Infinite Replacement

v1 Chapter 197: Dream Awakening

"Princess, no!"

"Princess, princess, come back soon."

On the long corridor, the sound of running footsteps and the anxious call of the two young women who were crying.

"Come on!" The footsteps stopped, and the third sound was more crisp, tender, and domineering. "Dare to follow you one more step and kill you all."

Its owner wears luxurious gauze, pink dress, and foot boots. At about 12 or 3 years old, the exquisite little face of the beauty's embryo is highlighted, and the proud chin is raised. She talked fiercely, but she didn't really understand what decapitation meant in her heart. However, this is very effective for deterring others, making her repeatedly tried.

Sure enough, the two maids dressed in red printed palace skirts were always terrified this time. Not only did he stop, he also quickly saluted ‘Yes’, his face pale and scared.

She covered her lips and laughed with satisfaction, full of mischief. In fact, she also knew that this area was already a place that she would never step into. It's just that she is a Korean princess. Why can't she run around in her own court? She didn't want to be bound by any court rules, what fun it had been living in that harem.

Without the court lady following the nagging, she ran and danced more freely. The breeze blows her long black hair, surrounded by the faint and fresh bamboo leaves, the novelty brought by the unknown environment, everything makes her feel happy, as if the whole world is within the reach of her, as if she There are no restrictions wherever you go.

She likes this feeling and cherishes it most.

As a princess, she has grown up to understand that she is actually a canary, trapped in a cage called the palace. And because she might not be big enough, she didn't know that she would be hard to get out of this cage for life. Now she is still yearning for the outside world and wants to see what it is like.

She has an elder brother and can often walk outside. Therefore, she has thought about it countless times in her little heart. Can she grow up and walk out of the court like her brother? This is her little expectation.

I don't know how long I walked along the corridor, after all, it came to an end. It was here that on the broad bluestone road between the bamboo forests stood a man who had never seen him. With only a back view, he attracted her curiosity. When Chi Lian recalled it for many years, his impression was extremely vague. I used to joke that I might have been stupid at that time, otherwise how could I forget the original intention of the garden and stay far away staring.

For many days after that, she would come to this bamboo forest and meet him every time. He stood and looked at the bamboo forest, never looked back at her behind him.

One day, she couldn't help it, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Without any sense of danger, she walked behind him and asked her doubts. However, after waiting for a long time, there was no answer from him. She thought he didn't hear it, so she asked it twice.

The result of the other party's still silence left her somewhat disappointed and unconvinced. No one has ever treated her like this in this palace. She is a princess, others come to ask her, why did she come to ask others?

That's how it happened, aroused her growing curiosity that you don't talk to me, then I can see what you look like, right? With this thought in mind, she turned to his front. To her surprise, he didn't know how to do it, but he never let her face behind when she never saw her.

After so many laps, she staggered dizzy. She was about to fall down. She closed her eyes and put a big hand on her back, helping her balance her body and stand up again. She opened her eyes, there was no him in front of him, then he must be

"Don't look back!" He said for the first time, "You need to look forward."

She didn't understand at the time, what was the meaning of his sentence, but just grunted and said: "You obviously speak, and you have been ignoring others."

"That's because, what you see is not the real me." He said.

"I don't understand, why I saw you clearly, but not the real you." She wondered, "No way, am I dreaming?"

"Just think of it as a dream." He sighed. "This will be a very long dream. You won't wake up from the dream until you find the real me."

"Where are you really?" Her voice was anxious, because his sigh gave her some kind of bad hunch, "How can I find you?"

"I can't even see what I look like. You are too weak now." He said, "You will come here tomorrow. I have found a master for you to teach you martial arts and teach you to become stronger."

"Then you, since you are so strong, why can't you teach me yourself?" She anxiously, forgot his instructions and turned around in the light of the setting sun, his distant back became thin, and finally disappeared.

The next day, she really had a teacher, and she was extremely jumped out, always teasing her'Thousand Faces'. She once asked the teacher who he was and where to find the answer he got surprised her.

"Don't forget his **** because of shape. If you capture his essence, you will find the real him."

What is his essence?

When Chi Lian grew up, he gradually understood why he didn't approach him for the first time. That was due to his courage. At the age of 13, she was calmed down by the power she had never seen before. It wasn't until later that she gradually got used to it, before she found the courage to approach him.

How strong can it be to have that effect? She didn't know, she just thought it was an invincible force. As I become stronger, I feel deeper.

Ji Wuye, the man who had wanted to get her, Chi Lian felt that his powerfulness was only obvious. She just made a wish to Tianji, and paid an oral price, and his head was easily taken off.

Wei Zhuang, the man who succeeded his brother as the owner of quicksand, Chi Lian knew that he had been pursuing more powerful power. He may have a strong and aggressive spirit, but it is far worse than that person. He was arrogant, and the things he was pursuing had not yet been obtained; unlike that person, he had already got what Weizhuang wanted, and he could stand at a higher position and look down.

These strong men in the world cannot be compared to that person, nor can their equivalents. Chi Lian was once desperate. In the end, no one in this world can reach his field.

Today, she saw that it was not because she liked the teenager in front of her, that she deliberately nested him into her memory. Instead, he saw the young man's back and shattered his vague impression.

And she also understood what Retty said at the beginning, and what was the body that brought her shocking power.

Jingyu and Shengqi stood opposite the clearing of the woods swept by the fighting storm.

"What's wrong?" he asked lightly. "Don't you attack again?"

Sheng Qi surprisedly looked at his opponent's stance, which suddenly changed in front of him, full of some inexplicable coercion that people dare not look straight at. Even if he never succumbed, he felt that his knee had a tendency to bend. He even needs to inject consciousness to control this reaction of the body.

It can be felt that it is not that the opponent's strength has become stronger, nor is it that he has become weaker.

The battle just now made the opponent aware of the threat, and the true fighting stance that has been lurking has been revealed. This made him a little self-deprecating, and he accidentally awakened a monster that made him feel dangerous and abnormal.

At the same time, there is a place that puzzled him. There is an amazing aura around the opponent's body, which can only be formed by staying in an absolute high position all year round, which belongs to the majesty of the emperor. I really don't understand. He clearly was only a fourteen-year-old goalkeeper. Where did he get this momentum?

Although there are a series of unclear reasons, Sheng Qi knows that if he fights again, he will surely fail miserably. So he carried Ju Que on his shoulders.

"I'll be here this time, and I look forward to fighting you with the black sword." After leaving such a sentence, he simply turned around and left. And he decided in his heart that he would no longer easily challenge without understanding the source of the other party's power.

Jingyu looked at his back inexplicably, ‘this guy, would he only fight if he was absolutely beneficial to himself? What a cautious character. He felt that he couldn’t easily win the opponent, otherwise he would be forced to stay behind.

Converged the momentum of his body and calmed down the skill. Just after doing this, a soft female body in the back hugged him. It's not that he didn't feel the footsteps, he was familiar, he would allow her to approach. Only, did not expect that she would do so.

"Snake girl, what's wrong with you?" he asked doubtfully.

"The woods and the bushes are good, let's do it!" Her voice choked, but it was not difficult to hear the joy, "I am a bad person, I finally found you."
