Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 9: Overnight girl neighbors

"excuse me!"

Although accepting the invitation, Jinghua whispered a polite sentence when he entered the door. Put on the slippers prepared for her by the friend at the entrance, and step forward five more steps, it is a bright living room that gives a sudden and cheerful feeling.

The hanging white gauze curtains did not block the outside sunlight, but were enough to prevent people inside from being seen by the outside during the day. The overall interior layout is dominated by white, such as three sofas, walls, and chandeliers surrounding the rectangular coffee table. The floor is wooden and brown; the upper layer of the coffee table is transparent glass, and you can see that there are many beautiful candy trays on the second layer; the sofa on the front faces a TV that is more than forty inches, and it is placed in the combination cabinet. Above.

There are two rooms on the left and right sides of the living room, plus one from the entrance, and a wall behind the right side of the front sofa is hollowed out in half. You can directly see a set of pear-colored dining tables, chairs, and a refrigerator in the corner. , And another room is the kitchen.

"You are much older than me here." Jinghua looked at his friend with some surprise.

"This, I don't know very well." As this housewife, but said this, his friend appeared embarrassed.

"The size of the single and double numbers in this apartment will be different." Jingyu who entered the room after them explained, and was a little curious. "Why, when you rented it, did you not make it clear?"

Knowing that Jingyu was asking himself, Jinghua face was cramped, "Yes, a kind and kind sister introduced me to here."

Until now she still thought she was dreaming. She was worrying about where to rent a house. Just out of the agency, she met a beautiful and elegant woman. Said it was a friend of mine who had an idle house and asked her if she wanted to rent it.

When Jinghua heard that it was a "set", he almost refused. However, the amount that the woman said did not exceed her budget, which really surprised her. After actually seeing the house, I immediately agreed to come down.

After listening to her description, Jingyu already understood. Although he couldn't remember who the girl named Chi Bo Jinghua was in the future, he knew that the woman who brought her here must be a member of his maid's guard. The other party should know that this girl will be the one he wants, and then help.

Contrary to him, his friend was wary, "Jinghua, have you checked whether her documents are complete and legal?"

"Hey?" Jinghua stayed. "I signed her three-year contract and I saw her identity certificate and the property rights of the house. Are you doubting her? But I think that sister is a kind person, no There will be problems."

"Of course, it's better to have no problems." My friend still didn't feel relieved. "Anyway, you will live in our house today. Let's check it out a little bit. The layout is done today. Should we have results tomorrow? She asked Jingyu tentatively.

As a wife, she still knew this. After all, Jingyu has a Suzuki Shiro's external identity. In addition to being the coach of the Kendo Department at Didan High School, it is his real job to control the considerable industry of the Suzuki Group. In this way, he has considerable energy in this Tokyo city.

"Although I also think that the lady should only be kind, it's okay to investigate a little bit." Jingyu pointed to the bag that the two of them held in their hands. "Are you going to do this all the time? Then when will I have to eat it?" What about the celebration of Jinghua?"

The three temporarily separated after leaving Kendo in the morning. Jinghua's family also needs some cleaning up, while Jingyu accompanies his friends to go shopping. In the afternoon, the two girls, somehow, pulled Jingyu to accompany them to buy daily necessities. In fact, they mentioned things to say that they wanted to hold a small celebration.

"Ah!" The two girls exclaimed slightly, and Jinghua blushed when she heard Jingyu call her "name" directly. He was entangled in whether to remind him to make changes, and even forgot to respond to the friend's previous request that she stay overnight. Finally, led by their friends, they went to the kitchen together. As for Jingyu, he dialed a phone number and asked his maid to know Jinghua's identity in the original track. He put down the phone and showed a satisfied look when looking at the kitchen, and then dialed another phone to the two girls for the necessary investigation. Of course, it was just superficial.

Soon after, a hearty meal was placed on the table. The friend poured champagne for Jingyu, and poured himself juice separately from Jinghua. The three of them toasted and touched.

"Congratulations on your successful entry into Kendo Club." Peng Zi winked at Jinghua Road sitting opposite, and then at Jingyu sitting on the side of the throne. "You have a good day today. Jinghua can cook, even I have to be convinced." She said this, but it was slightly sour.

"It's so good, if you study with Jinghua, then I'm really blessed." Jingyu teased her.

The friend wrinkled his little nose at him, but his face smiled.

"I, I haven't done that well." Chi Bo Jinghua's face was hot. Seeing Jingyu took a sip of wine, she took a sip of juice. When he started to pick up the chopsticks, no one told him it was the two of them, but he did not hesitate to catch the dishes made by his friends.

At this moment, Jinghua didn't know what it was like. But she can be sure that she is envious of the happy smile on the face of the opposite friend.

"Stupid!" Peng Zi Jiao lamented, picked up a piece of fried meat and put it in Jingyu's small bowl, "This is what Jinghua did."

"Yours are not bad!" Jingyu praised her, and took Jinghua's piece to her mouth again. He stayed for a while, holding the left hand of Jinghua under the stunned gaze of the two women, "Please, please teach your friends without reservation."

"You!" The chin lifted slightly a moment ago, and the proud friend, stepped on him under the table.

Afterwards, her face turned red. It turned out that Jingyu seemed to get a reminder and started to scratch her calf with her toes. The weird feeling of itching made her almost moan out, only to beg him with shy tears in the corner of her eyes. Jinghua was also just because Jingyu suddenly held her hand, and she was in a state of overwhelming shyness, not paying attention to her strangeness. On the other hand, the friend did not look to her side, otherwise it must not be calm.

Although Jingyu had a joke in that sentence, Jinghua did a great job. I don't know if it's a talent. She was only fifteen years old, and she felt like her maidservants. Moreover, the taste and her uniqueness is that Jingyu has not eaten.

After all, his friend is his woman, but she can't really lose her face. After a small punishment, Jingyu let her go. At this time, Jinghua's shyness also went, and the atmosphere between the three finally returned to normal.

After dinner, Jingyu went to take a shower. Jinghua, who had packed things with his friends and helped in the kitchen, only then recalled what his friends said about staying overnight. She felt bad, why did she forget to refuse at the time?

Jinghua didn't notice, and his friends were silent for a while.

After Jingyu came out, Jinghua was pushed into the bathroom by his friend. After hearing for a while, the sound of the shower finally sounded. The friend sighed with relief and knocked on the door of Jingyu's study.

"Is it a good thing to discuss?" She stood by the door and whispered after a moment of bewilderment: "Tonight, I will sleep with her."

Jingyu, sitting behind the brown desk, Jingyu looking at some documents couldn't stop laughing
