Infinite King System

v2 Chapter 943: Kill others against being killed!

Amakusa Shiro elegantly placed the teacup on the table, smiling at the corner of his mouth, and extended his hand to Lin Feng as an invitation. This time he was determined to win it.

"If you don't want to participate in the war, there is a better solution. How about giving me your master command?"

"This way you can avoid the war in a safe place, and when it's over, you can return home unscathed."

Lin Feng was thoughtful, and seemed to be very excited.

"That said, it sounds like a bargain, I don't have to do anything."

And Amakusa Shiro also expected this, and he tapped on the table lightly, leaning forward.

"Yes, if you leave it to our professional camp, your troubles will be completely resolved, should you give it a try?"

Amakusa Shiro had already calculated the time. Since Lin Feng drank the tea in the teacup unsuspectingly, he was about to estimate the time, it should be poisoned by now.

Semiramis’s poison has always been very cautious. It is colorless and tasteless. It will not kill people, but it will make Lin Feng confused at this moment, becoming what it says is what it looks like, and almost Become a string puppet under poison.

"Do you want to work with me...? Hmm!"

Before Amakusa Shiro was able to wait for Lin Feng to fall down unconsciously, he first discovered that there was something wrong with his physical condition.

At the moment when he stretched out his inviting hand towards Lin Feng, he suddenly felt that his vision was hazyly covered with a layer of mist, and there was no way to focus for a while.

what happened? !

Amakusa Shiro panicked, and the calmness and self-sufficiency that he had always maintained no longer existed, blinking hard, trying to refocus and look in the direction where Lin Feng was.

After a while, the body that Amakusa Shirouwang leaned forward fell backward!

He sank weakly on the wooden stool, weakened, and his eyes could only narrowly focus.

And Amakusa Shiro reluctantly looked over, but saw Lin Feng sitting there casually, only keeping a rather perfunctory anxious expression on his face.

Oops, is it possible that I fell into Lin Feng's scheme? !

When Amakusa Shiro saw the smile at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, his heart suddenly sank.

He felt a chill in his back. Lin Feng's appearance of the old **** is now, where does it seem to be at a loss for the Holy Grail War?

Is it possible that Lin Feng knew what he was plotting from the beginning?

It doesn't make sense. If Lin Feng is not a layman, why on earth did he not let Nero change into normal clothes, or just become spiritualized?

Amakusa Shiro was only fortunate that he was a servant. Although he was not resistant to poisons, he would at least not be at the mercy of ordinary humans.

It's just that he is now controlled by toxins and can only think, but he can't move at all.

Even so, Amakusa Shiro was still puzzled. When did Yunye discover her plot, and how did she transfer the poison into her cup?


Semiramis also noticed something wrong with Shiro Amakusa. At first she thought she was just acting, but now she discovered the biggest problem.

The old God Lin Feng, who should have fallen, was drinking tea on the ground, but his master Amakusa Shiro fell straight down like a doll!

This is obviously not a scientific situation. Semiramis took a look and found that Kusashiro had been poisoned by Lin Feng that day.

"What did you do?!"

"How can I do anything. Your Majesty, please don't just wrongly wronged innocent people. You can't give the master by mistake because of your poison, so you can anger me?"

Lin Feng spread his hands, his face was full of innocence, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

The elegant and determined smile on Semiramiston's face couldn't be maintained anymore, her face changed drastically, her eyes gloomily looked at Lin Feng, where is the elegant look before?

Semiramis didn't get furious because of Shiro Amakusa. As the oldest poisonous killer, how could she stand this humiliation? Semiramis poisoned countless people in his life, so how could he commit a low-level mistake of poisoning him?

Lin Feng’s words were a great insult to Semiramis, but when he was angry, Semiramis couldn’t figure it out. Her poisoning should be seamless, and no one should be aware of it. All of her actions are under her nose.

Amakusa Shiro's poisoning must be because of Lin Feng, but how exactly did this man manage to turn a dragon into a phoenix under his nose? This is impossible! ?

Semiramis's face was so gloomy as to drip ink.

"Do you think that you can still get out of this church by poisoning my master with your cleverness in front of me? Just relying on you, a layman who knows nothing about magic?"

A flying white dove envoy appeared beside Semiramis. The sound of flapping wings completely broke the silence in the room, and Nero who was beside Lin Feng immediately stood up, she was about to take a fighting pose.

"You know who is the murderer. Yu is not blind, and it is impossible to tolerate you facing Fu Yu's master in front of Yu. He is an indispensable figure for the wedding!"

Speaking of this, Nero was about to rush forward to fight Semiramis, but as soon as she took a step, Lin Feng Shi Shiran reached out and blocked her way.


Nero was taken aback for a moment, but didn't understand why Lin Feng didn't let her go forward when the war was about to start.

"At this time the bride should go to enjoy a better afternoon dessert, right?"

Lin Feng blinked, he didn't want to fight now, it would be boring to expose his strength too quickly.