Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 403: What's important?

The second huge meteorite that followed was no longer able to shock people's minds, but instead made every ninja of the Ninja Alliance feel numb.

Because of this power that was originally destroying the world, after seeing it was easily cracked with their own eyes, the huge gap in the hearts of the ninjas has made them feel confused.

What if it is scary? Anyway, the next moment, it will be easily broken by Uchiha Linfeng!

Sure enough, Lin Feng didn't stop his ascending flight. His figure exquisitely shuttled among the falling gravel, grabbed the falling Kuunai, and threw it towards the sky again.

This time the shadows completely disappeared, and the long-lost sunlight re-projected, illuminating the entire battlefield.

Lin Feng hovered high in the clouds like this, revealing his usual smile overlooking the world, golden light shining on him, as if he was wearing a golden cloak, looking sacred and inviolable.

Madara looked up at the sky in a daze. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Lin Feng was so dazzling, until Lin Feng's Suzuo Nenghu reappeared, and it became bigger and bigger: "Completely Sou Nenghu! "

The sunlight was once again covered by the huge body, but this does not mean that the shadows will come again, because the tall giant with the same golden light, like a god, replaces the fiery sun to shine on the ground!

"So, did he get the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes..."

Madara quickly came back to his senses, and the scarlet eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes also revolved. This was a gift from Senna to him, and it was also a token that he truly confirmed Senna's identity.

It was not until the day that Senna died and entrusted his eyes to him that Madara finally realized that he had actually accepted Senna in his heart as Senna. It was just that Madara always felt worried and missed for another Senna. I didn't notice my thoughts.

Senna is his own brother, then who is the other Senna? Is he still his own brother?

Madara thought that he would be caught in an incomparable hesitation and confusion, but he was completely out of his expectation. He didn't even appear to be confused. The moment he thought of this question, he immediately woke up to the answer. .

The days he spent with "Senna" will not be fake, and the relationship between him is not fictitious, so what is the identity of Senna, and why is this important?

In any case, he is still his own brother, and will always be his own brother. Whether it is this Senna or that Senna, he is undoubtedly his own brother!

The Uchiha family is the true love family. This is best reflected in Madara’s body. It is also related to his tenacity that he will never lose his way. What Madara believes will not start until the future. There will be the slightest change!

"Total body must be Sano!"

An excited and militant smile finally emerged from Madara's face, and the almost identical pale blue giant rose into the sky with the massive chakras that crushed everyone's hearts!

The cumbersome armor was covered in an instant, and the tengu mask was also dressed. The two swords that looked no less inferior to the sky spear also appeared on the back of the complete body at the same time and underneath. A moment of tit-for-tat collision with the golden giant falling from the sky!


The air screamed silently, and everyone's ears suffered from deafness in this second!

However, this was just foreplay. The Golden Giant wielded an incomparable flame spear, and the Aquamarine Giant pulled out two powerful heavy knives, and slashed countless counts between the thunder and lightning!

A large number of deep black canyons began to appear on the ground, and many ninjas screamed and fell. That was proof that even the earth could not withstand the confrontation between the two. Madara’s words were correct. This world is really for the level of their battle. It's too small a ring.

Once the truth is touched a little, the pattern of nature will be easily changed. Is there anything worse in the world than a force that can turn rivers and fill the seas? That is, there are two forces capable of overturning the mountains and reclaiming the sea.

The power of the cracking rocks and the power of overwhelmingly collided with each other, and neither of the two showed the intention of retreat, enough power to turn the earth-shaking power into a ruthless aftermath, constantly sweeping the surroundings of the battlefield, like harvesting wheat The ninjas of the Ninja Army were blown down one by one.

The battle became more and more fierce. All the trees and rocks were wiped out in the battle between the two. Only one huge criss-crossing scar was left on the ground, showing the strength of the two.

"The power of the two of them has completely exceeded the level of a ninja!?"

Witnessing Madara and Lin Feng's fight with his own eyes can actually damage the morale of the Shinobi Army more than anything else. How can they have a chance to win against such a monster!

Not to mention, they don't even know whether they will survive the aftermath!


PS: 1. I know that everyone is looking forward to the reunion of Lin Feng and Madara, so Zhe Yu also wants to write it as best as he can, and give everyone a satisfactory explanation.

Regarding the changes in Madara’s thoughts and mental journey, it is really difficult to grasp. This chapter has been changed many times and I am not very satisfied. It took a lot of time and effort, so please bear with me.

2. By the way, why no one has voted anymore recently_(:зゝ∠)_Everyone, please vote for the world you want to see, so that Zhe Yu can know what everyone wants to see...

3. Group number little tail: 425924965~ There are activities to add to the group~..