Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 50: Dare to strike? There are three fbi here

At the steel gate of the villa, a gangster motorcycle and three cars parked here. The first car was driven by the man named Henry, who was sitting in his co-pilot position and pointed at him with a gun. The last two cars and the people on the motorcycle came down and gathered around the first car.

"Are those tourists also yellow people?" Jack in a cowboy hat frowned, "It's really troublesome." The skin color is the same. How do you tell who is the owner of the villa if you want to walk together?

"It's nothing. Do you think that such a rich man would send some tourists out?" Sith sneered. "I'm afraid he is still in the villa and continues to hug the women's carnival."

"It makes sense." Jack glanced at Sith and asked with his eyes what the driver named Henry would do afterwards.

"A person in the town, let's be stunned first." Sith said after thinking for a while.

On the way, they did not persuade the man named Henry to work with them. However, Henry seemed to be married and had a family in the town, and he did not want to live a fugitive life.

The man in the co-pilot's seat heard the sound and tapped the back of Henry's head with the gun handle, causing his head to hit the center of the steering wheel horn for a long chirp, as if impatiently urging the person inside to come faster general.

It took only a minute to pass. In the quiet night, footsteps came from behind the steel gate. The faces of Sith and others brought the abnormal excitement before the crime. At this moment, a gunshot broke their vision of the future and wealth.

In the courtyard of the villa separated by a three-meter high steel gate-

Everyone hadn't figured out what was going on. The villa or the street lights in the courtyard all went out. The sudden darkness and gunshots around me panicked ordinary people outside Jingyu. Although they didn't move, they looked around, especially looking for the position of their friends and Jingyu.

"There may be an attacker outside. The villa fired a warning to us over there. Everyone can squat down as close to the ground as possible, and hide by leaning to the sides. It's best not to talk!" Jingyu whispered. Instructed, one side had come to the friend, and protected her from leaning to the side of the road.

Originally, some nervous friends were calmed down after Jingyu held his hand. No matter what he is going to face, as long as he is still around, she will not be afraid. Naoki Akiyama, who was still talking side by side with Jingyu, was speechless because Jingyu left her and ran away.

Hearing Jingyu's voice, Ali, Akai, Anxi, and Qiushan barely calmed down and moved to both sides. Fujita now regrets coming to this villa. Not only did he not get sponsorship, but also met the attacker, he would rather walk the 20 kilometers at the beginning. He did not know that Naoko Akiyama was really struggling in his heart now, would he want to kill him while he was in chaos?

The seven men lost their voices for a while, and the car horn outside that should have been more urged did not sound anymore. When the surroundings were quiet, many people could hear the sound of footsteps stepping on the ground.

They can’t open the door. At this point, the attackers are all residents nearby, and they have known for a long time. What can be done is to climb into the courtyard from above the door. So they started the car again, and moved the front of the car to the gate, trying to reduce the difficulty of climbing by stepping on the front of the car.

The seven Jingyu people who were close to the gate here judged this from the sound outside the gate.

After such a moment, he adjusted to the surrounding light, and with the help of the faint moonlight, he could barely see the nearby figure. Jingyu gestured to them and motioned them to move more carefully to the side, away from the gate. With his friends, he deliberately merged with Akiyama who was beside Fujita, and moved to the other side distinguished from three persons such as Aka, Akai, and Ansai.

Of course, he jumped out of the gate at the beginning, and it was okay to kill all the attackers. However, he had foreseen that he was about to get 100 replacement points, but he was waiting for these attackers to come in, so as to kill them with their hands. Since Fujita had died after his death, and Akiyama who wanted to kill him did not go to prison, Jingyu should be able to Get a replacement point reward. He guessed so, and really wanted to give it a try--

Is it only when the detective is present that the huge side mission is triggered, or is it possible to get a reward if you make some changes yourself?

Because there was a gun shot over the villa, and after the car at the steel gate started again, no one would climb the assailants, and they would be afraid. For example, people in the villa shot and killed them while they were over the door.

At the moment in the villa, when the gunshots were heard, the sleeping girl, including Kiko, woke up.

When assigning rooms, Xizi, Jinghua, Qianying, and Anqi lived on the second floor, and the rest lived on the first floor. It should have been like this, except that Carol and Catherine are now chatting in Angel's room. That is to say, there is actually only Sharon on the first floor.

Her reaction was not insensitive, and her judgment was extremely correct. When she heard that on the phone, Maria immediately rushed into Jingyu's room and took out the rifle. First broke a piece of glass, fired a shot into the air, and then turned off all the lights.

When there was some movement upstairs, she quickly shouted again, telling them that the villa was safe and let them all come down.

The three girls of fbi deserve to be well-trained and have put on simple and easy-to-exercise clothing. They all carry pistols on their bodies. This is their professional habit, and it is also related to the fact that the United States does not prohibit private ownership of guns.

"What's the situation?" Carol asked, as she saw that Sharon shot and turned off the light again, and it seemed serious. Moreover, Jingyu and others are not here, and I heard a horn outside just now.

"The town has to get in touch, some people want to fight his idea for money." Sharon said, "I think it should come with the car that picks up the tourists. They have guns in their hands."

"Is that so?" Carol and Catherine glanced at each other, and nodded to each other. "Angel, you stay to protect everyone, we go out to deal with them."

"Me too" Angel said anxiously, Jingyu was still outside, but she couldn't bear it.

"Listen, now is not the time to be brave, and here also needs people to protect." Carol severely interrupted her. Because she knew that An Qi had just lost her body tonight, and there were still some unfavorable legs, but she could not bluntly embarrass An Qi.

An Qi bit her lip, understood what she meant, and urged: "Got it, then go quickly."

Carol and Catherine rolled their eyes together. What's the matter, they didn't wear body armor on them, and there was a danger of death when they went out? If you really have a man, don't want sisters.

Think about it, the two women were still loaded with bullets, and each took a flashlight because they were like Angel, and they were reluctant to hurt Jingyu and his friends.

After leaving the door of the villa, the two women alternately cover and move towards the steel gate. Carol, who was staying inside, watched closely at the window, while Sharon and others took the opportunity to change into clothes that were easy to move. Although they know that Jingyu is very powerful, there are friends next to him, and there are other ordinary people. They must be affected. They must be prepared to fight and may be led to this villa.

Almost at the same time when Carol and Catherine came out of the villa building, someone finally jumped into the courtyard. The first man squatted in place, raised his pistol and observed it for a while, and stepped on the ground lightly to the other side's companion to signal that more people began to go in.
