Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 329: Levi and Shenhua 2

"If you can find it, no matter how many people, I have the ability to eliminate the use of the Twilight Pavilion as a bait, just to lure black organizations to show their full picture."

Jingyu began to tell them about the size, time of existence, purpose of activities, etc., shown in the intelligence so far. Lai Wei and Shen Hua were quite surprised when they heard that the boss in black turned out to be an old man around 150 years old.

However, they could not help but look at Jingyu.

When they were little, the Jingyu they saw was basically what they are now. Why is it so basic? Because I always feel that Jingyu is getting a little younger.

The things Jingyu got smaller did not tell them.

"In short, let’s wait for the black organization to hook ourselves up. In addition, I want to tell you that this time will never let you wait in vain. Anyway, the treasure of the Twilight Pavilion is the most valuable bait in the world. ""

Jingyu smiled slightly, her face was still, her eyes glanced at the faces of the two of them, and said:

"Because, that treasure is 100 billion dollars worth of gold!"

Levi and Shenhua's eyes widened. Even though they usually do not lack money, and because the trades involved are smuggling, arms trafficking, and pirates, the money is coming quickly, and the amount of money they can see is relatively large. They have not heard of it. Which organization has engaged in such large-scale funding.

Therefore, both eyes seemed to be eroded by gold, glittering.

Levi even slobbered without a breath. After sucking in, she jumped across the table to his side.

"Then that, are you talking about the truth? How can there be so many **** bastards?"

"Damn bastard" is her swear word, but she is not scolding Jingyu. But she can say it when she talks to Jingyu, and she can see that she is excited now.

Shenhua is not much better, "Wow, so much money, what else do we kill?"

Jingyu smiled, "Did you not tell you at first? You were trained just to give you the ability to protect yourself. You didn't say you must do dirty work."

"Don't we think you are brave enough? Raise us, and you should be too old." Levi grumbled childishly and said: ‘I just didn’t see you grow old. ’

Indeed, if you want to set according to Jingyu's age in this world, it is 52 years old. Ordinary people reach this age, even if the skills are perfect, the physical strength should be degraded. They have discussed in private, to maintain that home, and to maintain his reputation. So, consistently chose to stay in that city.

By the way, Robert is currently managing the house, and there are some minor children inside.

The reason why he chose careers such as mercenaries and killers is because he earned money from such things and raised them coughing, at least they are like this.

Lai Wei and Shen Hua don't even know that Jingyu owns Huangyu Group.

They think that choosing something else to do is a betrayal of him. Then, there is now the situation.

Jingyu rubbed the top of Lai Wei's head with tears and laughs, ‘Well, it’s a mistake. I stayed there because there are some things that can only be seen and understood in such an environment. In fact, I really hope they can stay there and use their power to let more children like them grow up’

After all, they did not live up to his expectations.

Levi and Shen Hua gradually calmed down. They know that since even they will be tempted by the Jinshan, there will be more wicked people in this world staring at it Jingyu has prepared for them. It will be a vicious and chaotic war that has never been encountered. Now, it was just the calm before the war.

The only thing that pleased them was that Jingyu would fight with them.

His gorgeous posture during the fight, they had long wanted to see it again.

That night, Jingyu did not stay. After finishing the incident with them, he entered the maid's room and told Aki Ishihara about the identity of the two female "bodyguards" outside. He raised the monthly salary of Ishihara Aki to 500,000 yen, and hoped that she would not say anything no matter what she saw or heard in this home.

After the start of the new semester, a week had passed, and Shiho Miyano contacted Jingyu, saying that he had taken the medicine and asked him to pick her up.

After re-purchasing a Porsche Panamera Jingyu, he drove the car to the villa in Erchome. As soon as you enter the villa, you can see older women such as Pengzi, Jinghua, Yingli, Elena, and daughters like Mingmei, Ayako, and Yuanzi.

They looked at him and stared at a long sofa facing away from Jingyu.

Jingyu bypassed the sofa and saw the little girl who was holding tea and still drinking tea calmly under so many eyes-Aihara, the real Aihara, whether it was Jingyu or not What was created, in short, she is indeed ashen.

Although she knew she was still Miyano Shiho, Jingyu was more excited than when she faced Miyano Shiho.

When he realized this emotion, he was a little surprised. I thought, was it because I instinctively looked forward to it, so it developed to the point where it is today?

This made him a little guilty.

Well, all these emotions were quickly put down by him.

The gray mourning is just a young version of Zhibao. However, when the slightly cold temperament was placed on a cute girl with a cute face, there was an unexpectedly strong charm that made Jingyu look very pleasing.

Asahara grieved back, and gave him an unwelcome glance.

"Are you here today just to stand there and look at me like them?"

Jingyu didn't answer her, but touched her chin very seriously and asked Jinghua seriously, "You guys, hug her?"

In a flash, Hui Yuan's sad face turned red. And the women of the mother generation, all smiled radiantly, Ming Mei and Ayako were the same, they all seemed to cry, but the garden gave a thumbs up to him, saying,'I also have a sister, of course, I must love it. '.

Jingyu looked at Asahara in disgust, and said, "I hugged him too, and it seems not excessive."
