Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 107: Streaming Day! (Please customize~)


Reizang's pupils shrank, and Lin Feng over there relentlessly swung the fan of the flames and slapped him down like a fly, smashing a new big hole on the ground.

When Lin Feng turned the fan of the flame to prepare for the final blow to Reizang, dozens of wind blades suddenly blocked his whereabouts: "The wind escapes in a vacuum!"

"The air is bursting!"

Lin Feng suddenly stepped into the void, and the high-voltage electricity detonated the air under his feet, which produced a driving force that made Lin Feng easily move across the air, changing positions to avoid the wind blade.

But it also gave Reizang time to react. He quickly jumped from the big pit and quickly moved away from Lin Feng's position.

"Tsk, nest after nest like a cockroach."

Lin Feng took a sip and looked at the source of the attack. It was Qi Zangzheng who brought more than sixty Shimura ninjas to support him with a cold face.

They have medical ninjas who are responsible for treating the ten elite Shimura ninjas, and at the same time they form an encirclement, obviously wanting to surround Lin Feng.

"Hey..." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Always hit one more, do you want to be shameless?"

Qi Zang snorted when he heard the words, but didn't reply, obviously intending to be shameless to the end.

"This is nerve-racking," Lin Feng stretched out his hand and rubbed out a few small sparks, "I basically ran out of electricity."

Lin Feng relied on electricity to control his copy of Organ City without injury and anger. To be honest, the consumption was very large.

"In that case, just use the dark fruit as much as you want," Lin Feng folded his palms together, and then slowly opened outwards, gradually condensing a pure black ball. "Qing Xiaobing is definitely the first choice. !"

"Secret Point Road!"

Infinite gravity appeared over the backyard of the Shimura family. This trick has killed countless people on the frontline of the coalition forces, but the Shimura family present has never seen its horror, but now they are as close as their compatriots on the front line. Realized what despair is!

This feeling of being pulled over by the whole body involuntarily makes everyone feel extremely helpless, unable to resist this gravitational force at all, and don’t know how to resist this gravitational force, even if they tie a chain to the rocks in the backyard, It won't be long before the rocks will rise together due to gravity!

Everything in the backyard was converging in the sky, and there were even many Shimura ninjas who were stunned by dense rocks that were alive. After a while, a giant asteroid was suspended above the Shimura family residence.

However, the force of the secret cave path has not stopped. The lives still alive in the backyard, except for the forest wind standing on the ground, are Rui Zang who is constantly jumping between the stones.

Rezo does not possess the high-powered ninjutsu that can destroy the core of the dark cave. The Shimura family has always been good at ingenuity, including mechanisms, stealth, and ninjutsu.

The only thing Reizang can do now is to try to use the Patriarch's level of intrepidity to survive the effect of the dark cave path, he struggled to choose the low stones to jump, and looked at the forest wind on the ground through countless rubbles. .

"That guy is a spellcaster, maybe you can stop this ninjutsu by killing him!"

This thought flashed through Reizang's mind. He looked at Lin Feng, who was standing on the chaotic ground with a large amount of sand and dust as the background. It seemed that only around Lin Feng was the only spot on the scene. Anding District.

Lin Feng also found that Rui Zang was looking at him, and he smiled at Rui Zang, the writing wheel eyes in his eyes instantly turned into a kaleidoscope shape: "Suzou can be!"

"That..." Seeing all this, Reizang's mind and body were sluggish for an instant, "Then...what the **** is that!?"

Just because in Reizang's field of vision, a huge golden skeleton giant appeared on Lin Feng the next moment, covering his whole body perfectly!

The golden giant's body rose with flame-like brilliance, and a fierce sense of crisis appeared in Rui Zang's heart. This was the super strong sense of his Patriarch-level strength, and he had saved him countless times.

"No, you have to get out of the way!"

Reizang's mind was filled with this thought, and Lin Feng on the ground also saw through his thoughts at the same time: "You can't run!"

Along with Lin Feng's sneer, a mighty spear shining dazzlingly appeared in the golden giant's hand. It raised its spear directly and aimed it at Reizang in the air.

Reizang was shocked when he was about to dodge forcibly, when Lin Feng's Suzano had already projected this spear with force: "The spear of the sun shines!"

Fast, it is too fast. The spear turned into real light at the moment it was let go, and it moved forward unstoppably at the absolute speed of light. It penetrated the target almost at the same time as the projection!

There was a confused and unbelievable look in Reizang's eyes. His reaction could not keep up with the speed of light. Before Reizang could understand it, his body turned into two pieces from the air with a burnt smell. Fell down.

The gravity of the dark cave is still exerting. As soon as the two corpses of Reizang fell a few meters because of the huge kinetic energy, they were absorbed by the dark cave again and became part of the asteroid.

"Congratulations to players for completing the mission."

"It is detected that the player has gained 50,000 experience points."

"Option 1: Save it for later use."

"Option 2: Improve ability level."

"Choice 3: Redemption in the mall."

Suddenly a reminder of task completion appeared in Lin Feng's mind, which made Lin Feng feel relieved, because it represented that Shimura Ruizang, the head of the Shimura family, was absolutely dead to death, without any tricks.

"Ah...really," Lin Feng even turned his head, turned and left, while still rubbing his shoulders and pounding his back, "This Suzuo Nenghu just used it for a short time, and his back was already sore. The pain is terrible, I knew I would not use this trick in the end."


PS: The customary group number Little Tail: 425924965~ Welcome to join! ~(≧▽≦)/~..