Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 687: active retreat

"As long as they temporarily lose contact with the outside world during this period of time, after I become a third-order master of Immortal Dao in the future, this three-world universe is the best place to build foundational forces."

"Covering people, ghosts and gods, three cultivators, more than twenty second-order masters of immortality, hundreds of first-order immortals, and I, as the ruler, the invincible third-order master of immortality, suppressed everything, and immediately became the overlord of the immortal world, let you all As my pawn, please open the way for me and give me the last drop of blood."

If the Jade Emperor was here at this time, he would definitely be furious. Tang San actually started to plot against them in the first transaction. Everything was planned for the future. Even the Void Base was sold to them. Crystal Wall Civilization is in a state of war, it is impossible to let the Void Base leave the Three Realms Universe, only this Void Ship can be sent out reluctantly, as long as Tang San achieves the supreme cultivation of the Immortal Realm in a short period of time, shielding the Three Realms Universe and the Endless Immortal Realm. Contact, and everything will fall into his grasp.

The four of Yu Minghua's hearts were all cold, and they seemed to feel an invincible line of sight looking at the sky. They looked at each other and nodded thoughtfully. They all knew that Bai Qiongtian was watching them. They feel a little scary.

It's a pity they still didn't know that it wasn't Bai Qiongtian but Tang San who had been fighting against them, otherwise they would have really worked together to eliminate this great calamity.

The four major forces have retreated. This time, they are not retreating toward their past sphere of influence, but in the direction of Tianya Port. Treasure ships take off from the mainland and transport strong men there. And Tianyin Zhenjun and others who were moored at the outermost periphery of Tianya Port also found anomalies.

During this period of time, they didn't do nothing, but sent their avatars to sneak into the Void Continent, collecting information about this world, and at the same time looking for Tang San's traces, whether it was True Monarch Tianyin or Mu Wudi. They all reported 120,000 points of vigilance to Tang San.

Especially after hearing about what happened to the Shenzong recently, True Monarch Tianyin instinctively felt that this matter had something to do with Tang San. Although she didn't believe that Tang San could silently occupy Shenzong and capture Bai Qiongtian, But she also raised a little bit of vigilance, thinking that Bai Qiongtian and Tang San might have reached some sort of agreement secretly.

As a person in the Three Realms Great Universe, all the Supreme Beings look up to. True Monarch Tianyin is naturally not an idiot, but very smart.

After the Supremes got the Void Base, she also had Xin participated in the research on the Void Base, got first-hand information from the Supremes, and knew how to make the Void Base. It was also learned that Tang San was very likely planning to cultivate the way of the Earth Immortal.

The Supreme Being of the Three Realms also had a plan for Tang San cultivating the way of the Earth Immortal, but Tang San did not return to the Three Realms in the end, so this matter was over.

As a participant in the whole process, Tianyin Zhenjun naturally understood the mystery. After receiving a lot of recent news from the Void Continent, she was deeply disturbed by the various events in the Void Continent, and a sense of crisis came to her face.

In addition, now that Yu Minghua and others are clearly losing to Bai Qiongtian, this is to retreat to Tianya Port to be stationed. On the other hand, their days were even worse.

Originally, with Mu Wudi's strength, combined with the Void Ship, the Three Realms Great Cosmos group, but I was so powerful. Not afraid of any first-order masters of the Immortal Dao, they have enough confidence in the face of Tianyagang and Yu Minghua, and they are not afraid of the other side's brains, but now with the confluence of the four major forces, they have to start facing possible crises.

A meeting was held in the Void Ship, with True Monarch Tianyin as the head of the group. First he said: "Everyone, Tang San is missing. I suspect that there is a big problem in the Shenzong where Bai Qiongtian is located, and it may have been occupied by Tang San or some kind of agreement has been reached. The last step for mortals is to condense the cave and then enter another dimension of the world. Ordinary means are completely helpless. Then the Shenzong Mountain Gate suddenly disappeared, and I have some guesses. Now that the four major forces have merged, Yu Minghua has always been against it. We have a trace of malice, I am afraid there will be serious trouble this time, you all tell me what to do now."

A Dharma Master who was wrapped in a faint gray and dead aura said: "Actually, there is no need to be nervous. Although the four major forces have merged and the four immortal figures of the void universe are united, we may not be afraid of them."

"Void ships travel through the long river of heaven, and they can stay temporarily in the infinite nothingness. The magical power is far from what they can speculate. It is really dangerous. We just walk away and open the stealth ability of the void ship. This void universe is so Big, just find a place to hide, I don't believe they can search the universe to find us, even the Supremes who have mastered the authority of heaven and earth may not be able to do it, let alone a few ordinary immortals in this void universe."

