Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 617: boiling!

Lin Feng's laughter made the remaining navy at a loss as they looked at the huge yellow sphere with a slanted mocking face.

Stupid humans!

The navy seemed to have thought of the countless pirate regiments or naval battleships, under the mockery of this expression, they charged wildly at it.

Lin Feng pointed to a navy with a camera: "Okay, I'm going to order explosives, blow up this base, whoever, take a picture of me! Pass my heroic side to the world government!"

Lin Feng humming the theme song of "Little Yellow Man" ignited the gunpowder line buried on the ground, and the sparks burned quickly, directly rushing into the shipyard buried with a large amount of explosives, and then caused a big explosion.

With a click, the pirate who took the photo caught Lin Feng's photo.

In the photo, the entire dock is exploding like fireworks. Lin Feng has an innocent and clean smile. On the broken dock wall behind, a huge yellow-faced pirate logo is using its mocking "cheese face". Laughing at the whole world!

The soldiers who took the pictures were almost crying. Many years later, the soldiers who took the pictures were still full of emotion when recalling this scene.

On that day, I took a picture, thinking I captured the whole summer!

The base was blown into the sky!

"Congratulations to players for completing the mission!"

"It is detected that the player has gained three thousand experience points."

"Option 1: Save it for later use."

"Option 2: Improve ability level."

"Choice 3: Redemption in the mall."

This is Lin Feng's second main mission in One Piece World. After completing it, he has gained 3,000 experience points, which has changed from the total experience points accumulated in Marvel World to 45,000 points.

Soon after, in the 011 dock, the last surviving warship sailed leisurely into the ocean with a pirate flag with a "sardonic face" flying.

Seeing that warship left, the remaining naval soldiers of 011 looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

A soldier stupidly asked: "What shall we do next?"

It's great not to be killed, but how should I bear the blame for losing a base?

"Don't say anything, take the photo and report it to the navy headquarters! A terrible pirate has appeared!"

Half a day later, a new wanted order quietly appeared in major underground trading floors.

It was the latest wanted order issued by the Navy. The screen showed a black-haired teenager with his back facing an explosion, offering a reward of 10 million Baileys.

"Is it the newly emerging pirate in the North Sea? It was as high as 10 million Baileys as soon as it debuted, which is really rare..."

This wanted order still caused a lot of discussion among the bounty hunters, but it quickly subsided. There are so many geniuses on the sea, but whether it can grow up alive is the key.

If you can't survive before becoming stronger, then everything is empty talk.

But after another half day, the underground exchanges all over the world boiled together.

Because it was only half a day, the pirate named "Lin Feng" had already soared to 50 million Baileys in the reward amount, an unprecedented speed!

What makes everyone feel the explosion is that the reason for the soaring reward is that Lin Feng has declared war on Don Quixote de Flamenco, one of the "Seven Martial Seas of Kings", and has already destroyed Dover. A force under the name of Brother Lang Ming!

It can be said that in this wanted order, most of the reward is issued by the Don Quixote family!

Suddenly, countless powerful people began to secretly put Lin Feng into the target of attention, and the calm Beihai also began to become eager.

As the center of the incident, Lin Feng was extremely boring at this time.

He stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the sea, and sighed up to the sky: "——So boring!"

"Fuck you bored, just come down and do things!"

Tucao of exactly the same voice came from below, and Lin Feng said indifferently: "Don't say that, anyway, when the shadow clone is finally lifted, your fatigue will return to me, and I am alone. It's really impossible to make this kind of technologically backward ship move."


The Lin Feng below booed, the main body Lin Feng decisively ignored, and continued to stare at the endless sea.

"The seed of the power of the king is used to protect Carter, which means that I cannot summon the power of the king in this world, nor can I directly break through the time and space like before..." Lin Feng meditated, "that is, I want to Going back, I can only wait for all the tasks in this world to be completed..."

"At that time, when the Divine King System is jumping in time and space and breaking the void, I will be able to get back in touch with my own power."

Originally in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Lin Feng didn't care much about the tasks of the system, but in this world, obviously Lin Feng still needs to take it seriously.

"The third mission? It's a long-term mission..."

Lin Feng glanced at the task list again, and the new task was listed:

"Long-term mission: call up your companions!"

"Since you have chosen to be a pirate, how can you not form a pirate group? Since you want to form a pirate group, how can you not gather your companions?"

"You need to recruit members for your pirate group. There is no time limit for this task, and there is no upper limit for completion."

"Reward: Determined according to the strength of the main members recruited."

"Daddy, I didn't even mark out the specific experience points." Lin Feng grinned, "But it is indeed necessary to find some people, otherwise it will be impossible to keep the shadow clone to divide the work and set the ship."

Lin Feng himself doesn't have Chakra right now. Those so-called title abilities can be regarded as like Iron Man's suits. They can be activated because of the power of the title itself rather than relying on Lin Feng to provide strength support.

It's like a steel suit that can fly and fire energy cannons, but it doesn't mean Tony Stark can fly and fire energy cannons.

At present, the most available chakra is the title of "Above Perfection". Now, the "Pupil of God" equipped by Lin Feng, although it can bring the chakras necessary for Lin Feng to start the writing wheel, he wants to use it. Long-term maintenance of the shadow clone is still relatively difficult. ..