Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 589: The Star-Spangled Banner Man

Lin Feng stopped, and the building stopped shaking. A group of politicians and soldiers were shaken, looking at Lin Feng in shock.

"Your Excellency, are you okay?"

At this time, the door of the conference room was rushed open by a group of special agents. The leader of the team asked President Roosevelt nervously. He glanced at Lin Feng from time to time, and saw the floor that was formed by the stepping on the gully under his feet, and his face immediately paled.

All the agents responsible for defending the President are thinking about a question. If Lin Feng assassinates the President... Can they really protect the life of the President?

As the focus of his sight, Lin Feng stood aside with a harmless expression on his face.

"It's okay, you go out."

President Roosevelt waved his hand and walked to Lin Feng in amazement, clapping his hands and exclaimed: "Sure enough, I am a super soldier. This old fellow is scared. With you, our enemies will be even more scared!"

"I believe that as long as there is Lieutenant Lin Feng, it is enough to deal with any superpower incident that is not conducive to national interests. Any enemy who tries to harm the country and the people will face our powerful "Avenger", as long as there is Lieutenant Lin Feng. Now, they have to consider the consequences of doing evil!"

A group of politicians and parliamentarians nodded vaguely.

"the Avengers?"

Unexpectedly, Roosevelt would vaguely give Lin Feng the nickname of "Avenger" in his words. Doesn't this advance the "Avengers" for decades? Lin Feng realized that he might become the first-generation Avenger.

"I agree with the formation of SHIELD, everyone, how about you?"

President Roosevelt glanced at the politicians in the conference room.





With unanimous consent, "S.H.I.E.L.D." was formally established. Colonel Philip was promoted to the director of "S.H.I.E.L.D.", and Lin Feng was appointed as the deputy director and concurrently as the "special operations team leader." "Justice League", Howard is in charge of the scientific weapons research and development department, and Carter is in charge of personnel management.

"Come on everyone, please smile at the camera!"

The photographer yelled to the main creative members of "S.H.I.E.L.D.".


Lin Feng, Colonel Philip, Howard, Carter, the four holding the "S.H.I.E.L.D." logo together left a precious photo.

This photo will become the history of "S.H.I.E.L.D." in the future, hanging in the most dazzling part of the S.H.I.

SHIELD was formally formed, and Lin Feng transferred the members of the Justice League into the SHIELD special operations team, and then suddenly found that he was all right.

Colonel Philip was busy dealing with the active events of Hydra on the European battlefield, and Howard hid in the laboratory like a chicken blood to study more powerful equipment, which can be used to arm S.H.I.E.L.D..

As for Rogers, while filming the movie, he took the blonde beauty to perform in various major cities and the corps. He has called Lin Feng several times and complained that he was not on the front line at all, and his daily performance made him very depressed.

But this is just right for Lin Feng, just like in the World War II period in Naruto World. When he has nothing to do, he flirts with Carter and plays happily together. Anyway, the system does not give new tasks. In addition to that, every day It is to have a barbecue party with the members of the Justice League, bar and ballroom.

On this day, Lin Feng, as usual, was having a barbecue and drinking party on the lawn outside the office with the duo from the Justice League. This has almost become a daily life, and then Carter hurriedly arrived: "Lieutenant Lin Feng, Colonel Philip Order you to lead your team to the European Battlefield 107 Airborne Regiment station immediately!"

Lin Feng took off the sunglasses from his face: "107 Airborne Group? Oh, my strong and brave Stars and Stripes man who has sworn to fight for justice day and night, who is brave to save the United States, is not performing in the 107 Airborne Group? what?"

"Ahem!" Carter managed to hold back his laugh. "This is not the time to tease Rogers with Captain America's promotional song!"

"Have you forgotten? Some time ago you provided the military with a map of the secret base of Hydra. The military launched a raid and suffered heavy losses from Hydra. Recently, Hydra launched a retaliatory operation, and the 107 airborne regiment was also attacking and retaliating. Within the scope, the loss was very heavy!"

Lin Feng nodded, and sat up on the couch. The duo of the Justice League have long been silly, especially the muscular man Abby is dancing tango with his upper body exposed.

"Girls, let's set off! Tow this cargo on board. If he is not awake before boarding the plane, put him in the toilet for me!"

Lin Feng walked over and put a foot on Abby's ass, Abby stuck to the wall like a sticker, spitting beer froth in his mouth.

The remaining second-hands brows frantically, directly dumbfounded.

"Yes, Captain!"

The four second goods woke up instantly and quickly stood up and saluted.

Johnson looked at Abby sympathetically, thinking that this hapless guy had to drink a lot at this time and hit the captain's gun. He could only stand in silence for three seconds.


Italy, Allied front line position, 107 Infantry Regiment resident.

Rogers wore the "Captain America" ​​clothes and walked to the stage awkwardly.

"Are you ready to teach Hitler and his Nazis with me?"

Rogers took a breath, trying to make himself look passionate and infectious as much as possible.

The eyes below were watching him.

It was the soldiers of the 107th Infantry Regiment, and their eyes seemed to be looking at you.


PS: It's finally time to restore the normal update quantity! Not only that, I want to explode! After rewarding and updating, the rest will be the compensation for the weak update during this period~

So it’s time to hand over tickets, flowers, rewards, automatic subscriptions, etc. (thumbs up). During the period when the update was not effective, I have not been embarrassed to ask for it_(:зゝ∠)_..