Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 49: Hidden affection and kindness

"At half past eleven, no, it's already half past ten." Ali looked at her watch and reported the wrong time embarrassedly. "It's a little late today. Since the car has arrived, we won't bother. Thank you very much for your hospitality, which helped us a lot."

He said that there was a tendency to leave. However, there was again a movement with his head down like he was avoiding something.

Looking at it in the eyes, "This is nothing." Jingyu stood still with him, "If I was there, I would lend you the car. In that case, you can go back to rest earlier. ."

"Please don't say that, Miss Lan Island mentioned it, but we refused it ourselves." Naoshan Qiushan should be afraid that Jingyu would blame his son for not being polite, and he quickly explained it to him.

"Thank you, Miss Qiushan." The friend looked at her gratefully and followed her behind Jingyu.

Finally, there are three men in the hall. Look at me. I look at you. Some unwilling expressions appear on Fujita's face. He gritted his teeth, not like leaving, but like chasing them out.

A group of people walked out of the gate of the villa. Sure enough, Fujita's voice rang, "Ali, don't you have anything to say?"

With his opening, Jingyu and his friends stopped and looked at Dr. Ali. An embarrassed look of shame appeared on the latter's face, and Naoko Akiyama stared at him carefully, and then fixed his eyes on Fujita with an anxious expression. In the end, her eyes flashed a flame that was so hard to put out that she didn't say anything.

"Doctor, we have known each other for 14 years. Is there anything I can't say to me?" Seeing some stalemate silence at the scene, he looked at the expressions of the five outsiders in his eyes, and Jingyu asked.

"This," Dr. Ali glanced at Fujita, who kept his eyes open, but still couldn't speak.

Upon seeing this, Fujita spoke to Jingyu for him. He also pretended to be familiar with Dr. Ali and patted his shoulder intimately.

"Ali Jun is really, since he is a friend, why is there any embarrassment to say this? Mr. Suzuki, in fact, the subject of our research has recently encountered obstacles because of the lack of capital investment, many experiments cannot be launched. If this project can be successful You must be able to get a Ph.D. smoothly."

"No, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will be able to overcome it," Ali said, and was interrupted by Fujita's arm.

"If the research encounters obstacles, why would you come to the seaside for a holiday?" Jingyu didn't speak, but his friend asked him back.

"It was because of the obstacles that we all came here to relax." Fujita pretended to be distressed, and he hinted, "As long as there is enough money invested, the obstacles can be overcome smoothly. Right, Akai and Ansai." "

Listening to Fujita mentioning the two of them, the middle-aged man and another young man who didn't speak, barely nodded with a smile.

What the friend wanted to say, Jingyu raised his hand to stop. He looked at Dr. Ali, and said seriously: "Doctor, is that true?"

It can be seen that Fujita is still making hints to Dr. Asa. Dr. Ali's face was extremely struggling. He is a good person himself, and it is difficult to refuse others' requests. However, he also cherishes more than ten years of acquaintance with Jingyu and is unwilling to let it bring the color of money.

For a moment, the scene was silent again, and everyone's eyes were focused on Dr. Ali.

Fujita was anxious in his heart, thinking about stimulating Ali again, and suddenly felt Jingyu staring at him sharply. In an instant, the pressure from his face almost made him fall to the ground. At the same time, he also sent a message to him, ‘you want to play some tricks in front of me, it is 10,000 years earlier. ’

He didn't dare to say anything, didn't dare to move Dr. Ali, and even his face became pale and bloodless.

"I, I still want to work harder for myself." Dr. Ali finally made up his mind, "Fujita Jun, and everyone, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Well, don't say that." Young Anxi breathed a sigh of relief and blinked at him. "As you said, there will always be a way."

"Yes, although money can't be lacked in research, if everything depends on it, I always feel that those of us who do research have become unimportant." Akai stroked his forehead. "Come again, this time, I Also get a doctorate."

‘So this person is not a Ph.D. yet? ‘Pengzi looked at Akai, who was estimated to be over forty years old, with some surprise.

"Doctor, we finally met each other once." Jingyu walked to Ali's side and patted him on the shoulder. "If you can't stand firm today, the friendship between us will be over." "In addition" he glanced at Naoko Akiyama and said nothing in the second half of the sentence.

Dr. Ali stayed for a while and smiled bitterly, ‘So, did you just mean to test me? ’

The horn at the gate rang again, and the crowd walked forward again. However, Jingyu specially called Naoko Akiyama, and the two fell to the end of the team.

"Miss Akiyama, after what happened just now, I believe that the hatred in your heart has changed?" He whispered, making Naoko Akiyama's face completely changed.

"Me, I don't know what you're talking about?" she denies in a panic.

"I don't know what happened between you." Jingyu didn't care about her reaction and just said to herself: "But is it worth ruining your own beautiful future for the sake of scum?"

While talking inside the room, he felt that Naoki Akiyama was too concerned about Dr. Ali. He even pretended to be inadvertently asked if Jingyu had ever invested in Dr. Ali's research. However, she did not have a love for Ali, or she kept the distance deliberately, which was somewhat incredible.

Until he was about to walk out of the room, he understood one thing from Fujita's eyes on Dr. Asa. Akiyama Naoko should be looking for a person who has drawn a sponsorship fund for the subject they are working on and she didn’t know how before, thinking that person is Dr. Ali.

In this way, her behavior can be explained. She continues to help Dr. Ali, and when she kills Dr. Ali, who would suspect that she did it? Because she is the person who supports Dr. Ali most.

Jingyu's test of Dr. Ali undoubtedly let her know who he really should hate. In other words, she actually has doubts in her heart, which should be the main reason why she has not started now.

It stands to reason that the subject is not the familiar Dr. Ali, and Jingyu would not care whether she killed or not. The reason why he is doing this at the moment is that she has just spoken for her friends for a small reason.

Akiyama Naoko showed kindness to his friend, and as a friend’s husband, Jingyu could show her goodwill once.

"However, there are always things that cannot be forgiven anyway, right?" Naoki Akiyama gritted his teeth and looked directly at Jingyu. "You just tried Alijun like that, isn't it because you have intolerable things? "

Unexpectedly, she would use this to refute herself. Jingyu laughed, "Okay, I." His words stopped suddenly when he arrived here, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked towards the gate.

At the same moment, in the lobby on the ground floor of the villa, the bells of the bells kept ringing. The room was wrapped in a nightgown by Sharon on the ground floor, opened a door and looked out, then came out and connected the phone.

"Sir, is it sir?"

The sound from the microphone was anxious, and Sharon felt a little familiar. Wasn't she seen Maria once in the morning?

"I'm not. I have something to tell you," Sharon replied.

"Tell Mr. quickly, you must not open the door anyway." Maria said from the microphone on the opposite side. "The **** **** in the town actually want to rob him. You must be careful. They carry guns. I went there for a while. I only found out that the police had been called. As long as I insisted for a short while, the police would go to feed, hey, have you heard?"

The phone is still thinking, but Sharon is gone
