Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 407: she was

After reading everyone's comments in the book review section, I feel that everyone has misunderstood what I mean.

What I'm talking about isn't whether it's better to write about Marvel or Demon Forbidden (this mainly depends on the voting results, please try to vote), but not to write the two worlds in the same volume.

The meaning of this written in the same volume, Zhe Yu would like to explain, it is neither a mode of passing through one after another, nor a mode of chaotic entry, but another mode, so there is no need to worry.

The two worlds are completely independent, neither the plot nor the characters will appear in any form of chaos and intersection, absolutely no chaos!

However, currently reading the book review area, it seems that Marvel and Moban are polarized. I feel that it might be better to write according to my ideas, so that readers on both sides can take care of it... Do you want to do this? If you have any suggestions, please refer to the book review. I will read it in the district, thank you.


Hearing Lin Feng's bold words, Madara and Daitu looked over in a little surprise, and Madara raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh... have you mastered any powerful large-scale sealing technique?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "No, you'll know later."

"Big brother is always so mysterious..." He smiled with a smile, and then his face turned cold, "but maybe, it will be faster to catch the big snake pill directly."

"Indeed, with our illusion cultivation base, no matter which one can induce Oshemaru to untie the foul soil reincarnation, but now it does not work," Madara shook his head vetoed, "because Oshemaru on the battlefield is not his body at all. !"

Madara's words also vaguely reached Ohnogi's ears, making him look shocked: "That's it! No wonder the Oshemaru guy never takes action, only hiding, it turned out to be just a shadow clone..."

"So why didn't the main body of the Oshemaru come over? Or is there another conspiracy to do?" Ohnoki narrowed his eyes, as if recalling something, "Wait, maybe he was..."

As the reflection deepened, Onoki's expression eased, and even a hint of light flashed in his eyes: "It should be that way, that's right! In this way, we still have the last hope of victory!"

In the time after Ohnomusi thought about it, Daido had already activated his divine power and released all the prisoners inside: "Although my space will never be broken from the inside, but the two bastards, the golden horn and the silver horn, opened. The tail beast suit was wrecked inside, and I was also quite a headache."

The new spatial vortex, centered on the eyes with soil, gradually grew larger, and several figures spewed out one after another. Two of them are the crimson chakras all over the body, which are indeed the second mode of Renzhuli's state!


As soon as the nine-tailed chakras with golden horns and silver horns appeared, they immediately aroused Naruto's perception in the distance.

At this moment, Naruto has completed the training of the tail beast suit on Turtle Island, and under the tremendous pressure of Lin Feng, Kyuubi completely let go of the chakra from the very beginning, allowing Naruto to cultivate the most complete Kyuubi. Mode, after all, if Naruto is caught or killed, Kyuubi will never be better.

"It's Nine-tailed Chakra..." Naruto thought suspiciously, "How could this be? I obviously haven't gone to the war yet?"

"Naruto, don't be in a daze~" Kirabi leaned forward when he saw this, "Don't get overwhelmed because of your successful practice~"

Naruto twitched his mouth and explained: "No, Uncle Bi, I perceive Nine-Tailed Chakra on the battlefield."

Different from the original history, because Lin Feng had done too arrogantly, Naruto knew very early that the Ninja War was about to break out, and now he was only persuaded by Kakashi to come to Turtle Island to receive practice and increase his strength.

Kirabi gestured with both hands and sang: "Think about it~ Nine-tailed is on your body, how come there are nine-tailed chakras~"

"No, I did feel it." Naruto stood up unmovedly, "Since my practice is over, I should go to the battlefield to help immediately!"

"Hey, what should I do? That should be the Golden Horn and Silver Horn Nine-Tailed Chakra..." Yao asked worriedly in the sealed space, "Raikang came over, saying that Uchiha Lin's wind is beyond imagination. , So let us never go to the battlefield."

"That's right~ There are heavy casualties, and I am also sad~ Naruto will not sit back and watch, and there will be tens of thousands of battlefields~" Kirabi said, "So let's ask Konoha's ninja for help~"

Yao was almost taken aback by Kiraby's off-line and embarrassing handling, but he thought about it carefully, perhaps to persuade to block this kind of task, it is indeed better to give it to the Konoha people who are most familiar with Naruto.

"That's it~ Go out and turn left and turn right~"

Kirabi stepped aside to let Naruto pass, and at the same time stretched out his hand to signal to the surveillance office.

Suddenly the entire surveillance area was in chaos, and the source of the oil girl shouted: "Don't panic, there are 33 levels of regeneration barriers opened here, even Naruto can't directly break through, so contact the back headquarters first!"

The front headquarters had been crippled with soil, only the rear headquarters where Ai was still intact. After receiving the news, Ai immediately yelled angrily: "Stop the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli at all costs! Never let him appear on the battlefield!"


Ai has no daring to continue to imagine, no matter how strong Human Zhu Li is in his cultivation, in front of the god-like figure, he is so weak and weak! If Naruto is allowed to leave here, then his capture by Uchiha Linfeng is definitely a sure thing!

After receiving the order, the ninjas moved quickly, and Yu Nv Yuan also nodded, and walked towards the exit: "Let me persuade Naruto, and..."

Yu Nuyuan was silent for a while, her expression a little sad: "...Let her come with me too."..