Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 11: Discussion on Kendo recruiting new

It was the day when the club recruited new students. The members were busy receiving new students, and Jingyu did not go to school. In this way, in the evening, when Jinghua and his friends returned, they said something to Jingyu.

Leaning on the kitchen door, Jingyu, who was attracted, responded with folded arms: "Isn't it a good thing to have a lot of people?"

The two girls inside had taken off their blue suit jackets. Now the upper body white shirt, green tie, the lower body is still a blue pleated skirt with a suit. However, in addition to this, they each wore an apron. This gave them the charm of a young woman, but the face with awkward contradictions caused temptation and attracted Jingyu's eyes.

"You don't know." Peng Zi pouted while scouring rice. "Where are they going to learn kendo? It is clearly directed at you."

"They?" Jingyu distinguished the object she was targeting from the Japanese words of her friend, and also smelled a strong vinegar smell.

"Yeah, teacher." Seeing her friend's face was blushing, Jinghua added for her: "According to the minister, this time the number of new students enrolled exceeded the number of boys for the first time. There are 50 people! It’s unbelievable, there are 20 more people than the second and third grade seniors combined. Ah!” She said suddenly here, “I, I am also in the first grade.”

Yes, her face was also red, because she realized that she was also coming to Osaka from Jingyu.

"Jinghua is different!" This time her friend spoke for her. "You have practiced hard and really like Kendo."

"Thank you, my friend." Jinghua thanked, but the shyness hadn't all disappeared, and the voice was a little quiet.

The time they talked, their friends kept the raw rice in the rice cooker and added enough water to start braising the rice. Then, take the Jinghua zhai good dish and put it in the pot to rinse. Jinghua continued to choose dishes. After finishing these, it would be more troublesome to clean up the fish.

"So, what do you want me to do after you tell me?" Jingyu is a little curious. "Normally, as a supervisor, shouldn't you be involved in recruiting new clubs? And, Kendo is not a fellow club, there is no selection." System?"

"Teacher, this is a little different from what you were in." Jinghua replied: "When you were in high school, you participated in the kendo department. It should be all those who have a kendo foundation in middle school. Pass. And, I believe you would not be in charge of selection at that time, right?"

"Uh" seeing the friends on Jinghua's side smirked, Jingyu shook his head embarrassedly, "Well, it's reasonable to say that." He really didn't expect to get along for a week, Jing Hua already knew him that way.

Jinghua faced Jingyu sideways. When Jingyu was deflated, her face was also slightly insignificant.

"In fact, because of the large number of members, there is no lack of regular elections. The Kendo Department of Emperor Dan High School is relatively loosely selected, as long as the people who sign up will be recruited." She continued: "Often some people who join with newness, have passed Most of them quit one month. In this way, the people who stayed can basically walk for three years. Just"

"Only this time, there are so many people, I am afraid to interfere with the practice of the members who really like Kendo, right?" Jingyu continued for her and nodded when he saw her, he asked: "Nakamura and Sangyuan, don't they? Think about what to do?"

Jinghua shook his head, but did not answer Jingyu.

After seeing this, the friend stopped their work and said, "They plan to recruit only people with a kendo foundation this year." She said, "I don't think there is anything wrong with this, but it can also make you less harassed, right? But Jinghua she , Think that this may hit some people who just like kendo, making them give up kendo from now on."

She must resolutely prevent her husband from having an affair, and put an end to the gesture of a woman who may approach her husband. Moreover, Jingyu's helpless look at "this girl next door is too kind" caused Jingyu to laugh. Only then did she realize that her little woman's posture was too obvious, and she turned away with blushing.

Jingyu didn't laugh out loud, because Jinghua's movement also stopped there.

After a while, she finally said, "I and I saw the teacher's game six years ago, and I really liked Kendo. The teacher's movements are so beautiful, every time I encounter setbacks, every time I want to beat the drums, That encourages me to step forward. So I think that other people may not like Kendo because they have seen the teacher’s game."

This is the reason why she disagrees with the selection method just mentioned by her friend. However, it also contains her memories and sincere heart. She blushed because the words were too similar to the confession. So, she didn't hesitate for so long at the beginning, do you want to say it? After all, the kindness in her heart defeated this restraint.

The kitchen was quiet. The boy's washing of vegetables stopped. She wanted to look at Jinghua's face at the moment to judge what she thought about her husband. However, she didn't do this, maybe there was a trace of fear?

‘Me, what do I want to do so much? ‘She comforted herself, ‘Jinghua simply expressed that because Jingyu liked Kendo, what I saw at the beginning would never be wrong, it was just a longing for idols. ’

‘It’s awful to be silent like this, for both of them. "Jingyu, thinking about how to solve the problem, noticed the strange silence of the two girls and said:

"Well, when it comes to this kind of situation, it seems that I can't let it go. It's so good, let them recruit the basics of kendo first, and carry out the usual practice; , Teach them Kendo at a fixed time; the last person, give them a month to exercise. If you meet the standard, it is not too late to enter Kendo."

Although this'last person' cannot be ruled out that there are people who like kendo, most of them want to come from the name of Mu Jingyu. The "one-month period" of Jingyu is to test whether they have enough perseverance. If you can't even do this, you really can't talk about kendo.

Jinghua understood Jingyu's intention at once and turned to him with a smile and said, "Teacher, you are so kind."

"Huh!" The friend lowered his head awkwardly, "I'm a bad woman anyway, right? Huh?"

"Hey, you're washing vegetables like that, it's going to rot." Jingyu laughed as she saw her heavy hands while humming.

The friend said that Jingyu was ousted out of the kitchen on the grounds that he was going to cook and the fumes would be very large. However, in the small space where the door was closed, Jinghua's repressed moan of'Don't touch there, don't' immediately sounded.

It seems that a friend has retaliated against her.

The next day after that, Jinghua really transferred Jingyu's method to Nakamura and Sangyuan. Both felt feasible, and the selection of the Kendo Department was on the right track. Pengzi joined the tea ceremony and flower arrangement after that.
