Infinite Replacement

v1 Chapter 92: Days to leave the hospital

Jinghu Medical Village——

Jingyu returned to here with Xiaozuo, Qinger, and Xuenu on the same day, and threatened to inspect several women. For a moment, Qing'er blushed, Xue Nu gave him a white look, Yueer hid behind Duan Murong, and Duan Murong stared at him with a smile.

This line of Jingyu's mouth twitched a few times, ‘Emotions have forgotten that besides lust, I can still do serious things. ‘After sitting down holding Xiaozuo, he tapped on the table with his fingers, dissatisfied:

"Look at you, what are you thinking about? I'm talking about business, and some of you may have been enchanted by fire."

The four women looked at each other, Xue Xue frowned, and asked, "Is it related to Xiaozuo's captivity?"

When it comes to fire magic, except Qing'er, Qing'er, Xue Nu, and Duan Murong can all think of a person. Approximately now in this world, only that woman is famous for using fire charm.

Seeing the three females looking at themselves with proof of their eyes, Jingyu then roughly talked about meeting Chi Lian. He only concealed things like heaven, alliance, etc. At the end, he looked at Yue'er specifically.

"Except for Xiaozuo, Yue'er's martial arts are the worst, and the possibility of being enchanted by fire is the highest. However, it can't be ruled out that the three of you are negligent and still check them all. Rong'er, you come, I will give You check."

To insist, the Snow Maiden has the lowest probability of fire enchantment. She had seen Chi Lian, and since she suspected that she had deliberately spoiled it, she should be wary. Moreover, she, who is also proficient in illusion, uses the effect of restraining the magic of fire.

Duan Murong listened to him calling him like that, he inevitably glared at him. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, she still came to Jingyu obediently, letting him inject some internal force into her body in a posture of pulse. Later, he nodded, beckoning Duan Murong to check his serious attitude for others, but let Duan Murong hold his wrist for a long time, a little shy. She soon entered the state of a physician, carefully checking the pulse for others.

Soon after, the result of the inspection came out, and it was really Yue Er who had been enchanted by fire.

"I really got fired?" After seeing this conclusion, Yue'er still covered her mouth a little unbelievably.

"It's okay, Yue'er, it hasn't happened yet, it's easy to release." Duan Murong comforted her arm around her shoulder.

She and Jingyu glanced at each other and led Yue'er away with Xue Nu. Before they take a step, Qing'er has gone to a busy meal. Because Xiaozuo wakes up, he needs some mild food to make up his body. The calm daily life of the hospital seems to be back, but Jingyu knows that this will not last long.

In fact, on the second day, he killed an infiltrated snare assassin on the island.

When Chi Lian discovered this place, when she took Xiaoyu away, there was a short time interval between them. It can be said that it was during this time that she understood Xiao Xiao's decision to take her away from here. After Xiao Xiao woke up, Jingyu also confirmed this when she asked her about Chi Lian. .

The first day Chilian went to the island was the day when Jingyu, Gaini and Weizhuang confronted each other. He injured Bai Feng in order to make Wei Zhuang temporarily unable to track them. In doing so, he gave the Mo family time to prepare to fight Wei Zhuang. The Mo family always thought that the predecessor had died in Wei Zhuang's hands and wanted to find him for revenge for almost ten years.

This time, the matter of Gaie and Wei Zhuang and Li Si regarded it as an opportunity to discover the Mojia government city, and the Mo family is also planning to take the opportunity to kill Weizhuang. One wants to capture the organ city, while the other wants to rely on the trap of the organ city to increase the odds of his disadvantaged side.

What Jingyu is doing now is to promote the situation between the two sides. In the end, it is still unknown who will kill the deer!

On the day after the visit of the Luowan Assassin, Jingyu left the hospital with five girls of all sizes. These days, the Mo family also informed that Duan Murong had already made preparations accordingly. Her medical books were copied on paper made by Jingyu and shipped away. The remaining bamboo slips were used by her to study all the year round, which made her feel a little memorable.

As Jingyu sailed towards the shore, she watched the medical village show regrets several times. Maybe this quiet day where Jinghu lives will not appear again in her future life? The worries about the future gave her such pessimism.

"Next time, how about I build a hospital with you?" Jingyu saw her expression, guessing vaguely, and asked with a smile, "What kind of do you like? I will design it for you, but I learned it." Quite a lot of your Mohist's organs."

Xu Shi's pure and unconcerned concern impressed Duan Murong at the moment, but she did not make any refute to his name. In the palm of his hand, he gently stroked the piece of warm and beautiful jade he sent, and Duan Murong scratched the corner of his mouth imperceptibly. At this moment, her proposal made her want to follow it like never before.

"Xiaoyu also wants to build with his brother!" The eight-year-old girl who was sitting on Jingyu's leg, gently clutching his trouser legs, was wearing purple clothes like him. The look and posture clearly imitated him a lot, but it also coincided with the beauty of the woman's posture. This has to be said to have Jingyu's influence on her, and the credit of Xue Nu's teaching.

Jingyu stopped her work, touched her head, and said with a smile: "In the future, you will also build a room dedicated to dance with Xueer. By the way, the Feixue Yuhuatai in the Feixue Pavilion, I even found someone to hide it, just to put you back in."

"Huh?" Xue Nu was dumbfounded, and then looked at him funny. "So you did that." Her eyes moved warmly, and Jingyu's eyes were so soft. It seems that the spring of snow and water created by the warmth of the spring returns to the earth, overflowing with her unique experience with him.

"There's a better kitchen in Qing'er." She raised her right arm, and was quite aggressive with her sleeves. That made the other girls who saw her performance laugh, and the grief broke away.

Xiaoyue'er was anxious. Sister Rong has a medicine room, Xue Nu and Xiao Zu have a dance room, and Qing'er has a kitchen, but she doesn't know what she needs. Moreover, if she was already twelve years old, if she really mentioned it, she really embarrassed her.

I just don’t know what to do when I accidentally look at Jingyu’s encouragement, and it’s hard to move away. Yes, she has a marriage contract with him, and sooner or later he will be his man. It was impossible to run, and she did not want it to run. Thinking of the goodnight kiss at night, Yue'er blushed. Maybe, she could have a bedroom that would allow him to stay a little longer.
