Infinite Replacement

v1 Chapter 162: The first night

"What a tired lazy boy!" Chi Lian said to himself as he locked the door from the inside.

She looked at her chest and hurriedly pulled the clothes forward, which somewhat weakened the almost naked effect, but she scolded the person who chose this fabric to death. In particular, she refused to admit that she felt comfortable when she first put it on. With.

After lying back on the bed, tucked the quilt to his chest, and Chi Lianning raised his eyebrows.

‘Although I’ve included the elements I care about, he was taken advantage of so vainly because of his personality, it’s inevitable that he will be inevitable. Huh, I want to find a way to cure his lustful problems, but also let him respect me more. ’

The clean quilt has a warm sun. For a long time without this feeling, the sleepiness soon attacked Chi Lian. In the hazy, she seemed to have returned to girlhood, and saw a domineering back in a courtyard. However, in a trance, when the person with the back turned around, it was his appearance.

Chi Lian was taken aback and quickly opened his eyes. Recognizing that she was dreaming, she was relieved. Suddenly realizing something, she touched her cheek incredulously, and she felt ashamed of the heat.

After a while, as soon as he closed his eyes, he would think of him and make Chi Lian irritable. She got up and wanted to drink a glass of cold water to cool down, but there was none in the room. Helpless, thinking of the teapot at the low table in the first floor hall, she walked out of the room

The sound insulation of this house in Jingyu is quite good. In the two rooms, no sound could be heard from each other. Otherwise, he would do some marital affairs with Qing'er or Xue Nu every night, wouldn't Xiao Xiao sleep well. However, while in the corridor, it is inevitable to be able to vaguely hear the sounds in some rooms, even worse if that person was originally a martial artist.

Therefore, as soon as Chi Lian came out of the room, he could not help but secretly take a sip just after taking three steps. Not thinking much about it, she hurried downstairs and saw cold tea on the table, drinking several glasses in a row

Moreover, when Jingyu returned to her room, she saw Xue Nu unloading her delicate ornaments on the dresser. He walked over, sat cross-legged next to Xue Nu, and took a comb to help her comb her hair.

"Jingyu, would you blame me stingy?" Xue Nu asked carefully.

"Where are you stingy?" Jingyu seemed surprised. "Why didn't I see it?" The Snow Maiden in the bronze mirror flew for a moment, "She is sometimes very annoying, but it is also good to be a sister."

"Isn't Xueer thinking this way?" Jingyu smiled. "Well, I will tell her tomorrow."

"Well, no!" Xue Nu quickly came over to stop his mouth, "You must not tell her."

"You!" Jingyu smiled and took her hands.

Seeing that she blushed and lowered her head, he put one hand on the wooden floor and leaned closer to her

On the second day, when he heard the knock on the door, Chi Lian woke up confused. Opening the door, it turned out to be Qing'er, holding in her hands the clothes she changed yesterday. From the neat stack, it was washed and dried.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I thought Miss Chi Lian was up." Qinger apologized.

"I'm about to get up, and you came just right." Chi Lian said, taking the clothes Qinger handed over. "Sister, don't be so polite, you will call me Chi Lian later." She gave up her position, indicating that Qinger could Enter at will.

"The young master is about to go downstairs to have a meal. I need to make some preparations so I won't bother." Qing'er refused: "Sister Chilian changed the clothes and gave it to me to clean it tonight. I should be able to send it to my sister's preference. Pajamas and other laundry changes." She finished, nodded at Chi Chi, turned and walked downstairs.

Chi Lian did not force him, closed the door, untied the satin pajamas, and began to replace his own. She really has a bold side, completely shirtless, and not afraid of anyone breaking into it suddenly.

"What's this?" When taking off her pajamas, Chi Lian was a little dumbfounded. "Isn't it?" She thought of something, and her entire face turned red.

On this day, Qing'er was surprised to find that Chi Lian was very polite to wash his pajamas and night pants. And this unattended woman, while secretly cleaning, was constantly cursing the only male living in the same house
