Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 280: Angel 1

"Brother." Xiaolan immediately dropped all the tension and fear and ran in the direction of the gunfire.

Turned one block, and even passed through the alleyway of the two-floor room in order to shorten the arrival time. And because of this, when she was about to leave the alley, she saw a silver-haired ponytail man running across the front road with a gun in his right hand.

Xiaolan immediately covered her mouth and hid in the shadow of the lane.

"Hey, Calvados, use surveillance cameras to search the neighborhood, and tell me whoever you see!" Sharon knew that there was a "third person", so he ordered with the voice of the "silver-haired killer" after disguise. . I don’t know what Calvados answered her. I just listened to her and said: "Well, failed, Akai’s guy should join me with Kris who rushed to me later? I won’t retreat for now Just do what I say!"

The voice gradually went away. From these words, Xiaolan vaguely knew that Chris was safe. As for ‘Akai’, it’s probably that the fbi Jingyu said didn’t hear about his brother, but since this person asked his companion to search nearby, he was probably looking for his brother.

‘His plan failed, it must be destroyed by his brother. So, does he want to avenge his brother? ’

After understanding, Xiaolan looked at the direction where ‘he’ left, and then looked at the way.

She chased in the direction of the killer and encouraged herself in the bottom of her heart, ‘It’s okay, I haven’t found such a powerful brother by me, it’s okay’

She did this because she was worried that the murderer would find Jingyu, and wanted to remind Jingyu as soon as this happened; she did not want the murderer to hurt other people. She followed the murderer and called 110.

The silver-haired man entered an abandoned five-story building. Xiaolan waited for a while outside the building, worried that ‘he’ would leave from another exit, and came to the entrance of this building.

With her back against the wall, she exhaled a white mist of water for a long time, then quietly poked her head inward.

Black hole, except for a little light at the entrance, you can see nothing inside.

The surroundings are also very quiet, and even the sound of the heavy rain falling can be heard.

Xiaolan looked up at the sky, and then noticed that the oblique bangs on his forehead had all been stuck to his forehead. She wore a winter coat, but she felt a tide from the inside. I don't know if it was dangerous or because the clothes lost their warmth. The coldness in the body made her fight cold.

Xiaolan's head was also pillowed on the wall, and she made the final effort to enter the building and take risks.

In this way, she did not notice that the phone in her pocket was faintly lit and there was an incoming call, because she muted the phone and she did not answer it.


Another sound, but not too loud, came from the building behind him.

Xiao Lan stayed for a while, ‘Is it brother? ’

While praying in my heart, ‘Brother, don’t be okay’, she ran into the building

On the third floor of the building, Sharon's disguised silver-haired man is holding the hands of a comatose man with both hands. The man had a black pistol in his hand, and the pistol was covered with a bottle of coke that had been cut open.

Because of the cover of the Coke bottle, the gunshots were cut.

The muzzle is facing the man's own temple.

Look at this man's appearance again. The long silver hair, sloppy stubble, and jacket are clearly the objects of Sharon's cross-dressing.

Sharon let go of the man's hand, and with a snap, the man's hand holding the gun hit the floor.

Sharon stood up and looked back and forth, adjusted the posture of the new body, and tried to appear suicidal.

Then, she took out the tools she had prepared and started to clean the scene. Erasing her fingerprints and footprints Just when she was going to take off the human skin mask and replace it with a new one, disguised as an ordinary person and left here, she heard Karl from the earplugs hanging on her ears. Words from Vados.

"Little girl? Specifically, how old is the'little girl' at 16 or 7 years old?"'He' narrowed his eyes. "Let's take a screenshot of her photo and send it to my phone."

A few seconds later, the cell phone that ‘He’ was holding in his hand lighted up. Open the MMS message you just arrived, ‘He’’s lips curled up, ‘Look, I haven’t caught your tail yet. ’

"Calvados, you withdraw first, no longer need to watch the surveillance camera. Also, see this girl, don't want anyone else, including him!"'He' gave this instruction and cut off phone.

It was at this moment, ‘Ka’, a very small voice came out of the openness in the building. ‘He’ was surprised, almost silently tumbling and took the gun back from the dead man on the ground. ‘He’ stuck the gun to the door frame and slowly looked out.

Not far from here, Xiaolan was also affixed to a wall. The sound was from her. She realized that she might not be able to hear the other party's voice, and she did not dare to move.

Sharon did not know where she was hiding. However, she smiled slyly and found a mobile phone similar to the one she had before, but she dialed the number above.

The phone in Xiaolan's arms turned on again.

She found it herself, but before she could catch it, Sharon shot like she was on the side.

Of course, the bullet hit the wall but it was enough to force Xiao Lan out of the shelter. She completely ignored the phone, and this was what Sharon wanted.

The two chased and fled, chasing from the building to the escape stairs outside the building. Xiaolan had no choice but to run down. She could hear the upper part not far from herself. There was a rapid voice approaching, but her speed slowed down.

The throat is so uncomfortable, every time you breathe, it looks like the inside of the lungs is about to explode.

Then, there was a trance of consciousness, and she finally pulled the fence to barely stand firm for a moment.

Hahaha gasped violently, knowing that her legs had no strength.

And the chasing man, ‘his’ footsteps stopped.

Xiaolan turned around and faced ‘him’. Under the bangs sticking to his forehead, a pair of eyes that could not be fully opened saw the silver-haired man leaning leisurely against the fence at the turning point of the stairs. He holds the gun in one hand and the other hand installs a black short tube on the gun.

What was that, she could not remember for a while.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if she thinks so, asks:

"The gunshot just now was not my brother, right?"

She even forgot that the other party should never know who her brother was.

"Hey, hey," the silver-haired man said with an unsmiling expression: "For this part, you should care about yourself? Your brother, if he comes, I will reward him with a bullet and let him Go with you."

"Really, you haven't met your brother" Xiaolan smiled calmly.

Seeing that smiling Sharon, he stayed for a while.

What was the reason for this distraction, but she had no time to think about it, the fence she was leaning against suddenly broke, leaving her body with an escape staircase.

At present, it is the height of three floors. Although it will not die, she can no longer adjust her posture and will undoubtedly be seriously injured.

In this way, she is highly likely to be captured. Being caught means that the identity is broken through.

‘Hey’ Sharon smiled ridiculously in his heart, ‘In this way, you can’t save me? ’

Responding to her thoughts, it was Sharon who reached down and grabbed her, to be more precise, grabbed the back of her silver-haired man's jacket in disguise, and thought it was him. Looking up, she found that the arm was white and slender, and its owner was the girl who seemed to be crumbling before being threatened with her gun.

How did the girl grab it from a few steps away and grab her?

She was more dumbfounded than before.

"Woo" Xiaolan made a painful voice, she was lying at the turning point of the escape stairs, one hand clutching the cold and hard iron fence, and the other hand numbness holding Sharon's fingertips was telling her that she couldn't hold on. , "You, what are you doing? Hurry to grab my hand, me, I can't do it anymore"

The clothes in his hand were visible to the naked eye, and he slid down little by little, and the man had not moved.

Xiao Lan insisted desperately that she was almost bitten with her silver teeth.

Just when her consciousness was in a trance, the other hand stretched out beside her, grabbed the man, who was later, and surrounded her with her arms. The moment his arm tightened, ah, no need to look at his face without hearing his voice, she also knew who he was.

"Brother." The whisper was so weak that she could hardly hear it, and she completely lost her strength.
