Infinite King System

v1 Chapter 812: Adam's whereabouts

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Lin Feng sent an invitation to Brooke and said, "Would you like to have a drink on our boat? Our Miss Baby-5's craftsmanship is very good."

Brook stared at Lin Feng and said, "Is it really possible?" He didn't even see Baby-5's head shaking like a rattle.

After getting Lin Feng's accurate answer, Brook jumped up from the Rumba Pirate Ship, and his light body slowly landed on Lin Feng's Pirate Ship, driven by the sea breeze.

The three of Nami hid one after another, fearing that the skeleton would be caught and eaten. Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, Brook is a good skeleton and won't hurt people."

"Yoohoooohoo~~Of course." Brooke didn't forget to brag, and didn't notice that Lin Feng had already described him as a pet.

Lin Feng did not forget to say: "Mr. Brook is still a musician."

Lin Feng knew all the information about Brooke, and he knew everything about Brooke at his fingertips.

At this moment, Brooke was like a gentleman, bending over to the three young ladies and said, "Understand a little."

When Lin Feng called out Brook's name, Brook was full of guard for the boy who didn't look very big in front of him. He didn't expect that he would be able to say his own information one after another, which made Brooke have to be more careful.

After talking and laughing, Lin Feng began to introduce himself, and said: "My name is Lin Feng, nicknamed "Reaper", and the bounty now has 230 million Baileys."

Speaking of Lin Feng, he pointed to several girls on the boat and introduced: "This is Miss Baby-5, this is Miss Nami, this is Miss Guina, and this is Miss Robin. We are the Suntian Pirates, And I am the captain."

Looking at Lin Feng's somewhat immature face, Brook did not expect that he was actually a captain, and a gentleman bowed to Lin Feng and said, "I have seen the captain."

Looking at Brooke's respectful appearance, Lin Feng knew that he had already suppressed the skeleton.

"It's still raining outside, let's go in and sit down." Lin Feng said.

As a guest, Brooke could only nod his head in agreement and said, "Well, I just want to try Miss Baby-5's craftsmanship."

Although Lin Feng was a man on the boat, everyone else was a girl, and there was no way to threaten Brook, but Lin Feng alone made Brooke feel very troublesome.

Everyone walked into the cabin together, and the three little sisters with fear in their hearts walked in behind Brooke from a distance, and then they were surprised to find that Brooke had no shadow under the oil lamp.

As soon as I entered the door, I leaned against the wall, and tremblingly asked Brooke, "Mr. Skeleton, what about your shadow?"

Before Brooke could speak, Lin Feng said directly: "Brook's shadow was taken away, so you can't see his shadow anymore."

Although Brooke no longer has a heart, he still has a sense of horror. If Lin Feng knew about the previous events, it might be that their Rumba Pirates became famous, but his shadow was taken away after the Rumba Pirates were destroyed. How did Lin Feng know what happened? Could he read mind?

With doubts, Brooke said in tears: "Yes, my shadow was taken away. I can only live in this thick fog, because I have no way to get in contact with the sun."

The girl is always sentimental. Hearing Brooke's misery, her fear of Brooke seemed to fade away. Nami asked, "Then, Mr. Skeleton, can you still find your shadow."

Brook bowed his head towards Nami and said, "Thank you Miss Nami for your concern. I may not be able to find it for the time being, and I will definitely find it in the future."

Lin Feng also interrupted and took the opportunity to make a wave of favorability: "I will also help Brook find his shadow."

Just like looking at their idols, the three girls looked at Lin Feng with stars in their eyes and said, "I know that the captain is the best."

Needless to say more gossip, Lin Feng directly hurried the three girls to prepare lunch, he still wanted to have a good meal.

Only Robin was left by his side in the entire cabin, and Lin Feng didn't need to worry about anything. He was very relieved of Robin.

Motioning for Brooke to sit down, Robin also helped to make twice as much coffee for two people. Lin Feng took a sip and said with great enjoyment: "Robin's coffee is the best."

Robin smiled, avoiding Lin Feng's gaze, watching Brooke also took a sip of coffee, and said: "It's just the best coffee I have ever had in my life."

Lin Feng put down his coffee cup and said to Brooke, "Brook, I won't be with you either. Not only your name is Brook, which pirate group belongs to, your yellow spring fruit, your cane weapon, everything about you, I don’t know if it is not. Yes, I just want you to tell me one thing now."

Brooke, who was told all about himself by Lin Feng, put his hands together, sat in a chair and said to Lin Feng, "I will do my best to tell you everything I know."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Do you know what huge ships are in the Demon Sea Triangle?"

Lin Feng also raised his head and glanced at the Rumba Pirate Ship, and continued: "A ship bigger than your Pirate Ship."

Since the soul returned to the skeleton, Brooke Shao said that he also wandered in this sea for thirty years. It can be said that no one in this sea area is more familiar than him. This is why Lin Feng came to him.

Brooke didn't even think about it and said, "There is only one...but that can't be called a ship."

Lin Feng knew what Brooke was talking about, and asked, "Terror Barque?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng knew about this horrible existence hidden in the deepest part of the dense fog of the Demon Sea Triangle. Brooke said little by little: "Well, it's it, Ghost Island."

Lin Feng then asked: "Then do you know how this ship came from?"..