Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 17: A coincident arrest plan

This is really a very long night.

The beginning of the battle was a cross-river battle launched by ground forces, but afterwards, the army, navy, and air forces fully participated from midnight to dawn, and the whole battle still had no sign of ending.

There is a distance of 200 kilometers from the Mekong River along the starting point of the attack to Ho Chi Minh City. The Army of the Chinese Federation, with the fastest advancement, reached the point where it could see the lights of downtown Ho Chi Minh City. Although it was only a few small armored vehicles composed of armored vehicles, tanks, and infantry who lost their way to avoid enemy bombing.

However, Brittania’s defenders still occupied a section of the Mekong River. Even Mariana’s headquarters has not changed at all.

The most wonderful thing that happened was a Britanian force, and a Chinese Federation force, on the two sides of a road separated by a peaceful rest for a few hours. I accidentally found something wrong, but the two soldiers who had urinated on the side of the road really scared them off, and before the urination was over, they took a gun and panic.

Britannia's navy is not as easy as in the middle of the night. The Chinese Federation mobilized the submarine force haunted by the submarine, and circled with it in the offshore area of ​​the Indochina Peninsula. The battleship that Britannia entered into the Mekong was also forced to retreat by the speed boat of the Chinese Federation.

The Air Force, how to say, the overnight rush, also made the pilots tired enough to choke, it is rare that the two sides have a tacit understanding, temporarily no longer send them to fight.

While eating breakfast, Jingyu listened to reports from intelligence personnel on the round table knight who served as the conductor.

"It turned out to be Mariana." He was a little surprised and asked, "Is this woman married?"

"Hah?" The intelligence staff wanted to break his scalp, but he didn't think that Jingyu would be interested in it. The first person to be asked was this. After staying for a while, weirdly looked at this young man who could be said to have just developed, and replied: "No, there was no rumor that the emperor planned to marry her as the concubine, but later, I don’t know why it was gone It’s gone."

‘Unmarried? Maybe it was my maid guards. ’Jingyu’s lip angle outlined a pleasant arc, and he had already figured it out in his mind. How to catch her alive, “I heard that Mariana was involved in the development of a weapon called knightmare. Is there any details about this?”

‘It’s finally a serious question. 'The intelligence officer seemed to find his value because of this question. He coughed excitedly and answered very formally: "Yes," he handed a photo to Jingyu. "It's been months." The former subordinates of intelligence obtained from the work of our comrades in Britannia believed that the change should not be too great."

Jingyu glanced at the photo, the picture was not too clear, and it was black and white. However, the shape of a steel robot is there.

"Very well, pass this to the army, and report it to me no matter where it appears." He waved his hand and told the intelligence officer to leave. Then he ordered to the staff officer: "The eighth heavy tank division and the third armed helicopter were formed and mobilized to stand by. I will fight with the army later. If commanded, it will be handed over to Admiral Kermor."

"Yes." The staff officer quickly contacted.

At the Britannia Army Phnom Penh military base, Marianna took c.c. to stand in front of a humanoid weapon called ‘ganymede’ painted in blue.

"Do you want me to drive?" c.c. looked at Marianna with some surprise. "It's in your hands, more powerful."

"Although that is true, it is better for this battle." Marianna smiled. "You know, the other party's impression is that the Empire just sent a round table knight to command and participate in the battle. My name And experience will soon fall into the hands of the opposing commander."

She pointed to'ganymede', "It will be my symbol, where it appears, the boy must think that I am there, and never think of you cc, this is an important task, You need to do everything possible to attract his attention. Once he reveals his position, I will give him a fatal blow."

Marianna is very grateful that c.c. is here and possesses extraordinary physical abilities. If someone else, she really can't safely implement this double-reed plan.

"Well," c.c. pondered for a while, ‘Although it’s a bit uncomfortable as a bait, there is no way. My body has the attributes that can’t die. Any battle can be. She smiled slightly, "Okay, that's it. However, I want to remind you not to do something that is offensive to me in the dark."

"You're very honest with me, I won't lie to you." Marianna smiled with satisfaction, "Catch him alive, it seems very interesting, I found myself wanting to take a look, his small face is full of What expression did he feel when he regretted it. And I also thought very much that in front of him like that, I would like to pose as a winner."

"Vicious!" c.c. spit this woman without shame that bullies the little boy.

Don't look at c.c.'s thin appearance, thanks to the code system, she has explosive power and strength that can't be seen on the outside. It seemed that it was difficult to control the humanoid weapon, she only took a short time to master its control.

Of course, she can't compare with Mariana's talent in this respect. When the woman is controlling the machine, she can do it as if she is controlling her hands and feet.

But that's it, Marianna was already satisfied. She immediately ordered that c.c. depart with the second special regiment division supplemented by the formation to attack a moving ground unit of the Chinese Federation. During the battle, let c.c. control the ganemede to show up in order to pass this news to the dragon division of the Chinese Federation.

Britannia’s command system began to shift to Ho Chi Minh City. The existence of the Second Special Regiment was like a barrier, with the guard behind it.

After confessing to the original commanders, Marianna also entered a tank and moved with the second division.

Soon after, she really received a report that the heavy tank troops of the Chinese Federation were pursuing from the rear.

‘The fish has already been hooked. Will I get him netted, or will he be dragged into the water? It's really worth looking forward to. ’

She licked her plump red lips sweetly.
