universe. There are many mysteries.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San slowly sat cross-legged in the peak of the Primordial Energy Crystal Stone. He was merging his mind with the Tai Chi Divine Bead. Through this core, he carved his spiritual mind into the mountains and rivers of this region, completely marking the world. His own brand, when the blessed land is condensed to perfection, it is time for him to attack the cave.

Tang San has a space-attribute innate divine object in his hand, as long as he integrates the space innate divine object into the perfect blessed land, turning it into a layer of space fetal membrane, and adding the guidance of the eclipse and forbidden methods, he can create one in advance. Dongtian, Dongtian Yicheng, with Tang San's strength, he could directly trigger the Void Calamity and be promoted to Dongtian World. (To be continued) If you think Infernal Journey is very nice! Then please put the URL of this site! Recommend it to your friends to watch it together!