Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 258: Uzumaki Naruto

"It was found that the player was carrying'Uchiha Muyu'!"

"It was discovered that the player was carrying'Senjue Tsunade'!"

"It was found that the player was carrying'Xiao Nan'!"

"It was found that the player was carrying'Nohara Lin'!"

"Data error! Data error!"

"The single coordinate positioning of the player by the system conflicts with the plural teleportation, and the coordinate positioning is invalid!"

"'Uchiha Xiangyu' will be randomly dropped into the country of ignition related to the chain mission!"

"'Senjue Tsunade' will be randomly dropped into the country of ignition related to the chain mission!"

"'Xiao Nan' will be randomly dropped into the country of ignition related to the chain mission!"

"'Nohara Lin' will be randomly dropped into the country of ignition related to the chain mission!"

The beeping sounds flashed in Lin Feng's mind alternately, but compared to the last time, Lin Feng was relieved because he already had experience.

The memory of the shadow clone with Lin has been transmitted back to Lin Feng's mind, but Lin Feng's shadow clone personality memory is exactly the same as Lin Feng, the judgment he made is the judgment Lin Feng will make, so It didn't surprise Lin Feng too much.

And the reason why he was relieved is precisely because Lin. Although Lin is in a coma, she will be teleported with Tsunade, Xiangyu, and Xiaonan, so there is no major problem—the system's data error is just It's just for the inconsistency in the number of transmissions.

Therefore, although the system will randomly place coordinate positions for redundant transmitters, they will be classified as "foreign objects" and placed together.

Tsunade, Xiang Yu, and Xiao Nan are already rare masters, and since the three powerhouses are together, it won't be a big deal even if they come to a new and unfamiliar era.

And Xiang Yu has experienced this situation once, and he can also play the role of commentary guide for Tsunade and Xiaonan.

"The last time I was directly teleported to Tsunade's bed, I don't know where it will be this time?"

The light in front of him gradually dissipated, and the scenery slowly emerged in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng opened his eyes and took a look, but was a little disappointed: "Cut, it's surprisingly ordinary."

What appeared in front of Lin Feng's eyes was the very familiar Konoha Gate.

Lin Feng shook his head, or walked in slowly: "It's been a long time since, Konoha...I am about sixteen or seventeen this year, right? How long hasn't been back to Konoha?"

Talking to himself, Lin Feng thought a little funny: "But in a sense, I actually just met Konoha, but in reality, it’s been more than ten years or even hundreds of years. what."

"Please show your identification!"

The two guards outside the gate were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Lin Feng, but they still seemed to face each other, so they all stopped them.

Lin Feng looked at the two people who approached with some surprise. One of them always held a thousand books in his mouth, while the other had a very conspicuous scar on the bridge of his nose. It was Genjian and Iruka. .

"So it's your turn today?"

Lin Feng smiled and shrugged. Both Xuanjian and Iluka glanced at each other in confusion. Hearing this tone, it seemed that the other party knew them?

"Isn't the memory I left you deep enough? This is a bit of a failure..." Lin Feng sighed and said, "I am your dear Zhongnin exam examiner!"


Both Xuanjian and Iluka were taken aback, involuntarily recalling the figure that had brought them endless nightmares in their minds, and then looked at Lin Feng, the more they looked, the more similar they became!

"Why... how?!" For a while, Qianben in Xuanjian's mouth was shocked and fell to the ground, "You shouldn't? You... are you really that adult? Why are you still a teenager?"

"That's because I apply "Maybelline New York" to my skin every day, and it maintains it well."

Lin Feng said casually, with scarlet writing wheels flashing in his eyes: "Well...just kidding."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanjian and Iluka's bodies became extremely stiff, and their eyes were extremely hollow and sluggish, and they were obviously hypnotized by Lin Feng in an instant.

Lin Feng Shiran bypassed the two of them, and walked into Konoha's gate. Not long after Lin Feng left, Xuanjian and Iluka trembled and woke up from the muddle. They all looked confused and didn't seem to remember what happened just now.

As soon as he walked into Konoha Village, the most conspicuous thing was the Hokage Rock. Lin Feng was attracted by the rock statues of the Hokage Rock at first sight, and he saw the head of Jiraiya right next to the water gate!

"Puff...hahahahaha," Lin Feng couldn't help but laughed out finally, "Finding an old pervert to be Hokage, Konoha's future is really worrying."

Obviously, it was because Lin Feng directly took Tsunade to cross the middle ten years. Therefore, it is no longer possible for Jilai to find Tsunade as Hokage for the fifth generation. Naturally, there is no choice of Tsunade in the original book. The refusal was extremely straightforward.

And although Jilaiya himself is idle, but when there is no other way, he will never leave the village that he has struggled for all his life, so he has to really take the post of the Five Generations of Hokage.

Hearing Lin Feng's laugh at Hokage Rock, the surrounding villagers glared at Lin Feng, seeming to condemn his disrespect to Hokage.

"Although the lecherous fairy is a little bit sullied, he is still very serious when he is Hokage!"

An indignant voice came out from the crowd, and within a short while, the vocalist appeared in shape. It was a hearty young man with brilliant blond hair and six beards on his face. Naruto Uzumaki behind Lin Feng.

"So I will never allow you to face fire..."

Before Naruto continued speaking, he saw clearly the object of his accusation, and for some reason the words in his mouth stopped suddenly. ..