Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 396: Feng Fujio debut

Mira and Jingyu walked down the street together, and she would observe him quietly.

He will also have a charming smile on his face like her brother. However, his brother's expressions were all trained by the royal family's special teachers and practiced from an early age. It was hard for her to imagine that he had been trained like that, because the girl who called his brother was not a civilian?

Also with one point, Mira cannot read his age from his appearance. Because of this, she thinks that this person is older than herself, so she is called "brother".

Also, ‘Huh, what a careless brother! If I am really your sister, I’m going to be angry for so long, I didn’t even find it fake! 'She thought to herself.

But this is just right, Mila gradually let go completely.

I didn't eat breakfast, and when I was hungry, I took him to some stores where she felt new.

Change it immediately if it is not tasty.

When he sees fun, he will also pull him to buy.

After you buy it, you will drop it after a while and buy another one.

Fortunately, there seems to be a lot of money in his wallet, no matter what Mila buys, it will not bottom out. And he did not be stingy about spending money for her, and never stopped her.

She wouldn't blame her for dropping things casually. She just took it to a position that would not affect people but would soon be noticed. She guessed that he wanted the thing to be taken by someone else.

Therefore, his hand was always empty, and it gave Mila the room to buy more.

In other words, she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

After walking through a whole commercial street, the two empty-handed people stood at the intersection of a road and waited for the traffic lights.

Mila asked him, "Now, is there any more fun nearby?"

"How about going to an amusement park? If this time"

Jingyu's words came to a sudden stop here, because a hard thing was pushing on the back. A mature woman said:

"do not move!"

Mila hadn't figured out what was going on. When he stopped, he looked sideways with a puzzled expression.

Then, with her ‘not seeing how it’s done’ approach, he turned around at once.

She held the black pistol in her right hand, and at the speed of thunder in her left hand, and stabbed the Mira with four fingers, she still saw it. She just saw it but couldn't react. The body looked like him like a puppet.

Of course, he did not attack himself.

However, if you really stab it, the opponent must be dead.

Mila felt this way.

However, the blonde who was standing behind him was not a good friend.

His left hand penetrated the blond hair, but did not hit the girl. The girl had released the gun and pulled back a step. When he kicked again, the backflip jumped a few meters away.

"Humph," slightly pressed the center of gravity to buffer the falling force, and was ready to rebound at any time to counterattack. There was a smile on the lips of the girl that ‘all militants understand’, “You really did it”

Her words stopped.

Because the one who attacked her in front was gone.

Following the gaze of the girl standing in a demented position, she noticed an unexpected change. At the same time, a hand was gently placed on her shoulder.

The man is behind her.

After a moment of shock in her face, as her body relaxed, she changed into a resignation-free helpless smile.

"Lost to you! This can be done"

The golden wig only fell to the ground.

Mila looked at the wig and Jingyu who was five meters away.

‘So strong! How can we be so strong? ’

When Xiaolan kicked her captain in front of her, she was already surprised.

Now, ‘Are people in this country all monsters? She couldn't help but draw the wrong conclusion.

In front, standing with him, the woman with chestnut-colored wavy hair is a pretty hot figure. She was not afraid of being restrained, and turned to look up at his face. After the meeting, smiled slightly:

"Well, he has grown into a good man again."

Say something baffling to Mira. Mila didn't know that, the woman blinked at him and cast a wink.

The people around were still stunned because of the short fight between the two.

Jingyu returned the pistol to her, "Is it for her this time?"

He glanced at Mira through her.

For a moment, Mila knew that he didn't really admit his mistake.

"Yeah," Feng Fuji shook his long hair gently. "If you are to stay with her again, I will lose a lot."

Jingyu smiled, "I can compensate you for any loss."

"That's what I said, but it's always less fun to take it from you. In short" Feng Fuji reached out and touched the pocket of Jingyu's jacket, expertly took out his wallet and took one Bank card, "Is the password the same?"

"Did I hear it just now?" Jingyu was dumb.

"It's one thing for women to make money on their own, it's justified to spend men's money!" Feng Fuji put his wallet back in him, "What is the amount above? Is it enough for me to spend it once?"

"50 million." Jingyu said: "Remember to send me the card."

"The yen is a little bit low, anyway, just one day, I'll just take a look." She turned to Mila and raised her hand to him behind him, "See you tomorrow."

Jingyu nodded, "be careful" he looked at her and at Mira.

Mira confirmed that she was going to go with this woman next.

But before leaving, "Why" she asked him: "Why do you want to see me and cooperate with me?"

"Pampering the strong girl is not bad," Jingyu said.

He turned to the place where he had parked.

Mila unwillingly pursed her lips so I didn't hold on! I can't say anything to someone who sees through me.

"Don't mind!" Fujiko looked at her and approached her with an experienced gesture: "That guy, no matter how good he is for you, he will always have to pay back the interest, although the "method" is a little different. So, enjoy it when you can enjoy his services."
