Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 18: Tank battle

The same is the tank corps, and they are not close together. If it is usual, it is difficult to catch up. However, it was because of the fierce battle in one night that caused the Chinese Federal Army and Brittania’s troops to disrupt Jingyu before they could mobilize the troops in front to intercept this Bunitania tank.

Correspondingly, since Marianna wants to be a temptation, she can't make Jingyu'successful' too easy. After Jingyu mobilized the blocking forces, she also immediately mobilized the forces of Bunitania to attack the blocking forces. Jingyu then mobilized other troops to attack her later mobilized troops

The two seemed to cooperate with each other in a tacit agreement, and soon made the front of the two tank divisions become a pot of porridge.

It is completely unclear whether the cloth side prevails or the Chinese side prevails. However, this also tells the two from the other side that when the tank division group wins or loses, this stage of the war will also win or lose.

Both men were desperate on the tank division.

Marianna feels that she has three advantages. The first one, Jingyu didn’t know that she cooperated with cc and played the double reed. She was in a dark place; the second one, if the Britannia army failed, there would be no place to stand on the Indochina Peninsula. No refund

Third, Jingyu’s control of the Chinese Federation Army is not perfect, and the army cannot show it when it is in the upper hand. Once it is in the lower hand, it is easy to cause the collapse of the army level.

Marianna didn't think she would lose.

She even formulated two strategies for the first and third articles-using "ganymede" as a bait to give priority to catching Long Jingyu; if it fails, she will concentrate her superior forces to defeat the psychological defense line of the Chinese Federation Army.

The latter of these two is precisely what Jingyu is worrying about and desperately wants to avoid. This has little to do with his ability. The 13-year-old young military division, which is only a month old, has more influence on the army than the round table knights that have been inherited for hundreds of years. It is obvious.

Therefore, in order to suppress this unfavorable factor to the greatest extent, Jingyu stopped the march once before leading the tank division to encounter the enemy. As the dust cleared, he stood on top of the tank and gave a brief speech to all members of the tank division in a harsh tone.

"This battle, I am with you. In order to show my determination to win, I have ordered the Air Force to only advance the Eighth Heavy Tank Division and the Chief Military Division, and the retreat, including me, will suffer from the Air Force. Bombing without killing!"

The operators of more than three hundred tanks, either drilled out of the tank or used periscopes, looked at him in astonishment—whether it was a kind of self-confidence or a kind of madness. They didn’t know, but they knew exactly How serious this battle is.

Jingyu paused and gave these operators a reaction time before ordering:

"Warriors, keep going! It is not the death that is waiting in the front, but the supreme glory of defeating the Knights of the Britannia Round Table. After this battle, the Eighth Tank Division will surely become the trump card of the Chinese EFF."

The tank division, which was already in pursuit of the enemy, was completely encouraged. The soldiers shouted'Long live the Eighth Tank Division Regiment' with Jingyu cheering. I don’t know who wants to pat Jingyu’s flattery, or if their emotions have reached that point, such a sound wave adds a sentence later:

"Long live the Chief Military Division!"

Jingyu vibrated his right arm with a fist and returned to the tank battle room where he was. During this short period of time, the tank at the forefront of the entire division re-entered the road for another ten miles, and the british special division appeared in the opposite side.

"Armed helicopter formations circled from the side to the rear of the enemy division and attacked arbitrarily." Jingyu issued combat instructions in the tank. "The progress of the tank forces remains unchanged. The sequence of vehicles 001 to 015, pay attention to the 000 with me. The tanks are in sync."

On the small combat platform in front of Jingyu, there is a diamond-shaped light green area. The small dots represent tanks. The tank where he is located is a blue dot behind the left side of the diamond.

Opposite the diamond-shaped area, there is a red triangle area at a distance of ten kilometers, which is the second special decoration group of Brittania. The exterior is wrapped in heavy tanks. On both sides of the formation are anti-aircraft combat vehicles. The rear of the formation is a multi-barrel rocket launcher with high lethality but very slow ammunition filling.

Such information was reported by armed helicopters approaching the red triangle area from both sides.

Jingyu’s eighth heavy tank division is an offensive situation, as is Brittania’s second special division. The two sides faced each other, and only three minutes later, they were first launched by the multiple rocket launchers of the Second Special Regiment, starting the battle.

When a violent explosion was introduced into the tank, on the command platform in front of Jingyu, some dots appeared in the small dots in the diamond-shaped area, and the tanks that disappeared with the dots quickly had been destroyed.

My tank survived this wave of attack, and when the two sides were only three kilometers apart, they immediately returned. The red triangle on the opposite side also started to have some red dots removed.

At the same time, armed helicopters fired air-to-ground missiles at the central position of the enemy’s rear, and blew up many multi-barrel rocket launchers. In order to maintain their formation, Mariana did not deploy anti-aircraft combat vehicles to assist those launchers.

Perhaps she thinks that their role is gone after the rockets in the barrel are emptied.

The tanks of the Second Special Division also fired back, eliminating both sides of the Chinese tank. In this battle, the two sides kept approaching. When the distance was only one kilometer, the triangle area on the opposite side suddenly became confused.

Jingyu looked through the periscope of the chariot and it turned out that they threw smoke in their own area. Except for the artillery fire constantly shooting out of the smoke, the situation inside was completely invisible. The tank that threw the smoke was not enveloped by the smoke, and transmitted coordinates to the rear forces to facilitate accurate attacks by the rear forces.

But Jingyu knows that hiding himself is not the purpose of these smogs. What he really wants to hide is the knightmareganymede, which is an alien in this special decoration group.

This conjecture became reality after half a minute. The humanoid weapon emerged from the smoke and rushed towards the right side of the diamond at a speed far exceeding the speed of the tank.

The heavy tank of the Eighth Division had no time to adjust the muzzle to aim at this blue knightmare, and it was brought close to the dangerous distance. Knightmare held two huge black machine guns in his hands, and fired hummingly. The front tank was quickly penetrated and exploded and caught fire.

Relying on the high machine of the leg to walk the drive wheel, after it alone entered the front of the Eighth Division, it did not advance straight, but moved laterally to attack on the left. Two machine guns, which are not bad for killing tanks, constantly broke tanks. Whenever a tank fires shells at it, it will eject a cable hook called flying swallow claws from the waist, thereby quickly changing its direction.

The formation of the Eighth Division was completely destroyed. Some tanks stopped, some tanks were still advancing, and even speeded up. The second special brigade division of Brittania, at this moment, methodically pierced the eighth division with triangular arrows front.

‘So, where are you? ‘I’m deeply satisfied with Mariana as c.c., staring at the combat platform in front of herself with her lips, at this moment, a non-chaotic tank unit broke into her sight.
