Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 1016: New power

Garrott and Wanda stared at Lin Feng with unblinking eyes. The fur tribes around also pointed their weapons at Lin Feng and involuntarily took a step back. Lin Feng’s strength was far beyond their imagination. The Buck trio are almost the most powerful warriors of the Fur Race, but they are actually vulnerable to this human being!


Lin Feng came to Garrott in the blink of an eye and stretched out his hand to pinch Garrott’s chin and said: "Little beauty, tell me where the road sign is in the historical text. I won’t kill people, otherwise, I’ll take all of your entire ethnic group. Kill it."


Garlot wanted to slap Lin Feng and then told him of the delusion, but she didn't dare. Lin Feng's words were not that simple. He really had the strength to kill all the Fur Race!

"Tsk tusk~Do you know what is meant by toasting and not eating fine wine?"

Lin Feng's fingers pressed slightly, and Garrott's face suddenly became red, with an expression of pain on his face, and large drops of sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Let her go! You bastard!" Wanda roared, and the long knife in his hand slashed towards Lin Feng fiercely, about to cut off Lin Feng's head with a single knife.

Wanda is very powerful, very powerful, and she also has the level of lieutenant admiral strength. Together with Garrott, she may be able to compete with flying squirrels, but in front of Lin Feng, she is still too weak and weak, even if Qiwuhai is reborn. , And together they did not have the strength to compete with Lin Feng, and now people below the general level no longer pose a threat to Lin Feng!


A cold light slashed, Wanda's body was motionless, his black eyes widened, showing unbelievable gazes, then he looked at Garrott sadly, and a head fell from his neck.


Garlott’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe that Wanda, who was still playing with him just now, died like this. His **** eyes burst into tears, and his little mouth grew up and bit Lin Feng’s finger with two. The rabbit's teeth bit down fiercely, and if it was replaced by a steel rod, Garlott would bite off in one bite, but biting on Lin Feng's finger, she almost lost two of her rabbit teeth.

"Kill, kill him!!"

Seeing that Wanda was killed, the surrounding fur warriors' eyes turned red, and they roared towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng just sneered, dark clouds covered his head, and then thunder and lightning fell from the sky and charged up. The fur tribe screamed and was struck by thunder and lightning. Soon half of the fur tribe warriors were lying motionless on the ground, and there was a burst of burnt smell from their bodies.

Garlot let go of Lin Feng's fingers and roared: "Stop, stop! Don't kill anymore, I'll take you there!"

"You have to be so obedient. What is this? This is called underpuff. You have to puff you up to be honest."

Lin Feng caught Garlott, and quickly came to the whale forest according to Garlott's guidance, but arrived at the place Garrott said, but there was nothing.

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Garlott and asked, "What about the red historical text?"

"No, I don't know, the text of the history of the road signs is here!" Garrott looked at here in horror, "It was there just now, I know, it must be them, they must have taken it!"


Hearing what Garrott said, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed, and his eyes fixedly looked at her. Garrott gritted his teeth and said: "A group of people came two days ago, and they said you will come to this island to take a sign for walking. The text of history, let us beware of you."

Lin Feng's eyes rolled around. Which force would a group of people be? navy? Impossible. Although the fur tribe is isolated from the world, the navy still knows the Four Emperors? It’s also not like that the Four Emperors will not be so polite. Wait, maybe it’s red-haired. Although red-haired is also a pirate, he treats people kindly and doesn’t do anything to rob him, but how does he know he will come to Zuowu? Where is the country looking for road signs in the historical text?

Lin Feng thought for a long time and had no thoughts. Looking at the chaotic footprints around, he let go of Garlott and prepared to chase him. No matter who it is, who dares to cut himself off, then prepare himself for revenge.

"Go to hell!!"

Just letting go of Garlott, Garlott kicked at Lin Feng's back with red eyes, in a completely desperate posture. Since she is desperate, then Lin Feng didn't bother to save her life. The long knife in his hand was unsheathed, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.


Lin Feng's body turned into lightning and followed the trail, but when he chased it halfway, Lin Feng's expression became a little ugly. These guys were quite smart, and they split their way. Lin Feng found them casually. All the way fast chasing.

Regardless of whether there is a red historical text along the way, you only need to know that this is the force. In this world, even if they hide in the naval headquarters, Lin Feng dare to enter!

After chasing for a long time, Lin Feng saw a group of people rushing wildly, a sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and his body suddenly appeared in front of the group.

Seeing Lin Feng, the group of people did not have any surprised expressions. They roared and took out their weapons and attacked Lin Feng. Lin Feng smiled, and a powerful electric current burst out from his body. The people who rushed over immediately danced on the spot. , Jumping for a full minute before lying on the ground twitching.

"Say, where is the red historical text, and who are you?!"

"Don't think about it, even if I kill it, I won't tell you!"

The person who was stepped on by Lin Feng spit at Lin Feng, without paying any attention to his own life and death. Lin Feng smiled, his eyes flashed, and the eyes of the person who was stepped on became dull and muttered: "The leader of them It’s on the right, we..."

"Kari, you are crazy! Do you want to betray the leader? Don't say it, don't say it!"

Kari didn't hear what his companions were yelling at all, and finally said: "We are-the revolutionary army."


Lin Feng crushed the soles of his feet and stomped Kari’s neck. That’s how it turned out. This time the mystery was solved. He learned the clues to the historical text of the road signs from the world government, and there must be spies from the revolutionary army inside the world government. It is not surprising to know the historical text of road signs in this way. ..