Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 763: Encircle and suppress!

Baby-5, who was shivering by the chill of Lin Feng, saw the moves used by Lin Feng and was surprised: "Isn't this Monet's ‘snow fruit’ ability?"

Lin Feng took a knife to help them clear the ice cloud under their feet, and replied lightly: "Yes, it is the ability of the'Xuexue Fruit' that I deprived Monet from."

Baby-5 covered her mouth at once, she has never heard of the ability to deprive others of fruit ability.

Lin Feng didn’t explain anything, and quickly cleaned up the ice lumps under their feet. The Chief, Ganfuer and Robin walked out of the forest and recorded the things on the stone tablet. Robin and the others had nothing else. Lin Feng and his group returned to the village under the warm invitation of the chief.

At the same time, Ainilu, who was sitting on a false seat in the temple, suddenly opened his eyes. It was strange that Gedaz, one of his four priests, suddenly disappeared from his heart. This has never happened before. , Was it killed by that group of pirates from the Blue Sea?

Ainilu shook his head. This is impossible. Let’s not say that people from Qinghai go to the White Sea. Their strength is only one-tenth of their original strength. There is also the marsh cloud cloud shell of Gedaz, but Gedaz can think of everything. When he was buried under Lin Feng, he didn't even send a message back.

Full of doubts, Ainilu summoned the remaining three priests directly from the heart net, and the priests distributed throughout the island of gods soon gathered in the temple of Ainilu.

The three priests saw the aloft Aini Road, and knelt down and said, "My god, did Gedaz caught the group of Qinghai pirates?"

Anilu asked with a cold face, "Don't talk about the Qinghai Pirates, even Gedaz has disappeared from my heart. I can't feel his existence anymore."

"Huh?" The three priests looked at each other, "My god, Gedaz said before that he saw the trail of the gang of Qinghai Pirates, and he told us on Xinwang that he would bring it back to you."

Hearing what his subordinates said, Ainilu frowned: "So did he go looking for the Qinghai pirates?"

"Yes, my god!" the three priests answered truthfully.

Ainilu said: "Although Gedaz is the weakest priest among the four of you, he shouldn't be killed by the Qinghai people who are only one-tenth in strength. There must be something strange! Since he said that he found them. , Presumably this Qinghai pirate touched the island of the gods and searched it for me! I have to dig out them even if I dig three feet! They are so bold!

The three priests Kengtou said: "Yes! My god!" Then they withdrew from the glittering temple, took the subordinates waiting at the door, and searched for the island in all directions.

Seeing his subordinates left the temple, Ainilu believed the three of them more, closed his eyes and continued to sleep on the seat of the gods.

On Lin Feng's side, after returning to Yunyin Village, the chief of Shandia ordered a group of people to greet them with good wine and food. They saw Lin Feng's strength in their eyes and saved them.

At the banquet, they saw the war ghosts who were not in the village before going out hunting. Hearing what their chief said, they raised their wine glass and said to Lin Feng: "Don't say anything else, thank Brother Lin for saving the chief Brothers, tell us what is recorded on those historical monuments! I will do it first!"

Looking at the outrageous war ghost, Lin Feng was too happy to sweep him up, raised his wine glass and gestured, and took a sip.

"Refreshing!" The ghost of war looked at Lin Feng and drank the glass of wine and shouted, then sat down, and asked them about what happened in the four hundred years after they flew to the White Sea.

For these things, it is still better for Robin. Through Robin’s words, they have heard the history of Qinghai that they have not understood for a long time. They can only express regret and sympathy for O'Hara. After all, they have been separated from Qinghai for a long time. Now they are no longer under the jurisdiction of the world government. If one day they return to Qinghai and are known by the world government, they might also be wanted and killed. Who can tell these things.

The world is fickle, and there are always one or two things that make them feel very impressed, but after all, it has nothing to do with them. Now their immediate thing is to push the reign of terror in Ainilu, which is the same as Ganfor's purpose. of.

Just when Lin Feng and the Sandia were arguing, a team searching for Lin Feng's whereabouts came to the woods of the historical stele.

The corpse capital of Gedaz had been taken back by the Shandias, but the traces left by Gedaz were still there. The frozen marsh cloud was still there, and it was easy to see by this group of people.

"This is?" A citizen of the sky squatted down and squeezed the cold marsh cloud with his hands. It was soft and crunchy. Although it was different from the previous marsh cloud, they were still sure that it was the marsh cloud.

"Priest, I found the whereabouts of Priest Gedaz." This group of people called to the other three priests in the heart.

After contacting the priest, he told the priest where they found, and then hurried along the path towards Yunyin Village.

After the priest determined that it was the traces left by Gedaz Sheng, he looked in the direction of his previous subordinates and said coldly: "It's time to destroy this Yunyin Village, leaving a scourge. I really don't know. What consideration does God have."

"Yes." The other two priests also echoed.

"Assemble troops and besiege Yunyin Village." A priest said with a cold face.

Upon receiving the order from the priest, all the guards on the island of the gods rushed towards Yunyin Village, and soon surrounded it.

Lin Feng and Zhangui, who were eating meat at the wine table and drinking, were suddenly rushed in, panting and saying, "It's not good, it's not good!"

The war ghost put down the glass in his hand and asked, "What's wrong!"

The man continued: "It is the guard of Ainilu, they surrounded Yunyin Village!"


PS: =A=The book review area has an answer to a question that is more taken for granted. Those who care about it can check it out........