Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 678: As expected

After rushing in and out several times, Lin Feng's body was in danger of being crushed several times, but fortunately, he was involved in the center of the vortex a few tenths of a second before the danger. As long as he slowed down, Lin Feng would be gloriously sacrificed. , Completely dye this whirlpool current red.

"Unexpectedly, this guy has mastered the rhythm of the vortex ocean current. I don't know how much his body can improve when he comes out?"

"When he entered the vortex ocean current, his body already had the strength of a lieutenant, and now it is estimated that he will be at the level of a lieutenant. At the end of the training, he will stop at the quasi-college at most."

The major general instructor on the side nodded: "Well, it's good to be able to step two levels in one day."

But neither of these two major generals dreamed of it. The scouring of the ocean currents had continuously strengthened Lin Feng's body, and he had already broken through the quasi-college and reached the peak of the major. Next, Lin Feng planned to impact the strength of the lieutenant colonel.

But at this moment, an officer in the military uniform of a lieutenant colonel walked into the observation room and hurriedly handed over a document.

The major general asked in confusion: "It's all so late, what is the emergency document?"

Another major general looked down at the watch in his hand, and the hour hand was already at six.

"It's been so long before, patronizing that kid training in the whirlpool current."

The major general on the side said: "Let's open it first and see what it is."


Another major general responded and then opened the file, only seeing the previous sentence changed his face.

The major general on the side saw that he immediately stepped forward, his pupils tightened as soon as he saw it, and saw that the document was written with the order of the inscriber as the Warring States Period:

"Lin Feng is suspected of being a pirate. All training for his recruits will be stopped, and he will be temporarily classified as a jumble soldier for observation."

The operation of the Warring States finally began. Knowing that the old man Karp was out of line, he would not trust Karp's guarantee ignorantly. The major general instructor immediately shouted: "Immediately suspend Lin Feng's training in the whirlpool current!"

The lieutenant colonel on one side hadn't reacted yet, and didn't know what was going on. He asked doubtfully: "But the people in the whirlpool current are still training in the current?"

"Use the deep-sea tweeter to inform him and order him to come up immediately!"


The lieutenant colonel immediately left the observation room, leaving only two major generals with unpleasant expressions: "Damn, why don't we know about Lin Feng's suspected pirates!"

"If Lin Feng is a pirate, then the two of us will bring Lin Feng into the restricted area of ​​our navy headquarters. What awaits us is the military court. In the light of entering the advance city, in the worst, we will be hanged directly!"

The two major generals are really in a bad mood now. They thought they had found a good seed, but they turned out to be a guy who was a pirate. This feeling of great joy and compassion is a bit more sour and refreshing than the feeling of riding a roller coaster.

"Now we have to pull Lin Feng up first, and then we either go to the marshal to plead guilty, or cover up this matter."

"How do you choose?"

"Nonsense, of course I choose the second one."

At this time, the lieutenant colonel knocked on the door and interrupted the conversation between the two. The major general frowned and said, "Come in."

"Major General, I have already shouted, but the person below did not respond."

Upon hearing this, the two major generals were stunned. Suddenly one of the major generals asked: "Lin Feng is the pirate's business, do you know?"

"Um, my subordinates know that on the day when the recruits performed the mission, Lin Feng also fought with General Zefa. Later, Lieutenant General Karp made a shot to save Lin Feng, but he vowed that Lin Feng was not a pirate at the time."

When the two instructors heard this, they were all stunned. The recruits were not in the navy headquarters two days before they went out for the mission, so they didn’t know about Lin Feng and Zefa. When they came back, they estimated that the news had been blocked, so it was not clear that Lin Feng was a pirate. thing.

Another major general instructor said: "Okay! Then you go to the broadcast again, we will be there soon."

Seeing the lieutenant colonel go out, the two instructors talked again: "In this matter, Lieutenant General Karp had already made a guarantee that Lin Feng was not a pirate. Then we only need to cover up the past and tell Lieutenant General Karp that I believe Kapu General Lieutenant General will deal with this issue soon."

"Yes, now we only need to cover up this whirlpool training and arrange Lin Feng into the jumble soldier, then we can be perfect when nothing has happened."

The Vortex Current was originally controlled by the Naval Academy, and Zefa was directly responsible, and then it was managed by the two of them. Then this matter wants to cover up the past, it couldn't be easier.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and plunged into the surrounding vortex ocean current. Facing this ocean current, he was already different from before, and he could resist it for a few seconds.

"Huh? Cultivation time is up? Regardless of him, first break through to the lieutenant colonel!"


This is the first few experiments that Lin Feng didn't know, but this time was obviously different. Lin Feng finally succeeded!

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body became as hard as iron. With the success of this occasional use of iron, Lin Feng more freely accepted the storm-like attack without loopholes in the ocean current.


Lin Feng was once again swept out of the outer ocean current and returned to the center of the whirlpool. When he came out, Lin Feng spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"The power of the outer ocean currents, even the iron block can only stay for a few more seconds."

"But!" Lin Feng thought of this with a rare smile, "Fortunately, I have successfully broken through to the level of lieutenant colonel's physical fitness, but unfortunately I still have a weakness in terms of speed. I just don't know if the navy headquarters is like a whirlpool current. A special training ground where you can train shaving and moonwalking? What if..."

Suddenly, a hundred meters away from Lin Feng's head, a giant horn sounded: "The training is over, return immediately!"


PS: Welcome everyone to discuss the plot in the group! 425924965~..