Infinite Journey

v1 Chapter 813: Heavenly Civilization

"With this sword, I should already have the strength to kill the fourth-order powerhouse, but this sword consumes a lot of me, and more than 30% of the power is consumed under this sword, I want to be free. Using the Xuanyuan Sword, I am afraid that the power must truly enter the fourth rank."

"I want to break through the fourth-order power level, and I need all the five meridians of heaven, earth, human beings, ghosts, gods, and gods to reach the fourth-order level. It's easy to say that the gods can condense the past, present, and future time projections into one and only, and turn them into eternal time. Shrouded, free from the shackles of fate can be achieved."

"The fourth-order realm of Earth Immortals requires all kinds of congenital divine objects to be transformed into the foundation of the Dao in the cave world, establish a perfect cycle of rules, laws, and truths, give birth to the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, and achieve the real universe. This step only requires me After completing this mission, you can ask for more innate artifacts from the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and the Master of Heavenly Secrets will not refuse."

"The way of human beings and immortals requires a complete transformation of the body into an immortal body, truly transforming the body into a body composed of pure immortal matter, and stepping into the realm of the immortal body also requires a large amount of immortal matter."

"The way of immortals, now that the innate qi has been formed, the next step is to transform light with qi. Light is the highest appearance of the ten thousand qi and ten thousand methods. It is said that the innate inextinguishable spiritual light is the highest achievement of the ten thousand qi way, the real eternity. Form, but I don't know how long it will take me to practice the innate immortal aura. I will first refine the qi into the inextinguishable aura. At that time, I will become the fourth-order immortal, and every move can attract the blessing of the power of the Dao. , but this step can also be tricky, as long as you continue to integrate pure and unattributed innate aura, you can add this realm, but innate aura is hard to find, I am afraid you can only ask for it from the Heavenly Dao Federation."

"The fourth level of the way of ghosts and immortals is the transformation of the soul into the soul. The soul is the product of the sublimation of the soul. In the universe, there were originally no yin, yang, soul or soul. All of them are the products of highly condensed consciousness. It can be said that among the five realms of heaven, earth, human beings, ghosts, and gods, only the way of ghosts and immortals is completely contrary to heaven and earth, and the way of immortality is formed entirely by itself."

The way of heaven and immortals absorbs the power of causality and time, and the way of earthly immortals accommodates the treasures of heaven and earth. The way of human beings and immortals absorbs the immortal body to transform the body and achieves immortality. The way of gods and immortals absorbs the qi of heaven and earth and cultivates the qi of heaven and earth. Only the way of ghosts and immortals cultivates the consciousness of the soul itself. As long as a conscious creature can cultivate, continuously purify and improve the consciousness of the soul, and finally achieve Yin Shen, Yang Shen, Yuan Soul, Yuan Ling, etc. step by step.

Although ghosts can also absorb the power of the soul between heaven and earth, the root lies in their own consciousness. All the yin and yang gods condensed by the power of the soul are just to cultivate their own consciousness. Yes, from weak to strong, and even finally transformed into an indestructible form, consciousness is eternal. This is the supreme realm of ghosts.

However, it is precisely because the way of ghosts and immortals cultivates one's own consciousness, so if you want to make your consciousness grow and transform, you no longer rely on external objects, but on your own understanding of heaven and earth to build the structure of your own consciousness, so that it will continue to move towards the avenue. The structure of transformation, and finally become eternal existence.

And every time to break through the gate of the ghost fairy, it must be tempered by external power, especially after entering the realm of immortality, the first-order ghost of the ghost will be a big catastrophe, and the second-order of the ghost will be ninth-layered thunder tribulation. The third-order ghost immortal needs to cut off spiritual concerns and causality, and the fourth-order ghost immortal needs to induce 3,000 calamities to be successful, and the soul will be transformed into the soul.

In just a short moment, Tang San thought a lot. He is not afraid of the ways of the gods and the gods. What he is worried about now is the three ways of human beings, ghosts and gods. Human beings need water grinding time and a lot of immortal substances, and gods need a lot of innate aura to be able to refine their innate energy into qi in a short time. Light, and the ghost immortals have to provoke three thousand calamities to refine their souls, which is already difficult enough. And he must simultaneously cultivate the three paths into the perfect state in order to survive, otherwise the power of the three paths will be unbalanced, and his end will not be good.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the bronze Xuanyuan sword in his hand, Tang San turned to look at the five leaders of the Tianji Alliance: "Five leaders, can my sword be beneficial?"

At this time, the Heavenly Secret Alliance Lord and the others slowly retracted their means, they saw the power displayed by Tang San, and only listened to the Heavenly Secret Alliance Leader: "It's really not bad, even with this sword, even we can't stop you, in nothingness. It’s full of randomness and chance, depending on your cultivation base, you can be safe, but I’m afraid that there will be the highest achievers. Although the known highest achievers are only the masters of the nihilistic civilization, it is hard to say that there will be no other civilization’s highest achievements. hidden."