The King Sapphire nodded and said, "The truth is what the real person said. With the ability of the Void Ship, we really want to hide and no one can do anything to us. They want to do something to us, unless they can trap the Void Ship in an instant. Only in a dead place will there be a real chance to shoot at us, and we can just wait and see."

Tianyin Zhenjun also nodded when he heard the words: "What the Qingyu King said is very true, but the resources of the Void ships are very cherished, and one point is less than one point. In this void universe, in addition to all kinds of suffocating qi that can be supplemented , other things are not so easy to get, so it is best to rest well if you can't move, keep the material reserves of the Void Ship, and go to the Endless Immortal Realm is very far away, we still have to keep the material reserves to return to the Three Realms Great Universe, that is Not a single bit of reserves can be wasted arbitrarily.”

Speaking of Tianyin's beautiful eyes, he looked towards Mu Wudi, and a soft voice sounded in his ear: "Champion Hou, do you have any thoughts?"

Mu Wudi is a dull person, obsessed with martial arts, unless something really happens, he usually won't come out.

Looking at Zhenjun Tianyin lightly, Mu Wudi said slowly: "It's not that simple, don't forget, if Tang San really occupied that Shenzong, do you think he would sit there quietly and watch us at leisure?" Maybe he is plotting a conflict between us and Yu Minghua and others. Once we fail, he will have an excuse to take action and take this Void Ship. Although he has signed a non-aggression pact with the Supreme Gate of the Three Realms, if the Void Ship If it is not in our hands, he can justifiably take action, and we can't do it yet, otherwise we will be severely punished by the long river of heaven."

Hearing Mu Wudi's analysis, everyone froze in their hearts. They immediately made a new judgment and analysis of the situation in front of them. They had to admit that Mu Wudi's analysis was very reasonable. Only a big hand is controlling, and an invisible big net seems to be slowly shrouding them, and an instinctive suffocation makes their hearts tremble.

True Monarch Tianyin's expression was also slightly gloomy. He had been in contact with Tang San for a while, and knew that he was a very deep guy who was proficient in calculating and conspiracy. He would never try to see what he was thinking. His own beauty is not at all indifferent, somewhat similar to Mu Wudi, but more terrifying and ruthless than Mu Wudi.

After thinking for a while, Zhenjun Tianyin said slowly: "Champion Hou is right, we must be 120,000 points vigilant about this Tang San, it's better for us to temporarily avoid this vortex, our purpose is only One, that is, after the tidal wave of the phantom beasts ceased, leave here quickly and go to the Endless Immortal Realm, leaving nothing else to worry about, there are still resources left, enough for us to avoid the eyes and ears of these people for ten years.”

Everyone said: "Good."

With the hull of the Void big ship shaken, and then instantly separated from Tianya Port, rushed into the starry sky of the void universe, a layer of faint brilliance enveloped it, and then disappeared completely.

Less than a quarter of an hour after they left, the four figures had already appeared in Tianya Port with a dull look. Looking at the empty port, they all sighed.

Yu Minghua's face paled: "A very cautious person, if you see something wrong, leave immediately, there is no sloppiness at all, everyone knows the stealth ability of Void ships, it is not easy to find them in a short time, you can only search through the net. And even if we find it, we don’t have a 100% certainty that it will be left, so what should we do now.”

When Wang Zijin heard the, a purple-gold light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled coldly: "Hmph, monks can't run away from the temple, their purpose is the endless fairyland, they always have to leave, we just need to arrange at the exit Hide the big formation down, they will be dead as soon as they show up, and the big formation is besieged, so you won't be able to take them down."

It has to be said that any existence that can be located at the top of a universe is not a simple comparison, but with a flash of thought, Yu Minghua has already arranged all kinds of poisonous schemes. They must be caught, and what awaits them is death.

At this time, in the starry sky not far away, the Void Ship turned on the stealth function and was carefully observing the changes in Tianya Harbor. When they saw the four figures that suddenly appeared, Tianyin Zhenjun and others were all expressions of expression. After a suspense, Mu Wudi said coldly, "Sure enough, these guys have bad intentions, and they can't bear it anymore and plan to attack us."

The death-defying real person is full of death and slowly said: "I am afraid we have to deal with it carefully in the future, they will never give up, they know that our goal is the endless fairyland, and they will definitely leave, they should be at the entrance of the long river of heaven. Ambush everywhere, this is a conspiracy, but everyone should be vigilant." (To be continued) If you think the Infernal Journey is very beautiful! Then please put the URL of this site! Recommend it to your friends to watch it together!