Infinite King System

v2 Chapter 813: Make the show more enjoyable

On the tree not far away, Lin Fengzheng was appreciating the incident with relish.

He had long known that after Angola Manuel had gained power, he would want to seduce Keiji Eomiya again so as to take advantage of his birth in the world, but Keiji Eomiya directly did not distinguish the vision and acted, but he still pleased him.

"Tsk tusk... It's interesting... Said she is deeply in love but still doesn't refuse other women's embraces and hugs, and starts at the illusion without looking carefully."

Lin Feng touched his chin and muttered to himself, suddenly showing an interesting smile.

"Oh, there is it! Let's have a little more fun, add some stuff to celebrate Alice Phil's ‘finishing’."

"Adding ingredients?"

Di Lu Muduo turned his head to look at his master in confusion, obviously unable to figure out what Lin Feng's sudden sentence meant.

However, Lin Feng had already thought of it and did it immediately. He quietly used his divine power to lock the external location of Saber in the city, and immediately added the acceleration buff to her as soon as he raised his hand.

After finishing, Lin Feng turned to look at Dilumudo, with a mysterious smile.

"Don't you think it would be more interesting to let Saber come back to witness all this at this time?"

"But isn't saber supposed to be somewhere else?"

Facing Di Lu Muduo's problem, Lin Feng just smiled.

"This is also the reason that can stump me? Don't worry, I have a clever plan!"

On the other hand, Saber was about to go back to Einzbern’s house to check again because he couldn’t find Alice Phil.

She hurried back to the courtyard at an unprecedented speed, and even felt that she was travelling much faster than before.

Before he could get into it, Saber saw Kirishu hugging Ai Li and crying!


Saber's heart was shaken, and he felt very sudden about Alice Phil's death.

She was about to ask if she understood what was going on, but saw Weimiya Kirisu raised her head in a daze, and she actually asked something that she didn't expect.

"Saber, if it's a "distant ideal hometown", can Ai Li regain a new life?"

Eimiya Kiritugu's tone was the most low-pitched voice since Saber was summoned.

His voice was a little choked and hoarse. Where did Saber see Eomiya Kiritsugu like this?

She hadn't seen him look good since she saw her master's first face. At this moment, she was shocked to see Eimiya Kirishu look like this.

Immediately, Saber pursed her lips and did not immediately reply. She squatted down to look at Alice Phil, who had obviously suffered a great deal of mental pain before her death, and closed her eyes unbearably.

She originally wanted to blame Eomiya Kirji, after all, all the causes were due to his betrayal, and Alice Phil would encounter accidents more or less inseparable from Eomiya Kirji.

But thinking of the sadness of Eomiya Kirishu, the deceased is the big one, and the relatives are the most sad...

At this time, it is impossible to make things worse, and it is always bad to sprinkle salt on the wound.

Thinking about it this way, Saber couldn't speak any accusations, so she spoke as slowly as possible.

"Sorrow and change, even if I can find my lost treasure "Remote Dreamland", I can only save people who are dying, Alice Phil is now... Well, the top priority now is to find which **** pair Alice Phil did something worse than a beast."

Saber took a deep breath before suppressing the anger that burst in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Saber's words caused Eomiya Kirisu's silence for a while, and after a while, he finally spoke in a deep voice.


Saber realized that the emotion contained in this tone was not right, she looked up in confusion, only to see the trembling of Eimiya Kiritugu's lips, as if she was indulged in extreme sadness and couldn't speak.

"Cut heir?"

"...I was the one who made Eri into what she is now."

"You said it was you who killed Alice Phil?!" Saber raised his tone in disbelief, "Why...!"

"I...I didn't expect it to be like this! When Alice forced me to choose my wish or her, I saw some inexplicable pictures."

At this time, Eimiya Kirishu tried hard to recall what he had done before, and finally he suddenly remembered the floating whispers that he heard in his ear before seeing the illusion. The strange images that made him so confused and almost collapsed undoubtedly came from there. !

"'Ellie' said that wish and she can have both - I saw how she used the power of the Holy Grail to help me realize my wish, but at the expense of everyone's death, and in the end only our family was left!"

"But how could it be the miracle bestowed by the Holy Grail, she must be a fake of nonsense! You know what I mean?"

Eimiya Kiritugu explained to Saber what he saw with his own eyes incoherently, but he looked up in a panic, only to see Saber staring at him with turquoise eyes, shaking his head while looking at him, as if looking at an unreasonable people.

"Shut up! Do you dare to talk nonsense like this?"

Saber raised her tone in disbelief, and became a little angry for a while. She waved her fist and gave Weimiya Kiritsugu a fist in spite of it.

Nonsense! The foreword does not follow!

Saber didn't believe the words of Eimiya Kiritugu at all, she only felt that the other party's incoherent language was simply because the lies couldn't justify it.

Because although Eimiya Kirito's statement is completely true, it sounds inconsistent and full of errors!

Alice Phil, whom Saber knew, was definitely not someone who would ask such questions. She knew that Alice Phil was even willing to sacrifice her life for the wishes of Kirishu Eomiya.

Saber didn't know that Lin Feng and Yanfeng Kirei's changes were behind the scenes, so Eimiya Kirei turned into a complete **** in her eyes. ..