Tang San's expression froze at the worry of the Tianji Alliance Leader, and he agrees very much. He understands that if such a thing really happens, then he may face an unprecedented catastrophe, so he will naturally be very careful when signing the covenant this time. main idea.

Looking at the Heavenly Secret Alliance Leader, Tang San said, "What should I do next?"

The Heavenly Secret Alliance Lord said: "I will let you take a shortcut. Although nothingness is full of randomness and accidents, but in the countless years of exploration, we also have some grasp of the situation there, and what you are going to this time is the final Near the battlefield, it is full of weirdness. Even the master of nothingness does not dare to approach it at will. It seems that there is any influence on it, but it is the most suitable place to avoid its sight and sign a covenant. I will bring it later. You go to a secret area, where you leave the Endless Immortal Realm of Heaven and Dao, you can directly appear near the final battlefield, and then with the contact mark I gave you, you can find the three major strengths of Truth Civilization, Heaven Civilization and Styx Civilization. "

Hearing this, Tang San's eyes flashed with doubts: "Heavenly civilization and Minghe civilization, what kind of civilization are these two civilizations?"

Hearing Tang San's question, the Buddha Lord of Elysium said: "Heavenly civilization is a peculiar civilization. The foundation of this civilization is derived from the creation called Heaven. The legend of the origin of this civilization is from the Crystal Wall civilization. split."

"It is said that in the crystal wall civilization, there was a race in the past. This race itself is a high-purity energy-type life form evolved from the power of light. They are a natural race of gods, with powerful strength, belonging to the ancient gods. one."

"But then Jingbi civilization believed in the rise of gods, rapid expansion, relying on a huge number and strength to improve, and quickly defeated the ancient gods at that time. When countless gods fell, this bright protoss escaped under the leadership of their gods. The crystal wall civilization, and sneaked into a small universe influenced by the truth system."

"And in that world, the gods of the Bright Protoss came to a conclusion after summarizing the experience of the destruction of the ancient gods, because the power of their ancient gods increased slowly, and the number of them was greatly limited, unlike the belief in gods. Rapidly expanding the number and increasing the strength, so after absorbing some scientific systems of truth and civilization, the Lord God of Light integrated his own powerful characteristics of light, and gradually reached the ultimate mastery of the energy of light, creating the name of heaven. Creation."

"The birth of heaven has brought a miracle of rise to the Bright Protoss. Heaven can assimilate and absorb the world, transforming the whole world into a pure ocean of light, giving birth to an endless army of angels, and because all members of the glorious family share their lives with heaven Binding, these Bright Protoss will almost never die, and they can also give birth and produce new offspring. Although these offspring can no longer be integrated with heaven, they can be bound to the ocean of light in heaven. Once they fall, they can Reincarnated as an angel and got a chance to be reborn."

"And almost all angels are like this. Their souls are bound to the ocean of light, and they are born with a long life. Unless their life is naturally exhausted, they will never die. The accumulation of countless years, the army of angels accumulated in heaven is almost The most powerful force in the entire void."

"There are hundreds of billions in the first-order angel army, which is dozens of times that of our alchemist civilization. There are hundreds of millions of second-order angels, hundreds of thousands of third-order angel commanders, and the fourth-order angel army is nearly a thousand. The number, but the highest fifth-order blazing angels, there have only been seven since the birth of heaven, but they are much lower than our alchemist civilization and other cosmic civilizations, but this is only the strength of the angel army, and the brightness of the Protoss itself. Those ancient existences also have many fourth-order powerhouses, but as the nobles and core of the angel army, they have never really seen them take action. Even in the ancient war, only the angel army participated in the battle. The real Bright Protoss has been established since heaven. After that never appeared again."

The Western Bliss Buddha Lord said with deep eyes: "It is said that in the depths of heaven, the Bright Protoss lives there, ruling the army of hundreds of millions of angels. The highest achiever, so our alliance this time is also to use this possible highest achiever to a certain extent to resist the influence of the master of nothingness."

"In general, the low-end, mid-end and high-end combat power of this paradise civilization is very huge, but the combat power at the top is far weaker than other civilizations, so the comprehensive ranking in the ancient times is only at the bottom, but now In the absence of the highest achievers in this era, the strength of the army of angels has skyrocketed. It can be said that the real first combat power, except the nihilistic civilization and the abyss and **** can compete with it, other civilizations are almost impossible to defeat it alone. At most, we can rely on our own system to draw a tie with heaven.”

The Western Bliss Buddha said, "I know more about the civilization of heaven. As for the civilization of the Styx, you may have to ask Yan Jun of the underworld, but she has a very good understanding of this civilization." (To be continued.)

ps: First of all, I am very grateful to the readers for their clicks, subscriptions, recommendations, collections and support, and I am also very grateful to the "book friends" and "Chu Ping is here" for their support. Yo. .