Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 353: Follow me!

"As for you, Afei," Lin Feng said, pointing to Daitu, "Sure enough, we should get the Hokage's guard. Metkay is a bit tricky, and only your secret technique can restrain him."

"Okay~ Leave it to me!"

He jumped up and danced with his native hands, and a funny voice came from under the mask, but everyone present chose to ignore him.

"Boss, what about my mission?"

"Yeah, Master! People are divided by them, then who can I show my art to? Hmmm!" Scorpion and Dedarah both asked together. Obviously, they have no purpose for themselves, and they have a strong subconscious mind. indignant.

"Where is it divided? Is it not everywhere?" Lin Feng's expression is more innocent than theirs, "Showing art, of course, the more audience the better."

With a big hand, he said loudly: "Now the entire warrior of the Iron Kingdom is your audience! Dedara's bombs and Scorpion's hundred-machine performance are the most suitable to deal with this kind of crowd. , You can perform a grand performance for me!"


"No problem, just wait and see, Master! Hmm!"

Both Scorpion and Dedala responded very satisfied, and indeed they liked this arrangement very much.

"And Sasuke..." Lin Feng thought for a while and said to Sasuke, "Originally you were so good at Thunder Dunge, I also plan to send you to deal with Tuying's guards. But now you should have more experience points. , So follow Deidara and Scorpion to fill the sea."

Sasuke curled his lips a little dissatisfied when he heard the words, but obediently obeyed his second brother's suggestion. There was only one person left. He stood there blankly, and the cold wind blew by and looked particularly lonely.

"Uh... that, boss," Bai Jue blinked, "Did you forget us?"

"How come," Lin Feng smiled particularly amiably, "Aren't you just a sea of ​​pirated people? If I forget, no one will forget you."

While talking, Lin Feng opened his eyes slightly: "Those samurai who came in from the periphery, it's up to you to solve it~"

Although his mouth was gentle, the look in Lin Feng's eyes made Hei Jue full of goose bumps—if he had any, Hei Jue only felt that Lin Feng had seen him completely, as if he was to Lin Feng. There was no secret at all, and his gaze made Heijue feel deeply chilled.

"Um... uh, I see."

After getting an absolute reply, Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction, then he waved his hand like a revolutionary leader, and commanded in a loud voice: "Comrades, follow me!"


In the central meeting room inside the building, there is a round table lined up, and the shadows of the five Ninja villages gathered here.

Behind each shadow, there are curtains of different colors, with the words "wind", "thunder", "water", "fire" and "earth" written on them. A ninja with superior strength came to protect the shadow.

And directly in front of the table, is a middle-aged man with a beard. He is armed with a saber, dressed in armor and a white bandage on his head. He is obviously the most standard samurai, the leader of the Iron Kingdom and the strongest Mifune.

"I am the Mifune who presided over this meeting and the general of the Iron Nation." Mifune slowly said, "I believe that the neutral position of our Iron Nation in the Ninja World is worthy of your trust. And I myself We will still uphold a fair and just attitude and will not favor any party."

"I believe that under this equal situation, I can help you to successfully host this meeting. Next, the Five Shadows talks will officially begin!"

Gaara pondered for a while, and said, "Then start with me."

Before he could continue, Oh Yemu said with a slight mockery: "The changes in the Five Shadows are really big. You can become a shadow at a young age. It's really amazing, Your Highness Fengying."

"Master Tuying, please don't interrupt, let Master Fengying finish it first." The charming woman sitting in front of the curtain of "water" spoke. She has long brown hair and exposed fragrant shoulders. It is the current water. Yingzhao Meiming.

Gaara Chao Terumi nodded and said, "I was also Renzhuli. I was once captured by Akatsuki. Because I forcibly extracted the tail beast, I was almost killed. And the recent turmoil in the Ninja World, I believe Everyone is very clear, especially the recent wood..."

Having said that, Gaara glanced at Kakashi's direction subconsciously, and saw his gloomy expression, and couldn't help but secretly: "...In short, to what extent the Akatsuki organization and its leader exist, everyone should I can understand it very well. But I have asked the five major countries for help many times, but I have not received any response."

"Only Naruto-sama helped me. It's a pity that the previous Hokage Jiraiya has passed away." With that, Gaara looked at Kakashi again. "But it's not the time to mourn. To be honest, I think it’s too late to hold the Five Shadows talks after Ren Zhuli was taken away."

During this period of time, Xiang Yu and Xiaonan were still arresting Ren Zhuli. They were peerless geniuses, and they encountered deadly enemies one after another in the process of catching the tail beasts, which made them grow up quickly and become stronger and stronger, and the process of naturally capturing the strength of the human column was faster and smoother.

"Huh... the people in the five big country villages have been arrested. If you let other countries know about it, it would be a shame!" Ohnogi sneered, "Secretly recalling news is common sense. Just as soon as I was taken away, I would turn to other countries for help. Possible."

Ai Wenyan said coldly: "Your Excellency Tuying, I remember that the two people in your village, Zhu Li, were lost during the Third Ninja World War. This is even earlier than our villages. Many."..