Infinite King System

v2 Chapter 811: Lamb to be slaughtered

"What are you doing? In broad daylight, you actually molested the Liang family women!?"

In the next second, the few hooligans who just smiled maliciously were beaten and fell directly to the ground, and the boss who was terrified by Yanfeng Qili's neat tricks was afraid to show up. Just slurped and served him wine.

Alice Phil turned her head to look at her savior at this time. She squinted her eyes, her blood-red pupils were misted, and she was already a little overwhelmed with alcohol after two cups, but she couldn't see clearly Yanfeng Qili. .

"Thank you, otherwise I really didn't know what to do just now."

"You don't seem to come to this place very much. Is there anything bothering you?"

Alice Phil took another sip of wine, her head was a little dizzy, the rare feeling of drunkenness made her groggy.

Seeing Yanfeng Qili, who was wearing a priest's uniform, she actually said all the things that were upsetting.

"My husband not only works with his assistant, but also finishes the process that should be done. Did I bother him looking for true love?"

I have to say that Yonbong Kirei is a good listener, so Alice Phil did not realize the weird smile that flashed from the corner of Yonbong Kirei's mouth.

He spoke with compassion as if he had been in the church in the past.

"This is really a pitiful experience, this lady, the Lord will never forgive your husband for deceiving you."

"But I think Keiji...I mean my husband may be right."

Alice Phil was heartbroken when Yonmine Kirei condemned Weimiya Kirei.

She only felt that she might have done something wrong. The woman has been around Kirishu Eomiya for longer than her. Could she be the third party who smashed it?

Human emotions made Alice Phil a little breathless, and her short life experience made her not know what she should do.

She subconsciously asked for help and grabbed Yanfeng Qili's sleeve. She looked at the cross glowing coldly on his chest with misty eyes, and suddenly felt that she had grasped the life-saving straw.

"No, maybe it's not like that? I'm a latecomer, but Chishi is my husband. So I, I don't know what I should do! Father, can you answer my confusion?"

"Of course, the Lord's servants are always willing to answer questions for the lost lamb."

Yanfeng Qili patted Alice Phil on the shoulder, calmed her emotions, and showed a pity expression on her face.

He looked at Alice Phil and raised the corner of his mouth, as if looking at the lamb he was pitying--but Alice Phil was the one to be slaughtered in his eyes now.

"Since you are confused, should you ask him directly? He should have important dreams and so on. If you ask him that, let him choose between his family and his ideals, and your questions will be answered. Right."

"But, cut him..."

Alice Phil showed a hesitant expression. She subconsciously felt that Kirishu Eomiya would not choose a family, but Yonfeng Kirei added something unhurriedly.

"It's just asking, doesn't it matter?"

This sentence was like another sense of reassurance, making Alice Phil decided to ask, she wiped away her tears and hurriedly turned out of the bar, forgetting to thank her.

Yanfeng Qili didn't care either, he watched Alice Phil leave, only thinking that this time he must offer Lin Feng a repertoire that satisfies him.

What he didn't know was that Lin Feng watched the whole process on the other side of the wine table. After Alice Phil left, he looked at Yanfeng Qili who was holding a wine glass in front of the bar with a subtle smile, like Looking at a fun toy.

Yan Feng Qili then noticed Lin Feng's gaze. He tilted his head and raised his glass to respect Lin Feng. Lin Feng raised his mouth without a trace.

Interesting... This Yanfeng Qili is indeed a good candidate to relieve boredom.

"I look forward to the repertoire you will guide next."

After leaving this sentence through the sound transmission technique, Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and disappeared from the spot when only Yanfeng Qili noticed it.

The light enveloped him and Di Lumut, and they had appeared outside Einzbern’s stronghold in the next second.

When Alice Phil returned to the castle, Eimiya Kiritsugu was in a hurry.

He and Saber had a quarrel, and when he was looking for a comment, he found out that his wife had left directly.

He is not good at finding people magic. Out of fear, he can only reconcile with Saber temporarily and send someone out to find him first.

Fearing that Alice Phil would come back on her own halfway, Uemiya Kiritugu stayed at the stronghold and only searched for the inside and outside of the castle. However, no trace was found, and Saber did not reply.

"Eri, where have you been? I'm so worried about you!"

When I finally saw that Alice Phil was safe and sound, the stone in Kirito Uemiya's heart finally fell to the ground.

Regardless of him, he hugged his wife tightly. He just didn't expect that the matter between himself and Mai Mi would happen in the future, but he still loved Alice Phil.

"Ellie, I am worried about you."

Alice Phil couldn't help but choke upon hearing Eomiya Kiritugu's words.

But Alice Phil's head was still because of alcohol. Thinking of the priest's words she heard in the bar before, the first sentence she said was the question she most wanted to know.

"Kirji, between your wish and our family, which one would you choose if you had to choose?"


Hearing the question asked by his wife, Keiji Eomiya couldn't help but let go of his hand.

Keiji Eomiya felt something was wrong. Before the Holy Grail War started, he and Alice Phil had already reached a consensus. Why did they ask again at this time?

Eimiya Keiji looked at his wife's expression, but only saw the eyes that she had obviously cried, and there was still a strong smell of alcohol on her body.

This made Enomiya Kiritugu feel distressed for a while-this is the problem he has been suffering the most these days! ..