Infinite Replacement

v1 Chapter 68: Ancient wedding

Jingyu walked to his door. According to the previous habit, just push the door and walk in. But today he stopped for a while. Hearing beyond ordinary people's hearing, he heard Qinger's voice faintly. I don't know what she would say during the night waiting for the groom to enter the cave.

Under curiosity, Jingyu used listening to the sound of everything to perceive Qinger's position and movement. Unexpectedly, she was pulling the snow girl with both hands. Judging from the characteristics of life's reaction, it should be a little pleading. The Snow Girl shook her head with a smile.

Jingyu's mouth twitched, and he could understand. He reached out and knocked on the door, and told the two women inside that he had come. Then he opened the door again and looked towards the head of the bed. The two of them had already sat on the side. Although the sitting posture is as usual and dignified, it is rich in certain elegance and the gentle temperament of the lady. It's just that the two men's eyes are down, and they dare not look at the door. Moreover, Jingyu can still see that their shoulders are a little stiff, showing a little tension.

The bride of this period has not been popular with red hijab. They made some red yarn and covered their faces, especially covering the upper part. Even though Jingyu is used to their faces, they don't feel a dim and graceful beauty.

He walked in, closed the door again, and locked it. After turning around, he did not immediately walk to the low table with four dishes, jugs and glasses on the right, but walked to the bed on the left.

If he was sitting on the bed, then Xue Nu was on his right and Qing Er was on his left. The bed was almost perpendicular to the direction of the door. Judging from where he was standing now, to walk between the two, he had to pass the Snow Maiden first. She should give Qinger the more respected left, just like she usually calls Qinger's sister.

Today, it may be the first time that Snow Maiden has put on non-cold clothing. Scarlet, did not make her posture a bit lower, at least it gave Jingyu some other beauty. She still carried the crystal tiara like a feather on the head of the phoenix, but there was less silver jewelry on her body.

Jingyu stopped in front of her and could see her body trembling. He reached out to lift the red yarn on her face, and she finally raised her eyes. A hint of ‘don’t’ appeared, and there was a plea begging to the side, but she must have been too nervous and caring, and did not find the woman next to him showing relief.

Jingyu smiled soothingly softly, and she closed her eyes helplessly near her. On such days, she did not want to complain about him, but a pair of jade hands were intertwined.

Jingyu kissed her forehead. He leaned over and pulled her right hand, kissing again. Actually, he had thought of kneeling on one knee in a proposal-like pose. Considering that they do not know this, they may be terrified. In order to do things that destroy the atmosphere, he did not do so.

Then, when she thought he would need her like this, she took out a silver-colored ring and put it on her ring finger. When the Snow Maiden looked, there was a blue gem in the center, which was lined with the orange light of the oil lamp and flashed dazzlingly gorgeous.

What a beautiful gem, such a sigh in her heart. It is as clear as crystal, but it shines brighter than crystal. Moreover, I do not know whether it was formed naturally or made by the day after tomorrow. The sharp edges and corners show a sharp but full of king's beauty. It must be the most precious gem in the world, and Xue Nu's heart made this judgment.

It’s just that this is for myself, is it okay?

She looked at him with this doubt. He smiled and nodded, letting go of her hand. As he walked towards Qing'er, Xue Nu held her right hand in her left hand and merged into her chest. What she might need is not the gem, but the heart that he carried in it.

Qing'er was even more nervous than Xue Nu. He stood in front of her, her small head almost touching her chest. He had to provoke her chin and help her raise her head. Qing'er couldn't resist him. She would almost follow his orders and demands. Therefore, Jingyu's hand easily achieved its goal.

Also opened the red yarn on her face, kissed her, and put on a gold ring with golden yellow diamonds for her. She took her hand and stood up, and motioned to the Snow Maiden, and the three came to the low table. After he sat down, the two women sat beside him.

You Qinger poured a glass of wine for him. After she finished, Xue Nu came to pour wine for her again.

"Sister." She called, and dropped the word "Qing'er".

Qinger glanced at Jingyu shyly and saw that he had no objection, so he took the wine glass and called Xue Nu. However, the glass that Xue Nu poured for her, she respected Xue Nu again. When the Snow Maiden was stunned, she had retaken the glass and was ready to pour it again. Her sincere look like this, but Xue Nu was somewhat at a loss.

"This" Xue Nu froze for a moment and looked at Jingyu.

In her view, both her and Qing'er backgrounds are not suitable for Jingyu's true wife. It would be fine if he was just an ordinary person, but he was not. She also knows that he has the ambition and ability to compete for the world. If she really wants to win the world in the future, if they both become a true wife, is it not to make him criticized.

This is something she never wanted to see.

But now, Jingyu is still young and has no right wife. In this middle and back yard, there must always be someone who is responsible for giving orders to avoid disorder. Xue Nu is asking Qing'er to do this'long', she can help from the side. However, Qing'er did this. Although the two were sisters, they wanted to be independent of her status.

"That's it." Seeing that Xue Nu was still waiting for his ruling, Jingyu smiled and said, "Xue'er, could it be that getting married with me made you more cautious? Then I don't want to get married anymore. The former Xue'er But dare to slap me with a little temperament, a little temper, that would be more interesting."

He was looking for a woman, not for a puppet in the harem. He does not lack beauty, but lacks in fun.

"Hate!" Xue Nu gave him a blank look, crying and laughing: "People are nervous today, you just want to say that."

"That's what it is." He patted Xue Nu's thighs comfortably. "There are no outsiders in this room, and don't divide what the young master and maidservant have husband and wife." He took the hands of both of them. Their two hands wrapped up their hands, "I want the real you, no depression, happiness. In that way, I will be very happy, because I like you like that."

"I see." Xue Nu sat closer to him, leaned towards him, and said "bad thief" with her mouth.

"Well, Young Master." Qing'er also replied.

Seeing Jingyu and Xuenu both looking at her, she blinked her **** eyes in surprise, shyly saying: "People usually call it like this."

Jingyu stroked his forehead and said with a smile: "Well, you are free."

He raised his glass and touched the two women. He drank it directly, and Xue Nu and Qing'er only took a sip. The three of them ate some cold dishes prepared by Qing'er and whispered something. Gradually, the two women really let go, chatting with him as usual. And Jingyu restrained the fire that was burning more and more prosperously in the body and drunk a little bit of them.

By this time, he felt almost the same, hugged them to the bed
