Infinite King System

v2 Chapter 968: Reverse the attack of the heroic spirits

"Wang, please allow me to say something boldly."

"What's the matter? Say!"

Vlad III glanced at Dannick, his tone of dissatisfaction, the latter took a deep breath and said slowly.

"It's absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to know any witchcraft, he doesn't have the slightest magic loop!"

Vlad III snorted and stared at Danike with cold eyes. The latter fell silent for an instant, and the unfinished long talk was cut off.

Nero watched the discussion over there for a long time, and it was inevitable that he became a little impatient.

The black iron stake is really a not-so-good-looking decoration for the wedding scene, and I don't understand why the servant has to be obsessed with moves that can't cause effective damage.

This is far too inconsistent with the aesthetic standards that Nero adhered to in his heart. What kind of style is this!

"Umm, what's the use of arguing about these? Such a non-ornate pillar shouldn't appear at Yu's wedding scene. It has no decorative meaning and is really ugly!"

Nero said this very bluntly, and Vlad III snorted even more.

"This is not what Yu prepared for you. What wedding scene? This is Yu's castle and territory. How can you let Xiao think about holding a wedding here?"

Vlad III thought for a while, and because of this, he suddenly reacted to the sentence Dannick said before.

Lin Feng's servant said so, could it be her ability that caused her punishment to go wrong? What a treasure this is!

Vlad III thought of this, and everyone else thought of it.

Danike stared at the leisurely look of Lin Feng, even more annoyed.

He has been discriminated against by many celebrities because of his family's depravity since he was a child, and he was able to summon a powerful hero like Vlad III with the help of searching for the holy relic for a long time, and relying on the advantage of the land.

But why is Lin Feng doing nothing to summon such a powerful hero? !

Such a powerful hero, what is her real name?

Danick filtered through the powerful female heroes in history, but he couldn't find any temperament similar to Nero. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. He couldn't even see a needle.

Angrily stalemate for a moment, interrupted by Vlad III's actions, he raised his hand again with a frosty face.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"


Vlad III drove to the maximum horsepower, but was caught off guard by the black iron pile that shot out from under his feet.

He hurriedly took a step back, but he was still stabbed by the iron stake, and the hem of the Chinese suit was punctured torn.

Suddenly, he was extremely embarrassed.

This happened in just a short time, and there was almost no opportunity for buffering and singing. Everyone's faces were all shocked that could not be taken back!

Cowles said: "How is this possible? It is necessary to reverse the attack of the servant. This is at least a Grade A magic trick. How did he do it? Even if it is a treasure, this is too outrageous!"

The others didn't speak, but they understood what was going on.

It was naturally impossible for Vlad III to attack himself, and the only explanation was that someone from Lin Feng's side moved his hands and feet.

But to say that it is Nero's ability, this is too exaggerated, is it possible that the treasure's ability can be activated instantly?

Everyone is thinking about this issue, but Vlad III has only one idea, he wants to execute this disrespectful Lin Feng on the spot!

"Damn, I will execute you now!"

Vlad III showed weapons in his hands. This was the first time he recovered his previous attitude, and decided to kill Lin Feng himself!

Lin Feng looked at the other party's anger, and couldn't help but let out a bored "tsk".

He came to the territory of Yogg Domirenia today, and he was not trying to kill the opponent in one go. It was indeed fast for him to shoot, but it was not the time.

Lin Feng himself didn't have enough money to play, and he wiped out one of the camps at the beginning of the game. It didn't mean anything at all. Naturally, I have to relax and enjoy it!

Lin Feng thought that teasing like this would be about the same, and he could probably make some changes.

As a result, he didn't linger much, raised his arm around Nero who was still waiting, and waved quite casually.

"I have something else, so I won't bother you much, I'll see you later."

Lin Feng's attitude didn't look at the people of Yogg Domirenia at all, even if it was Kolles, he couldn't help feeling anxious when he watched Lin Feng leave.

How do you settle accounts after this? So he spoke anxiously.


Before the words fell, everyone's eyes focused on Kaules' face.

He was still the first to regain so much attention, he couldn't help but feel a little timid, but considering his own interests, he still bit the bullet.

In short, it is not possible to let Lin Feng leave just like this, and to let Wang teach him a lesson before.

"You mean villain, coward! Are you here today to hurt the castle of Yogg Domirenia? If you have the ability, don't run away after the explosion, stay and fight honestly!"

Lin Feng just smiled at the corner of his mouth, he turned his head and raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

"Despicable? This is really wronging a good person. I obviously gave you a big gift today. Is this despicable?"

Lin Feng looked in the direction of the robot battery room and touched his chin. He suddenly laughed.

"Then you haven't seen me really'despicable', what's the matter, do you want to experience it?"

As soon as Lin Feng said this, everyone present was silent. No one thought that Lin Feng would be so calm, as if he really came to give gifts.

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