Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 460: Highest achievement

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"The first level of Naruto is officially completed."

"Player completion testing...100%."

"Congratulations to the players for obtaining the highest achievement in the King of Gods game. The completion rate has risen to 10,000% and the hidden system is turned on.

In the void, data staggered across, Lin Feng, Tsunade and others have been separated temporarily, and they are now in a scene similar to the summary of clearance.

"Hidden system...what is that?"

Lin Feng curled his lips, but with his strength at this time, he didn't care too much about this kind of thing. Instead, he asked the system directly: "What is the next world?"

"No comment," the system's voice replied without emotion, "Please feel free to explore after the arrival."

"It's so rigid..."

Lin Feng sighed, and the crown and robe appeared on his body again. The data flow that appeared alternately for a while seemed to be temporarily disrupted, but it quickly returned to normal, and Lin Feng also returned to his former attire.

"I didn't expect it to be that world, I think it should be quite fun."

Lin Feng murmured to himself, obviously, he didn't know how to forcibly learn the correctness of the next world. It's just that the information that Lin Feng can obtain is limited to this. He then asked: "The power I got in the first level can be carried to the next level?"

The system replied stiffly: "According to the rules of the King of Gods game, no. The first level and the second level are like two different game areas. Players can only get the whiteboard account for cross-zone transfers, the original level All stay in the original area."

"This is too cheating, I want to complain to customer service!"

Lin Feng whispered in dissatisfaction, and when the crown and gown were about to appear for the second time, the system continued: "It has been detected that the player is a player with the highest achievement level and enjoys unique privileges and can bring all his power to the next level. ."

Is this a student?

A little teased in his heart, Lin Feng put away the power of the king, but the system immediately gave him a third big gasp: "Warm reminder, when the player reappears his power in the next level, the next level It will end immediately."

"Fuck, why is this again!"

Lin Feng raised a solemn protest, and the system explained: "Detecting that the player has achieved the highest achievement King of the Gods is equivalent to mastering the foundational authority of the God of Creation. The universe is like a wooden barrel that continues to grow until the end. So far, we have been continuously expanding capacity and strengthening fundamental authority."

"When the player reproduces the power of the previous level, it is equivalent to forcibly pour a second bucket full of water into the barrel of the current universe. The contents in it are much larger than the capacity of the current universe, and far beyond the current universe. Expansion speed, the entire universe will quickly collapse, and the current level will also end."

"Is this equivalent to a nuclear bomb that really destroys the world?" Lin Feng touched his chin and asked again, "Then if it is a multiverse world view, even if one of the universes is destroyed, it will definitely not be over. The level of the level?"

"The player's cognition is wrong, and the reference between the multiverse and the universe is wrong."

Listening to the sound of the system machinery, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and commanded: "Oh? Then can you give me an example?"

"In the random screening of related cases...the screening was successful."

"The corresponding case is: "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha"."

"In the world view of "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha", there are countless different time and space universes, and the Time and Space Administration is the corresponding administrator. However, no matter how the members of the Time and Space Administration shuttle, it is impossible to come to the work. In addition, this is precisely because those multiverses are included in the total universe of "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha"."

Lin Feng understands a little bit. No matter how many parallel worlds exist in the world view, in the final analysis, he is still in the universe represented by that work. For him, the master of the universe and the creator of the world, it is still It is equivalent to only one universe.

"Then why is the world of Naruto okay?"

Lin Feng asked again, he has not actually created his own universe. It seems that Lin Feng is not good enough in the world of Hokage, but that is only the tip of the iceberg of the power of the **** king, because the world of Hokage is still not his universe. Lin Feng's actual power is far from being fully demonstrated.

"Because the player became the King of God in the world of Naruto, it is a special case."

"It's so reasonable, I was speechless." Lin Feng spit out slightly, "If you say so, I still can only come to the next level blankly?"

The voice of the system sounded at the right time: "Because of the privilege of the King of the Gods, the player has turned on the hidden title system, which can help the player gradually regain power in a scattered way that does not cause damage to the current universe."

Lin Feng said with interest: "It sounds pretty good. Specifically, what are the functions of the title system?"

"The title system can show the title obtained by the player in the previous level, and have the corresponding special abilities during the period of wearing the title. However, changing the title and upgrading the title requires a certain amount of experience."

"Ha..." Lin Feng was a little disappointed when he heard this, "What is the difference with my re-upgrading power?"

The system replied appropriately: "Most of the titles of the same level are stronger than those of the same level."

Fair enough...

Lin Feng thought silently, and continued to ask: "Then what title do I have now?"

This time the system did not use voice to answer, but directly arranged a light table and displayed it in front of Lin Feng.
