Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 794: Heaven's Path Repair

Seeing this miraculous scene, his heart moved, Tang San said: "The long river of heaven has begun to recover completely. ↗Little,"

The Great Emperor Changsheng heard the words and said: "Yes, this time the Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals suddenly unfolded, annihilating half of the foreign coalition forces in one fell swoop, and inflicting unprecedented heavy damage on them, among which there are more than thousands of Tier 3 characters, that is huge. Origin, these origins plus the exotic origins accumulated in countless years of battles here, are enough to wash away the damage of the past and experience a transformation. This is the plan of the endless immortal world that has been calculated for countless years. Otherwise, why do you think The Endless Immortal Realm will spare no effort to send so many people into the border and attract those foreigners to attack, just to accumulate enough exotic origins, so that Heavenly Dao can acquire enough exotic ways, analyze and absorb, remove past damage, and transform. ."

Hearing this, Tang San already understood that he possessed the Seed of the Heavenly Dao himself, and when he entered the long river of the Heavenly Dao, he also felt that there was an obvious difference between the long river of the Heavenly Dao and the pure five-veined Dao condensed of the Heavenly Dao Seed. The things are in the long river of heaven, and now it seems that it comes from the origin of foreign land. After digestion and absorption, the long river of heaven has become more perfect. Based on the five meridians of alchemists, it has dissolved the way of foreign land.

Thinking of this, Tang San's heart suddenly sternly said: "But if you do this, won't the power of Heaven's Dao Changhe to suppress people from other regions will be reduced, and the trouble will be even greater."

Emperor Changsheng shook his head and said: "I understand your concerns, but we naturally understand the truth. The Dao that is integrated into the foreign system will naturally be affected. The suppression of foreign creatures will be quickly reduced, but that is because of the way of heaven. Changhe has no consciousness. There is only instinct, but we have the Heavenly Dao Root Tool in the hands of the five major alliances."

"Once the transformation of the Heavenly Dao River is completed. Then, relying on the Heavenly Dao Root Tool, the five major alliance leaders can incarnate the Heavenly Heart and directly create pressure on the power of the alien realm. At that time, because of the analysis of some of the alien realm, the suppression of the alien realm will be The more targeted it is, the greater the repression.”

Hearing this, Tang San knew it, and he was full of admiration for the five major alliance leaders. The human heart replaces the heart of heaven, and the information that suppresses alien creatures is implanted in the long river of heaven. It can be directly defined as a tumor under the heaven, then the long river of heaven will naturally suppress these alien creatures, and finally make these alien creatures more Do not dare to easily enter the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Dao system.

The overwhelming multicolored tributaries rushed towards the boundary where the two figures confronted each other like a torrent. It was like a tsunami, and the multicolored giant standing in the tsunami became more and more powerful. In contrast, the ghost felt a huge pressure.

The Master of Nothingness was suppressed by the entire Heavenly Dao River, and the face hidden in the darkness and nothingness showed a hint of anger. But it calmed down for a moment, and then took a deep look at the multicolored Guanghui Taoist, his figure slowly dimmed, and the moment the multicolored Tiandao river and big waves reached his feet. Disappear.


A huge roar sounded in the infinite world of the Tiandao River, and the colorful brilliance flowing in the Tiandao River was turbulent, and it was undergoing transformation. The huge gap above the Tiandao River was also quickly repaired in a short period of time, and the multicolored brilliance filled the air. This dark gap was once again dyed into a splendid area.

I don't know how long it took, the Heavenly Dao River suddenly shook. The entire long river became more and more obscure, and gradually merged into nothingness.

Outside the far border of the Tiandao River, the army of the three major civilization systems that were defeated stayed here. Looking at the slowly hidden Tiandao River, they felt a huge humiliation, but they had no choice, unless the major systems converged, The mutual impact and suppression of the system will be caused, and the suppression of other civilizations will be reduced to a minimum. Otherwise, they will not dare to break into the Heavenly Dao system, because their power will be suppressed to a low point, and they are simply giving food to others.

If you want to display full power in another civilization system, there are only a few ways to do it. First, you need a layer of cover, which can cover the wide range of exploration of exotic civilizations, and then you need to constantly integrate the exotic atmosphere into your body. , Slowly let your own power have an exotic atmosphere, and finally after the passage of time and adapting to the suppression of the exotic, you can finally display 90% of your own power. This is the correct way to enter the exotic and exert all the power.

The second is reincarnation in an alien realm, pure rebirth of the mind, slowly cultivating in the alien realm, and growing step by step to the point of an invincible master, but this is a very difficult road, not to mention the various dangers that may be encountered in the middle, pure strength. Ascension itself is a huge problem. "

"Since ancient times, there have been too few people who have been reincarnated in foreign lands. In fact, spies installed in various civilizations can only be at a lower level, with limited access to information, and there is a danger of being assimilated by the world. Not everyone is steadfast. Unyielding, able to resist the assimilation of the foreign world.

Reincarnation in another world is very, but it is very difficult to obtain power. First of all, because of the different environment of the original power system, it is very difficult to cultivate back. Once exposed, it may be surrounded and killed, so the reincarnator There are not many choices, and can only cultivate the power of the civilization after reincarnation, but once this system is formed, it will be invisible to the influence of the reincarnated civilization, slowly assimilated, and finally even fully integrated into this reincarnated civilization.

It’s not that this kind of thing has never happened, at least in the Heavenly Dao system, reincarnators of other civilizations have been discovered. Even if these people are firm in their will, under the influence of time and the world, cause and effect are more and more involved. , and cannot avoid being assimilated, the will of the world can be resisted by individuals.

And the characters sent by the Heavenly Dao system will inevitably be affected. For example, the nihilistic civilization has to engage in countless cruel things from birth, destroying the world, killing life, destroying, destroying and destroying, and finally gaining the favor of the root cause and enhancing the power of self , No matter how normal and firm-willed people are, after doing too much of this kind of thing, they will inevitably be affected, and the final result will undoubtedly be the distortion of the will of the personality.

It is only a matter of time before a person with a distorted mind is assimilated by the civilization system, so unless it is the unparalleled powerhouse who has condensed the will of the universe and will never be affected by anything, the final outcome of any reincarnator will be Hard to predict. (To be continued..)

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