Infinite Replacement

v1 Chapter 66: Ready to get married

It took a few days.

On this day, Wu Datou bought something for Jingyu, and after he read the information, he returned to the island with him. These subordinates carefully moved to his current residence-the original one was a room usually prepared for patients who needed long-term treatment. Since he wanted to stay, he naturally rebuilt a building.

"Master, what are you doing with these new beds and quilts?" After the subordinates left, Qinger asked him curiously as he replaced him as he asked. The Snow Maiden, who was busy with her, seemed to understand a bit, and the snowy white face turned pink.

Jingyu looked over, and Xue Nu immediately avoided his sight. He was a little funny in his heart and scraped Qian Qing'er's small nose below and said to her softly:

"All the ingredients are prepared, and I will help. I will make more delicious tonight. In addition to the ones I use with everyone, I will also prepare some wine and dishes in this room. I will eat with you two later. "

"Young Master, you are noble, how can you go to the kitchen like that?" Qing'er stopped in his hand, with a firm expression of resistance.

"This is not a question of identity." Jingyu shook his head and said sincerely: "Qing'er, you should not look down on your identity with Xue'er. I never thought so, nor allowed you to think so. Today is a special one Day, I want to make a meal that belongs to us with you."

Qing'er was excited because of his words, but obviously still didn't understand the'special day'. Jingyu couldn't help giving her some more reminders, "I'm already twelve years old."

"Twelve years old, Young Master's birthday is coming. Do you have to advance in advance, Master?" Qinger's words stopped, her eyes widened, and her eyes gradually moved down to Jingyu's abdomen, "Oh, Young Master, you" she After the reaction, he quickly turned his back on his body, and his heart fluttered like a fawn. Although she was not seen by anyone, her little hands still covered her face.

The Snow Maiden on the other side saw her stupidly, and turned her back embarrassedly.

The two may have different personalities, and the reaction is surprisingly consistent. All of them shivered slightly and their ears were red.

"Me" Jingyu looked at Qing'er and Xuenue again. The voice was not as casual as usual, and it was more emotional. "I have prepared some, you see what else is needed. If it is not enough, I will call again immediately. People plus. I hope you can be happy, and I hope that happiness is given to you. I am a bit selfish, because I have loved you for many years, and I have thought of you for many years. I want you."

The room was quiet, he was watching them both, and they were overflowing with happiness because of his words. That happiness will spread from the chest to the throat, unable to speak, and perhaps silence is better than sound at this time.

"You go out first."

The clear voice came from behind Jingyu. He turned around and saw Duan Murong standing beside the door frame blankly.

"Why?" Duan Murong looked at his surprised expression, and raised a brow. "Don't you still want to wait for their answer here?" She rarely gave him a white eye, which means'you are really so stupid'.

She had been studying medicine in her room and heard the complicated footsteps in the hospital. As the real master of this place, she naturally had to take a look. Although not intentional, Jingyu heard those words in her ears. She may not understand the experience between the three of them. But how could she not understand the relationship between them for more than a year.

However, since he came here, for the first time, her heart has returned to the lightness she has always had.

She did not know whether she should be sad or happy about it.

Seeing that he was still looking at herself, she understood a little, and he saw her through again. This is the case for the next year. He is so young in the next year, but smarter than most adults she has ever seen.

Knowing that he would look at it like this, she would never be able to maintain the calm of this moment. She did not look at his face, walked past him, came behind him, and pushed him gently out of the door.


He really was stupid and hopeless. Having just wooed two women at the same time, how can I think about her third woman now?

‘Fool! ’

Perhaps this is the only place Duan Murong feels can be fortunate. Because of this, she could not let go of him.

Gently fingered his lips, preventing him from trying to say something. She smiled at him naturally, maybe she didn't even find this expression.

"Leave the rest to me." She said, "You take Yue'er and Xiaozuo to play by the lake for a while." She pushed him again, urging him to leave the house quickly so as to relieve the other two women's shyness .

Because her hands were pressed against his shoulders, Jingyu just turned her back. The structure of the human body made him not see Duan Murong's smile behind him. Only, she squeezed his shoulder unconsciously once, but he felt it well.

As long as she felt concerned, Jingyu nodded and walked out of the room silently. Duan Murong followed behind him, and when he went out, she had already closed the door when she wanted to turn around.

Jingyu stood for ten seconds, and Duan Murong in the back door stood for a while. He did not turn around after all. In front of them, two girls, one big and one small, waved at him more than ten steps away. Although their faces were different, the smile was the same as sweet, which made him feel a little fluctuating and calm down.

Jingyu approached them and immediately pulled one by one.

"We went fishing, and tonight prepared a favorite whitewater fish for Yue'er," he said.

Duan Murong asked him to take Yue'er and Xiaoyou out to play, but he didn't want the two girls to disturb Qing'er and Xuenian here. The two women are not just in his room, they will always go back to their own room to make preparations.

"Brother, elder brother, what about Xiaolu?" Fandu's baby's fat face, and slightly bulging cheeks, "Brother will not ignore Xiaolu's favorite dishes, and Xiaolu will ignore you."

"Xiaoyou and his brother eat a bowl, do you like it?" Jingyu asked with a smile.

"Hi-Huan -" Xiao Zou replied loudly, then giggled with satisfaction.

‘It’s so good. 'Yue'er fingered her cheek. If she is of the same age as Xiao Xiao, can she ask for a bowl with him? However, she is ten years old, and girls are usually precocious. Even now holding hands with Jingyu like this can also make her heart beat faster.

Soon after, the three took the fishing rod to the lake, and Jingyu was going to fish here.

"Huh?" Yue'er was surprised, "Brother Jingyu, you"

Whitewater fish often live in a specific water temperature and depth. If you want to catch a fish, you can only row a boat to the lake. Since he came here directly, did he forget? Yue'er wanted to ask, but he didn't ask. She doesn't want to give Jingyu a feeling of greedyness. In fact, she likes to eat, and she doesn't have to. It's just that he just forgot to say it just now, which still makes Yue'er feel a little lost.

Jingyu rubbed her little head, "I said I would prepare one for Yue'er. Naturally, it's not a fake. I'll keep my promise to Yue'er. It's just in the afternoon, the sun is burning, how? Can you take you to the lake?"

I stayed for a while before I noticed this. Involuntarily moved by his thoughtfulness, but also ashamed of his careful thinking.

"Brother Jingyu, I'm sorry." She apologized with her head down.

Jingyu smiled, put the hook on the bait, put down the water, and handed it to Yue'er again:

"You take Xiaoyou here for a while, and I will go into the water and catch you one."

Yue'er took his hand, shook his head, and let the braids of the bun bounce back and forth a few times.

"Yue'er doesn't eat it anymore, Yue'er doesn't want Jingyu's brother to work so hard," she said.

"Foolish." Jingyu pinched her nose. "I am happy today, and I want you all to be happy with me. Yue'er, you must be happy too, so that I can be more happy."

He leaned over to appease Xiaozuo, took off his shirt and footwear, and jumped off the lake. He dived for more than ten meters in a single breath before raising his head. Yueer and Xiaozuo, who were worried, waved their hands. Later, by listening to the sound of all things, he easily caught a big fish of more than three catties in the white water fish infested area.

When he returned to the hospital with his two girls, some subtle changes had taken place. Just hanging red cloth strips on some door frames and branches is enough to add a little celebration.

This is announcing that he is going to be married in this world!
