Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 922: prepare for calamity

"But I have got first-hand information. The thirteen major civilizations are really terrible times. Did so many fifth-order powerhouses ever exist? In the ancient war, all fifth-order existences have fallen? What's going on? ?"

Mo Xianwu's expression changed, and his face was stunned: "The fifth-order existence itself is the embodiment of truth, it is impossible to destroy, no matter how tragic it is, it is impossible to fall, at most r body or soul destruction, death is absolutely impossible, for a period of time. Naturally, they can be resurrected, these people are too low-level, and they don’t understand what the fifth-order is, there seems to be some kind of conspiracy in it, could it be that other forces have taken action?”

Thinking of this, Mo Xianwu was horrified, and thought of a possibility: "No way, could it be that someone really controls this emptiness, this place belongs to our harvesting ground, it is too bold. [Read the latest chapter. .]”

But after thinking of this possibility, Mo Xianwu's face was serious, and he didn't dare to be careless. Instead, he immediately sent out a mysterious ripple, sending a message to his companions, informing them that things had changed, be careful.

Looking at the smooth ground, he frowned slightly, and then a cloud of black smoke rose from his hand, turning into countless fine rays of light, sweeping across the ground, bombarding the ground with a patch of potholes, covering up all traces.

After doing everything, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind a messy mountain range, and the destruction of a small town did not attract much attention, but the people of the truth and civilization sent personnel to investigate, and then several times After the search was fruitless, everything came to an end. There were still countless things in the world waiting for them to deal with. The rise and fall of a small town could not cause them to pay too much attention, because this kind of thing happened almost every day on this road. occur.

Either the wild beasts attacked, or the cities in the same region fought for resources. One side was wiped out, and the other side won the final victory. The absolute defense circle maintained restraint, but there was still fire and water among the major civilizations outside. No, irrelevance is the best result.

The chaos continues. No one noticed that more than a dozen black-robed creatures began to travel around the continent, busy collecting various information, these ghost-like existences were not discovered by anyone, because everyone who saw them has died. Even the soul will not be left behind, like a greedy ghost.

However, although the continent is chaotic, it has gradually reached a balance. Desolate beasts are after all the great enemies of major civilizations, facing the threat of this enemy. All the civilizations that survived outside the defense circle spontaneously formed alliances, gave up fighting, and turned to peaceful coexistence, at least on the surface.

With the help of countless rare resources on the continent, since the birth of the world, countless masters have been born. They are widely distributed on the continent and establish their own forces. Although they belonged to major civilizations in the past, they are still experiencing After the sweetness of self-reliance. It will no longer yearn to return to the foundations of major civilizations.

Although it is dangerous on the mainland, it is not as chaotic as in the past. Since the first tide of wild beasts, there has been no large-scale beast tide, and after the establishment of the Son of Heaven, countless wild beasts of high intelligence have been destroyed. Earning it, he became a member of the Divine Kingdom of the Son of Heaven, facing the absolute defense circle from afar. There were hardly many high-level wild beasts walking on the continent, and there was no large-scale beast tide.

However, small-scale beast tides still occur from time to time, and at that time it is time to rely on their own abilities. The city-states will be connected together, and each civilization will support each other, so as to resist these small beast tides, as for higher-level battles. These city-states have long stopped caring. In this world, life is no longer long, and enjoyment has gradually become the mainstream.

Time always passed quickly, and it had been ten years since Tang San's Lord of Redemption completed the flower of redemption and truly condensed the way of redemption. Tang San's good corpses have accumulated to the peak, as long as he wants, he can step over that threshold at any time, truly condense the way of redemption, and lead to the great calamity of reincarnation. The biggest catastrophe, reincarnation catastrophe and catastrophe**.

Whether it is the Ten Great Civilizations or the powerhouses in the Divine Kingdom of the Son of Heaven, they are all waiting, waiting for him to reveal their traces, and then find him. As for whether the result is good or bad, Tang San can almost guess that it will not be very good, but he has already arranged it properly. , the great calamity of reincarnation is extraordinary, and it is not an easy thing to get through, whether it is in the world controlled by the Lord of Redemption or outside the absolute defense circle, it is not safe, so he made a plan that will probably make everyone Shocking choice.

The first dynasty of the abyss and **** - the capital of the Diyuan Dynasty. At the same time, the Diyuan Daoist who condensed the body of the devil and the devil stood on an altar. At this time, there was no one here. He was the only one standing here. All the demons or devils Left to guard outside, no one is allowed to approach.

The Diyuan Dynasty of the Diyuan Taoist is not monolithic. I don’t know how many careerists, spies or forces are hidden in it, but under his iron fist rule and **** suppression, no one dares to confront him openly, although there are various secret methods. , but it has never been able to stop the pace of the Taoist people in the In the underworld, it has been twenty years since the birth of the emperor, and the **** battles in the abyss and **** have continued. The Yuan Dynasty fought against Dimo ​​Gaogan's Morgan Dynasty dozens of times, each winning and losing, but there has never been a real battle between the two, because Tang San's corpse has already noticed Dimo ​​Gaogan's cultivation, it seems Has reached the realm of a thought of good fortune.

Daoist Di Yuan was a little apprehensive about Demo Kogen's progress, so he always avoided a real battle with Demo Kogen. As long as any of his three corpses and his main body succeeded in proving the Dao, then Demo Kogen would definitely lose.

The altar shines with countless rays of light, a mysterious passage slowly opens, and the power of countless white-gold light spots in the gray slowly flows out, and an existence surrounded by endless chants steps out from it, mighty The breath of his body poured out from his body, filling the closed altar square with almost no gaps.

This is the redemption of everything, the power to save all the falling, making Diyuan Daoist feel uncomfortable for a while. As Tang San's three corpses, they inherited the foundation of the deity. Once they were born, they had four levels of spiritual will. The third comprehends the realm of One Thought Creation, and they also comprehend the mystery of this realm. (To be continued.)

