Infinite Replacement

v1 Chapter 52: Last day

This sudden change made the Chu soldiers on both sides freeze for a moment. Then, I didn't know which side started yelling, and the soldiers ran faster. They did not see the shape of the round wheel turned into a monster, but the power that could break the mound from the middle was obviously not something they could resist.

Fortunately, until the present battle, the Chu army has yet to show signs of decline. Although they are fleeing, they have not reached the point of losing their helmets and armor.

The huge saber-toothed round red eyes were closed, and the saber-tooth spun again, drawing a deep ditch on the second ramp. It reversed the direction and rushed towards Chu Jun towards the side.

After the Qin Army’s military revenge to watch the war, he twisted his beard and smiled with pride: "Marshal, the power of the broken Shiro, are you still satisfied? I think that with this, this part of the Chu army can be eliminated, ha Haha"

"I don't think so." Meng Tian suddenly interjected. "The guy on the opposite side seems to have finally acted."

"Oh?" Slightly displeased in the heart of public defeat, but dared not show it on the face. He knew who Meng Tian was talking about, and looked at the third low **** opposite, and at the same time said with disapproval: "General Mongolia is so worried, he can do some people in front of the broken soil with his own strength. What about?"

As the head coach of Chu Jun, the black horse he was sitting under was still under the banner of the word "dragon", but his figure was missing.

Gong's eyes were wide, and he searched carefully for his figure. Chu Jun are all silver-white armor, and only a few generals will have different armor colors. And his armor is the most gorgeous and the easiest to distinguish and find.

After only two breaths, the public lost his enemies and found him, even above the second low slope.

Because the position of Gongxu Qiu and others is far away from him at this time, he can barely see him running across the top of the second low slope. The direction is exactly the direction in which Santoro operates.

"It's fast!" Meng Tian wondered, "This speed is already faster than the best horse. Does he want to chase Toshiro?"

‘No, he has overtaken Tosojiro. Although public revenge is unwilling to admit it, he still can’t help thinking so. Poto Sanlang was designed and manufactured by him, and he is familiar with the parameters it possesses. At the beginning, the speed of breaking the soil was tested, and only when it was faster than the horses, it could exert the maximum effect. At that time, he never thought that one day, such a speed-breaking Sanlang would be caught up.

‘Just, what does this mean? He also wanted to destroy the indestructible Santoro? ‘The public’s face was a bit gloomy. In his blinking eyes staring at the figure, there was a faint uneasiness.

Jingyu, who was running forward, swept her eyes slightly towards the broken soil. It is now that he pulled out a total of six long and short spears from the back, evenly arranged like a peacock to form a fan. The most important thing to say is that the head is the center, and the left and right are three.

With a whine, the maximum power was used in an instant, and it was shot towards the axis of the disc-shaped broken soil. After the short spear left his hand, his body still maintained his forward running posture, but rotated in the direction of the arm's force. Then, the heel kicked the ground violently, even stomping the frozen ground out of a pit, so that the body moved forward.

When the short spear was thrown, the distance of stagnation and falling fell on time. He began to pull out the second short spear, and he shot as usual.

Shabu Sanlang's axis is somewhat like an eyeball. At the very center, there is a black round spot, which can be regarded as the pupil of this ‘eye’. The red eyes just now appeared after the black round spots receded. The red eyes are actually an observation hole, allowing the inside operator to see the outside. In this case, the black round spot is its protective structure.

Compared to the armor of the other parts of Santoshiro, it is the thinnest, and it is also the only weakness in the form of Santoshiro.

Jingyu's first short spear hit the black round spot with great strength and thunder. As he thought, he didn't break it apart, leaving only a small hole. The location where his second short spear is aimed has actually turned into this small pit, and it really hit. Then came the third and fourth. When the fifth short spear was obtained, it finally broke through the black spots and penetrated into it.

Jingyu could feel the specific location of the operator, and this spear directly penetrated his head. It was probably that when he was about to die, he changed the direction of the wheel. It didn't hit Chu Jun, but hit the first low **** again.


The sharp metal friction sound for a short time, stopped with the sound of the machine running.

Standing on the second low slope, Jingyu's running footsteps also stopped. He straightened up from the throwing state and slowly turned to face the entire 300,000 Qin army.

The first low **** was full of burning corpses, and his figure coincidentally appeared above the flame, just like the devil coming out of hell. This picture at this moment will probably never be removed from the minds of people who have seen it. His figure was small, but he was so tall and full of presence. The entire battlefield was stagnant because of him, and even the horses seemed to yield quietly.

Then he slowly raised a right arm and extended an index finger at the very top. It pointed straight at the front of the Qin army with its arm straight ahead.

"Kill!" he shouted, murderous.

As if there was a sudden thunderstorm, Qin Jun's large array of frights took a step back.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of Chu army soldiers roared and gathered towards Jingyu. Above the second dwarf slope, the dwarf **** faced the direction of the Qin army's large array, and the ground was full of Chu soldiers with great momentum. They either held Chang Ge, or held crossbows and swords, and kept shaking their arms as they cried.

Qin Jun was captured by Chu Jun's momentum. For a while, he just looked at it blankly and did nothing. Wang Jian, who reacted first, immediately ordered the frontal crossbow troops to shoot. It was at this time that from the gap of the city gate opened by Santoro, a member of the Chu army with a gun rushed out with the Chu heavy cavalry. Zhen Tian's killing sound even disguised the sound of the cavalry stepping on the ground.

The strong crossbow troops hurriedly adjusted their angles to attack the cavalry. Unfortunately, they only had time to launch once, and the heavy armored cavalry regiment rushed away from the dazed heavy armored infantry in front of Qin Jun. Just like tigers entering the flock, the Qin army has tens of thousands of people coming and going.

On the low slope, Jingyu also rushed down with the infantry regiment. He did not lose his calm because of his blood. The infantry regiment came out of the gap and set up a defensive posture. Soon after, the cavalry regiment with weak horsepower hurried back. With a large number of Qin Guo cavalry behind them, they have finally reacted.

The Chu State Cavalry Regiment just rushed towards the gap and tried to rush into the first low **** at the fastest speed. ?%
